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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
Alphabetical listing of allergens: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: AIATEDVYK

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Ory s 33kD 16580747 0.00 6.9561 7.3109 98AIATEDVYK106
2Ory s 33kD 4126809 0.00 6.9561 7.3109 98AIATEDVYK106
3Ory s 33kD 4126809 2.06 5.6050 6.4596 229AIGTEDVYK237
4Ory s 33kD 16580747 2.06 5.6050 6.4596 229AIGTEDVYK237
5Asp o 13 2428 5.76 3.1709 4.9261 380ELATKDVVK388
6Asp fl protease 5702208 5.76 3.1709 4.9261 380ELATKDVVK388
7Cte f 1 Q94424 6.05 2.9817 4.8069 15AVNGEDIWK23
8Can s 4.0101 XP_030482568.1 6.92 2.4130 4.4486 188AVATANILE196
9Mala s 11 28569698 6.97 2.3778 4.4264 85AVQAQDVLK93
10Pen m 8.0101 F8QN77_PENMO 7.05 2.3290 4.3957 61GIAAQNCYK69
11Sec c 5.0101 332205751 7.11 2.2882 4.3700 62AVAPADKYK70
12Que a 1.0301 167472849 7.19 2.2339 4.3358 152LVAHPDLYK160
13Que a 1.0201 167472847 7.19 2.2339 4.3358 151LVAHPDLYK159
14Que a 1.0401 167472851 7.19 2.2339 4.3358 152LVAHPDLYK160
15Lat c 6.0201 XP_018553992 7.24 2.2021 4.3157 39VFADRDVWK47
16Pers a 1 3201547 7.29 2.1716 4.2965 215AVATDPVIS223
17Art an 3.0102 ANC85018 7.29 2.1712 4.2962 26ALTCNDVTK34
18Car i 2.0101 VCL_CARIL 7.33 2.1452 4.2799 26ALETEDLSN34
19Lol p 4.0101 55859464 7.34 2.1377 4.2751 105GIAAENVID113
20Phl p 4.0201 54144334 7.34 2.1377 4.2751 180GIAAENVID188
21Phl p 4.0101 54144332 7.34 2.1377 4.2751 180GIAAENVID188
22Der f 6 P49276 7.41 2.0916 4.2461 160EIETEDIVD168
23Bla g 4 P54962 7.45 2.0656 4.2297 10TLANEDCFR18
24Ory s TAI 218197 7.49 2.0378 4.2122 67AAAAEQVRR75
25Ory s TAI 1398918 7.49 2.0378 4.2122 70AAAAEQVRR78
26Gly m 1 1199563 7.50 2.0285 4.2064 173AIATGDLVS181
27Gly m 1 P22895 7.50 2.0285 4.2064 173AIATGDLVS181
28Rap v 2.0101 QPB41107 7.53 2.0093 4.1942 395ALLEQDVQK403
29Pan h 1.0201 XP_026803769 7.60 1.9691 4.1689 38AMSAENVKK46
30Der f 25.0201 AIO08860 7.65 1.9303 4.1445 59GVAAQNCYK67
31Scy p 8.0101 TPIS_SCYPA 7.65 1.9303 4.1445 60GVAAQNCYK68
32Der p 25.0101 QAT18637 7.65 1.9303 4.1445 59GVAAQNCYK67
33Sal s 8.01 ACM09737 7.65 1.9303 4.1445 59GVAAQNCYK67
34Arc s 8.0101 Q8T5G9 7.65 1.9303 4.1445 51GVAAQNCYK59
35Pan h 8.0101 XP_026795867 7.65 1.9303 4.1445 60GVAAQNCYK68
36Pro c 8.0101 TPIS_PROCL 7.65 1.9303 4.1445 60GVAAQNCYK68
37Tri a TPIS 11124572 7.68 1.9144 4.1345 31QIASTDVVE39
38Tri a 31.0101 11124572 7.68 1.9144 4.1345 31QIASTDVVE39
39Cur l 4.0101 193507493 7.75 1.8658 4.1038 18TFSTETIHK26
40Hom s 2 556642 7.78 1.8504 4.0941 105VITKPDVYK113
41Cav p 3.0101 325910592 7.79 1.8430 4.0894 32SIAADNVEK40
42Mala f 4 4587985 7.84 1.8113 4.0695 259AVFTEGLLK267
43Rho m 1.0101 Q870B9 7.85 1.8044 4.0652 247DVASSEFYK255
44Alt a 5 Q9HDT3 7.85 1.8044 4.0652 246DVASSEFYK254
45Pen c 22.0101 13991101 7.85 1.8044 4.0652 246DVASSEFYK254
46Cla h 6 467660 7.85 1.8044 4.0652 246DVASSEFYK254
47Asp f 22.0101 13925873 7.85 1.8044 4.0652 246DVASSEFYK254
48Cla h 6 P42040 7.85 1.8044 4.0652 246DVASSEFYK254
49Ana o 3 24473800 7.87 1.7861 4.0536 16LVANASIYR24
50Ani s 9.0101 157418806 7.90 1.7716 4.0445 110AIASNRALK118

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 10.593891
Standard deviation: 1.522961
1 0.5 2
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 2
13 6.5 1
14 7.0 2
15 7.5 16
16 8.0 31
17 8.5 33
18 9.0 72
19 9.5 227
20 10.0 253
21 10.5 206
22 11.0 232
23 11.5 196
24 12.0 138
25 12.5 121
26 13.0 72
27 13.5 47
28 14.0 15
29 14.5 9
30 15.0 6
31 15.5 7
32 16.0 3
33 16.5 3
34 17.0 2
35 17.5 1
36 18.0 0

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 17.672542
Standard deviation: 2.417299
1 0.5 2
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 2
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 2
13 6.5 1
14 7.0 2
15 7.5 16
16 8.0 31
17 8.5 36
18 9.0 82
19 9.5 260
20 10.0 396
21 10.5 446
22 11.0 818
23 11.5 1299
24 12.0 2127
25 12.5 3240
26 13.0 4400
27 13.5 6610
28 14.0 8676
29 14.5 11726
30 15.0 14756
31 15.5 18180
32 16.0 22632
33 16.5 26156
34 17.0 28783
35 17.5 31622
36 18.0 32255
37 18.5 33357
38 19.0 31135
39 19.5 28372
40 20.0 24323
41 20.5 20530
42 21.0 16313
43 21.5 12269
44 22.0 8322
45 22.5 5172
46 23.0 2987
47 23.5 1627
48 24.0 902
49 24.5 280
50 25.0 47
Query sequence: AIATEDVYK

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