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SDAP 2.0- - Structural Database of Allergenic Proteins
Negi, S.S., Schein C.H., and Braun, W.,
The updated Structural Database of Allergenic Proteins (SDAP 2.0) provides 3D models for allergens and incorporated Bioinformatics Tools.
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: Global (Volume 2, Issue 4, November 2023, 100162)
[Full Paper]
Schein C.H.,Negi, S.S., and Braun, W.,
Still SDAPing Along: 20 Years of the Structural Database of Allergenic Proteins
Front. Allergy 3:863172. doi: 10.3389/falgy.2022.863172
[Full Paper]
Negi, S.S., Goldblum, R., Braun, W., and Horiuti, T.M., Design of peptides with high affinity binding to a monoclonal antibody as a basis for immunotherapy
Peptides. 145:170628, 2021
[PubMed] [Full Paper]
Dreskin, S.C., Koppelman, S.J., Andorf, S., Nadeau, K.C., Kalra, A., Braun, W., Negi, S.S., Chen, X., Schein C.H., The importance of the 2S albumins for allergenicity and cross-reactivity of peanuts, tree nuts, and sesame seeds
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 147 (4), 1154-1163, 2021.
[PubMed] [Full Paper]
Dreskin S.C , Germinaro M., Reinhold D., Chen X., Vickery B.P., Kulis M., Burks W.A., Negi S.S., Braun W., Chambliss J.M., Eglite S., and McNulty C.M.G, IgE binding to linear epitopes of Ara h 2 in peanut allergic preschool children undergoing oral Immunotherapy
Pediatric Allergy and Immunology 30 (8), 817-823, 2020
[PubMed] [Full Paper]
Lu, W., Negi, S.S., Schein, C.H., Maleki, S.J., Hulburt, B.K. and Braun, W., Distinguishing allergens from non-allergenic homologues using Physical-Chemical Property (PCP) motifs, Molecular Immunology, 9, 1-8, 2018. [PubMed] [Full Paper]
Negi, S.S., and Braun, W., Cross-React: a new structural bioinformatics method for predicting allergen cross-reactivity, Bioinformatics, 33(7):1014-1020, 2017.
[Full Paper]
Power, T.D, Ivanciuc, O., Schein, C.H. and Braun, W. Assessment of 3D models for allergen research.
PROTEINS: Struct. Funct. and Bioinf., 81(4), 545-554, 2013
[Full Paper]
- Ivanciuc, O., Gendel, S.M., Power, T.D., Schein, C.H. and Braun, W.
AllerML: markup language for allergens.
Regul. Toxicol. Pharmacol. 2011, 60(1), 151-160.
[Full Paper]
- Schein, C.H., Ivanciuc, O., Midoro-Horiuti, T., Goldblum, R.M. and Braun, W.
An Allergen Portrait Gallery: Representative Structures and an Overview of IgE Binding Surfaces.
Bioinform. Biol. Insights. 2010, 4, 113-125.
[Full Paper]
- Ivanciuc, O., Schein, C.H., Garcia, T.I., Oezguen, N., Negi, S.S. and Braun, W.
Structural analysis of linear and conformational epitopes of allergens.
Regul. Toxicol. Pharmacol. 2009, 54(3 Suppl), S11-S19.
[Full Paper]
- Ivanciuc, O., Midoro-Horiuti, T., Schein, C.H., Xie, L., Hillman, G.R., Goldblum, R.M. and Braun, W.
The property index PD predicts peptides that cross-react with IgE antibodies.
Mol. Immunol. 2009, 46(5), 873-883.
[Full Paper]
- Ivanciuc, O., Garcia, T.I., Torres, M., Schein, C.H. and Braun, W.
Characteristic motifs for families of allergenic proteins.
Mol. Immunol. 2009, 46(4), 559-568.
[Full Paper]
- Oezguen, N., Zhou, B., Negi, S.S., Ivanciuc, O., Schein, C.H., Labesse, G. and Braun, W.
Comprehensive 3D-modeling of allergenic proteins and amino acid composition of
potential conformational IgE epitopes.
Mol. Immunol. 2008, 45(14), 3740-3747.
[Full Paper]
- Schein, C.H. Ivanciuc O. and Braun, W.
Bioinformatics approaches to classifying allergens and predicting cross-reactivity.
Immunol. Allergy Clin. North Am. 2007, 27(1), 1-27.
[Full Paper]
- Schein, C.H., Ivanciuc, O. and Braun, W.
Structural Database of Allergenic Proteins (SDAP).
Food Allergy, Edited by S.J. Maleki, 2006 ASM Press, Washington D.C. 257-283.
[Book Chapter]
- Midoro-Horiuti, T., Schein, C.H., Mathura, V., Braun, W., Czerwinski, E.W.,
Togawa, A., Kondo, Y., Oka, T., Watanabe, M. and Goldblum, R.M.
Structural basis for epitope sharing between group 1 allergens of cedar pollen.
Mol. Immunol. 2006, 43(6), 509-518.
[Full Paper]
- Schein, C. H., Ivanciuc, O. and Braun, W.
Common physical-chemical properties correlate with similar structure of the
IgE epitopes of peanut allergens.
J. Agric. Food Chem. 2005, 53(22), 8752-8759.
[Full Paper]
- Ivanciuc, O., Oezguen N., Mathura V. S., Schein. C. H., Xu Y., and Braun, W.
Using Property Based Sequence Motifs and 3D Modeling to Determine Structure and Functional
Regions of Proteins.
Curr. Med. Chem. 2004, 11(5), 583-893.
[Full Paper]
- Ivanciuc, O., Mathura V., Midoro-Horiuti T., Braun W., Goldblum R. M., and Schein. C. H.
Detecting Potential IgE-Reactive Sites on Food Proteins Using a Sequence and Structure
Database, SDAP-Food.
J. Agric. Food Chem. 2003, 51(16). 4830-4837.
[Full Paper]
- Ivanciuc, O., Schein. C. H., and Braun, W.
SDAP: Database and Computational Tools for Allergenic Proteins.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2003. 31(1). 359-362.
[Full Paper]
- Ivanciuc, O., Schein. C. H., and Braun, W.
Data Mining of Sequences and 3D Structures of Allergenic Proteins.
Bioinformatics 2002, 18(10), 1358-1364.
[Full Paper]
- Midoro-Horiuti T., Mathura V., Schein C. H., Braun W., Yu S., Watanabe M.,
Lee J. C., Brooks E. G., and Goldblum R. M.
Major linear IgE epitopes of mountain cedar pollen allergen Jun a 1 map to the
pectate lyase catalytic site.
Mol Immunol. 2003, 40(8), 555-562.
[Full Paper]
- Venkatarajan, M. S., and Braun, W.
New quantitative descriptors of amino acids based on
multidimensional scaling of a large number of physical-chemical properties.
J. Mol. Model. 2001 ,7, 445-453.
[Full Paper]
- Zhu, H., Schein, C. H., and Braun, W.
MASIA: recognition of common patterns and properties
in multiple aligned protein sequences.
Bioinformatics 2000, 16(10), 950-951.
[Full Paper]
- Soman, K. V., Midoro-Horiuti, T., Ferreon, J. C., Goldblum, R. M.,
Brooks, E. G., Kurosky, A., Braun, W., and Schein, C. H.
Homology modeling and characterization of IgE binding epitopes of mountain cedar allergen Jun A 3.
Biophys. J. 2000, 79(3), 1601-1609.
[Full Paper]
- Midoro-Horiuti, T., Goldblum, R. M., Kurosky, A., Wood, T. G., Schein, C. H., and Brooks, E.G.
Molecular cloning of mountain cedar (Juniperus ashei) pollen major allergen, June a 1.
J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 1999, 104(3 Pt 1), 613-617.
[Full Paper]