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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
Alphabetical listing of allergens: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: TSMSTLVDH

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Alt a 7 P42058 0.00 7.8445 7.1944 130TSMSTLVDH138
2Lyc e 2.0102 18542115 5.33 3.7054 4.8723 565HSMRLLVDH573
3Sola l 2.0201 Q8RVW4_SOLLC 5.33 3.7054 4.8723 565HSMRLLVDH573
4Lyc e 2.0102 546937 5.33 3.7054 4.8723 565HSMRLLVDH573
5Hev b 2 1184668 6.34 2.9263 4.4352 294TYLSNLIQH302
6Pen ch 13 6684758 6.83 2.5419 4.2195 312TNFGSVVDL320
7Pen c 13.0101 4587983 6.83 2.5419 4.2195 312TNFGSVVDL320
8Ves v 6.0101 G8IIT0 7.00 2.4159 4.1488 41TGLQTLSDQ49
9Dol a 5 Q05108 7.02 2.3935 4.1363 123QTMSYLIKM131
10Pac c 3.0101 VA5_BRACH 7.03 2.3923 4.1356 117CNMNNLVQM125
11Cla h 7.0101 P42059 7.03 2.3898 4.1342 130AAMSTLSHH138
12Api m 7 22724911 7.15 2.2980 4.0827 300TSFNGMLSH308
13Dol m 5.02 552080 7.19 2.2659 4.0647 134ATMSKLIEM142
14Dol m 5.02 P10737 7.19 2.2659 4.0647 134ATMSKLIEM142
15Der f 33.0101 AIO08861 7.21 2.2528 4.0574 54DSFSTFFNE62
16Alt a 15.0101 A0A0F6N3V8_ALTAL 7.22 2.2394 4.0498 306VGASTLLDE314
17Cur l 4.0101 193507493 7.22 2.2394 4.0498 335VGASTLLDE343
18Asp f 12 P40292 7.23 2.2336 4.0465 333TSMSSYMSS341
19Blo t 6.0101 33667934 7.23 2.2334 4.0464 96QTASSLINR104
20Vesp c 5 P35782 7.25 2.2199 4.0389 72KSMNTLVWN80
21Vesp m 5 P81657 7.25 2.2199 4.0389 72KSMNTLVWN80
22Vesp v 5.0101 VA5_VESVE 7.25 2.2199 4.0389 72KSMNTLVWN80
23Vesp c 5 P35781 7.25 2.2199 4.0389 72KSMNTLVWN80
24Der p 36.0101 ATI08932 7.25 2.2161 4.0367 190LTIDQLVNH198
25Der f 36.0101 A0A291KZC2_DERFA 7.25 2.2161 4.0367 191LTIDQLVNH199
26Api m 11.0101 58585070 7.33 2.1582 4.0043 59YTMNYLLDT67
27Sch c 1.0101 D8Q9M3 7.39 2.1098 3.9771 94SSLQSVIDS102
28Gly m conglycinin 256427 7.42 2.0874 3.9645 40NSFQTLFEN48
29Tyr p 3.0101 167540622 7.43 2.0813 3.9611 263SSATTLVAV271
30Hom s 1.0101 2723284 7.48 2.0369 3.9362 231FGVSTLVEE239
31Hom s 1 2342526 7.48 2.0369 3.9362 189FGVSTLVEE197
32Mala s 12.0101 78038796 7.51 2.0188 3.9260 223DSMSGAINN231
33Lit v 2.0101 Q004B5 7.53 2.0011 3.9161 171TGMSKEVQQ179
34Pen m 2 27463265 7.53 2.0011 3.9161 171TGMSKEVQQ179
35Asp f 23 21215170 7.54 1.9917 3.9108 51AGMTTVVRD59
36Fel d 4 45775300 7.56 1.9747 3.9013 52GSMRVFVEH60
37Hev b 4.0101 46410859 7.57 1.9712 3.8993 353TTIQTLLTE361
38Mala s 12.0101 78038796 7.57 1.9672 3.8971 398TSLGKLFNN406
39Vig r 2.0201 B1NPN8 7.60 1.9433 3.8837 426QSESQFVDA434
40Gly m conglycinin 169929 7.65 1.9050 3.8622 279TAILTLVNN287
41Gly m 5.0201 Q9FZP9 7.65 1.9050 3.8622 217TAILTLVNN225
42Act d 7.0101 P85076 7.66 1.8995 3.8591 239SQMESLIDP247
43Pan h 13.0101 XP_026782131 7.72 1.8565 3.8350 287DSHSSIFDA295
44Ole e 12.0101 ALL12_OLEEU 7.72 1.8561 3.8348 158YSLPTLVQP166
45Vig r 2.0101 Q198W3 7.79 1.8024 3.8046 419QSESHFVDA427
46Api m 10.0101 94471622 7.79 1.8020 3.8044 184TTLPTLIGK192
47Api m 10.0101 94471624 7.79 1.8020 3.8044 136TTLPTLIGK144
48Ves v 6.0101 G8IIT0 7.80 1.7901 3.7978 348NSMSNELDS356
49Cup a 4.0101 145581052 7.81 1.7876 3.7963 64RSMGSEVDE72
50Alt a 8.0101 P0C0Y4 7.82 1.7748 3.7891 208TGLSDFVPQ216

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 10.109329
Standard deviation: 1.288713
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 3
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 1
14 7.0 3
15 7.5 23
16 8.0 33
17 8.5 126
18 9.0 158
19 9.5 170
20 10.0 254
21 10.5 244
22 11.0 354
23 11.5 157
24 12.0 96
25 12.5 33
26 13.0 13
27 13.5 10
28 14.0 7
29 14.5 6
30 15.0 3
31 15.5 0
32 16.0 1
33 16.5 0
34 17.0 0
35 17.5 0
36 18.0 1
37 18.5 0

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 16.526146
Standard deviation: 2.297089
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 3
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 1
14 7.0 3
15 7.5 23
16 8.0 36
17 8.5 140
18 9.0 214
19 9.5 320
20 10.0 635
21 10.5 1011
22 11.0 1849
23 11.5 3372
24 12.0 4612
25 12.5 6333
26 13.0 9108
27 13.5 12196
28 14.0 16446
29 14.5 19968
30 15.0 24322
31 15.5 27942
32 16.0 30690
33 16.5 32152
34 17.0 34380
35 17.5 33815
36 18.0 31798
37 18.5 28208
38 19.0 23523
39 19.5 19243
40 20.0 14773
41 20.5 10100
42 21.0 6025
43 21.5 3709
44 22.0 1984
45 22.5 768
46 23.0 366
47 23.5 100
48 24.0 27
Query sequence: TSMSTLVDH

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