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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: GHDTCKDTT

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Ves s 5 P35786 0.00 7.3270 7.8125 98GHDTCKDTT106
2Ves vi 5 P35787 2.06 5.8980 6.8543 99GHDTCKDTE107
3Ves g 5 P35784 4.01 4.5388 5.9430 97GHDTCRDVA105
4Ves p 5 P35785 4.01 4.5388 5.9430 97GHDTCRDVA105
5Ves m 5 P35760 4.01 4.5388 5.9430 97GHDTCRDVA105
6Ves v 5 Q05110 4.01 4.5388 5.9430 120GHDTCRDVA128
7Dol a 5 Q05108 4.11 4.4730 5.8989 96GHDQCRNTA104
8Vesp v 5.0101 VA5_VESVE 4.12 4.4626 5.8919 97GHDNCRNTA105
9Ves f 5 P35783 4.38 4.2807 5.7699 97GHDTCRDIA105
10Vesp m 5 P81657 4.67 4.0826 5.6371 97GHDVCRNTA105
11Dol m 5.02 P10737 4.70 4.0635 5.6243 107GHDQCRNTE115
12Dol m 5.02 552080 4.70 4.0635 5.6243 107GHDQCRNTE115
13Vesp c 5 P35782 4.85 3.9575 5.5533 97GHDNCRNSA105
14Vesp c 5 P35781 4.85 3.9575 5.5533 97GHDNCRNSA105
15Dol m 5.0101 P10736 6.29 2.9530 4.8797 120NHDDCRNTA128
16Glo m 5 8927462 6.64 2.7160 4.7208 106NHDRCRNTV114
17Blo t 2.0104 A6XEP6 6.79 2.6092 4.6492 84DKDGCKHTT92
18Blo t 2.0104 A6XEP0 6.79 2.6092 4.6492 84DKDGCKHTT92
19Blo t 2.0104 A6XEP3 6.79 2.6092 4.6492 84DKDGCKHTT92
20Blo t 2.0104 A6XEP5 6.79 2.6092 4.6492 84DKDGCKHTT92
21Blo t 2.0104 A6XEP4 6.79 2.6092 4.6492 84DKDGCKHTT92
22Blo t 2.0104 A6XEN8 6.79 2.6092 4.6492 84DKDGCKHTT92
23Blo t 2.0101 34495272 6.79 2.6092 4.6492 86DKDGCKHTT94
24Blo t 2.0102 34495270 6.79 2.6092 4.6492 84DKDGCKHTT92
25Blo t 2.0104 A6XEP2 6.79 2.6092 4.6492 84DKDGCKHTT92
26Blo t 2.0104 A6XEN9 6.79 2.6092 4.6492 84DKDGCKHTT92
27Blo t 2.0103 34495268 6.79 2.6092 4.6492 83DKDGCKHTT91
28Blo t 2.0104 A6XEP1 6.79 2.6092 4.6492 84DKDGCKHTT92
29Pac c 3.0101 VA5_BRACH 6.91 2.5242 4.5923 90GHDGCRNVE98
30Pol d 4.0101 30909091 6.95 2.4949 4.5726 212GRDACQNDS220
31Tri a 35.0101 283480513 7.22 2.3091 4.4480 57GHGDHQQTT65
32Cha o 3.0101 GH5FP_CHAOB 7.40 2.1879 4.3668 284PNDVCKNET292
33Hom s 5 1346344 7.53 2.0971 4.3059 545GSSTIKYTT553
34Der f 23.0101 ALU66112 7.59 2.0530 4.2763 64SESTVKPTT72
35Pol e 5.0101 51093375 7.66 2.0018 4.2420 121VHDKCRNTA129
36Pol a 5 Q05109 7.66 2.0018 4.2420 104VHDKCRNTA112
37Pol e 5.0101 P35759 7.66 2.0018 4.2420 100VHDKCRNTA108
38Poly s 5.0101 Q7Z156 7.66 2.0018 4.2420 101VHDKCRNTA109
39Pol f 5 P35780 7.66 2.0018 4.2420 100VHDKCRNTA108
40Poly p 5.0102 VA5_POLPI 7.66 2.0018 4.2420 101VHDKCRNTA109
41Poly p 5.0101 VA52_POLPI 7.66 2.0018 4.2420 100VHDKCRNTA108
42Der p 3 P39675 7.73 1.9567 4.2118 206GKDSCQGDS214
43Act d 5.0101 P84527 7.77 1.9296 4.1936 32GTHICRGTT40
44Blo t 4.0101 33667932 7.87 1.8560 4.1442 156GHESCPTSN164
45Pru p 2.0101 190613911 7.97 1.7902 4.1001 147GTGKCKAST155
46Eur m 4.0101 5059164 7.98 1.7848 4.0965 159GHESCQTKD167
47Ani s 7.0101 119524036 8.02 1.7515 4.0741 1050GQGTCQQAV1058
48Act d 6.0101 27544452 8.03 1.7473 4.0713 142GAGTCEDSF150
49Der f 4.0101 AHX03180 8.07 1.7171 4.0511 159GHETCPTND167
50Aed a 2 P18153 8.08 1.7137 4.0488 134VHKAHKDTS142

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 10.544378
Standard deviation: 1.439111
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 1
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 7
10 5.0 5
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 1
14 7.0 15
15 7.5 2
16 8.0 14
17 8.5 43
18 9.0 82
19 9.5 115
20 10.0 270
21 10.5 295
22 11.0 245
23 11.5 223
24 12.0 168
25 12.5 102
26 13.0 45
27 13.5 31
28 14.0 16
29 14.5 7
30 15.0 4
31 15.5 4
32 16.0 1
33 16.5 0
34 17.0 0
35 17.5 0
36 18.0 0
37 18.5 0
38 19.0 0

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 16.768380
Standard deviation: 2.146363
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 1
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 7
10 5.0 5
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 1
14 7.0 15
15 7.5 2
16 8.0 14
17 8.5 45
18 9.0 93
19 9.5 149
20 10.0 397
21 10.5 673
22 11.0 931
23 11.5 1767
24 12.0 3462
25 12.5 4353
26 13.0 6630
27 13.5 9608
28 14.0 13109
29 14.5 17396
30 15.0 22116
31 15.5 26781
32 16.0 30853
33 16.5 35618
34 17.0 37361
35 17.5 36604
36 18.0 35286
37 18.5 30728
38 19.0 26931
39 19.5 20495
40 20.0 15001
41 20.5 10447
42 21.0 6188
43 21.5 3991
44 22.0 1845
45 22.5 920
46 23.0 299
47 23.5 66
48 24.0 5
49 24.5 3
Query sequence: GHDTCKDTT

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