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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: AWEKACSYK

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Cari p 1.0101 C9EA45_CARPA 0.00 8.5929 8.2788 140AWEKACSYK148
2Bla g 3.0101 D0VNY7_BLAGE 7.78 2.9994 4.7712 148VIQKAYDYK156
3Gly m 7.0101 C6K8D1_SOYBN 7.90 2.9094 4.7148 221AWEQISNYS229
4Can f 2 O18874 7.93 2.8897 4.7024 89AFKTATSNK97
5Der p 3 P39675 7.96 2.8658 4.6875 102AHEKYDSYQ110
6Der f 16.0101 21591547 8.24 2.6670 4.5628 239AFNKALSLD247
7Act d 1 P00785 8.31 2.6148 4.5300 249ALQTAVTYQ257
8Act d 1 166317 8.31 2.6148 4.5300 249ALQTAVTYQ257
9Ano d 2.01 Q7YT43_9DIPT 8.32 2.6078 4.5257 156AFKNAVDYN164
10Ani s 2 8117843 8.37 2.5758 4.5056 413LYEKAVEQK421
11Pla a 2 51316214 8.43 2.5329 4.4787 30AWKAACASQ38
12Ory s 33kD 16580747 8.53 2.4584 4.4320 172FYEKALGMK180
13Ory s 33kD 4126809 8.53 2.4584 4.4320 172FYEKALGMK180
14Pla or 2.0101 162949338 8.60 2.4100 4.4016 31AWEAACASP39
15Tri a 34.0101 253783729 8.64 2.3790 4.3822 250RTEKAASYD258
16Der p 37.0101 AVD73319 8.76 2.2927 4.3281 150AKRKACAFR158
17Mac r 2.0101 E2JE77_MACRS 8.79 2.2687 4.3130 23RWEKLSGHK31
18Der f 36.0101 A0A291KZC2_DERFA 8.86 2.2223 4.2839 107LYEKANAYA115
19Der p 36.0101 ATI08932 8.86 2.2223 4.2839 106LYEKANAYA114
20Bos d 8 92 8.86 2.2185 4.2815 131AEERLHSMK139
21Bos d 8 162650 8.86 2.2185 4.2815 10AEERLHSMK18
22Bos d 9.0101 CASA1_BOVIN 8.86 2.2185 4.2815 131AEERLHSMK139
23Bos d 8 162794 8.86 2.2185 4.2815 131AEERLHSMK139
24Sor h 13.0101 A0A077B155_SORHL 8.93 2.1732 4.2531 77AWAAACGKE85
25Pru du 8.0101 A0A516F3L2_PRUDU 9.04 2.0948 4.2039 105MCERACQQQ113
26Cic a 1.0101 QHW05434.1 9.05 2.0881 4.1997 124AYQKAKETK132
27Chi t 5 2506461 9.05 2.0814 4.1955 103AKELATSHK111
28Ves v 3.0101 167782086 9.08 2.0664 4.1861 494AHQKVYSWE502
29Chi t 9 121259 9.08 2.0628 4.1839 137AFDKAFSVI145
30Sal k 6.0101 ARS33724 9.08 2.0613 4.1829 46AWKEACAAA54
31Sal k 6.0101 AHL24657 9.08 2.0613 4.1829 24AWKEACAAA32
32Sin a 3.0101 156778059 9.11 2.0416 4.1706 69ALPKACGVN77
33Chi t 7 56405055 9.16 2.0091 4.1502 145AWNKALDNT153
34Chi t 7 56405054 9.16 2.0091 4.1502 145AWNKALDNT153
35Gal d 2 P01012 9.17 1.9977 4.1430 183LWEKAFKDE191
36Gal d 2 808974 9.17 1.9977 4.1430 184LWEKAFKDE192
37Sal s 3.0101 B5DGM7 9.18 1.9899 4.1382 131LYERCAQYK139
38Pan h 3.0101 XP_026771637 9.18 1.9899 4.1382 131LYERCAQYK139
39Scy p 4.0101 SCP_SCYPA 9.18 1.9878 4.1368 145AYAKLCTDD153
40Mala s 7 4138175 9.23 1.9561 4.1170 121ATKKACSAL129
41Poa p 5 P22286 9.23 1.9542 4.1158 99AFAEALSTE107
42Poa p 5 P22285 9.23 1.9542 4.1158 106AFAEALSTE114
43Poa p 5 P22284 9.23 1.9542 4.1158 165AFAEALSTE173
44Pin p 1 PINP1_PINPI 9.23 1.9518 4.1142 90ALDQSQSYD98
45Pin p 1.0101 PINP1_PINPI 9.23 1.9518 4.1142 90ALDQSQSYD98
46Equ a 6.01 XP_014705584 9.29 1.9098 4.0880 129AWVKHCKDK137
47Equ c 6.01 LYSC1_HORSE 9.29 1.9098 4.0880 110AWVKHCKDK118
48Ani s 11.0101 323575361 9.31 1.9010 4.0824 156VWQKANSIP164
49Ani s 11.0101 323575361 9.31 1.9010 4.0824 48VWQKANSIP56
50Lit v 4.0101 223403272 9.33 1.8856 4.0727 85AVQKHCQGK93

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 11.948972
Standard deviation: 1.390568
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 0
14 7.0 0
15 7.5 0
16 8.0 4
17 8.5 6
18 9.0 13
19 9.5 35
20 10.0 56
21 10.5 119
22 11.0 168
23 11.5 198
24 12.0 270
25 12.5 235
26 13.0 246
27 13.5 182
28 14.0 94
29 14.5 21
30 15.0 16
31 15.5 12
32 16.0 5
33 16.5 10
34 17.0 4
35 17.5 0
36 18.0 1
37 18.5 1
38 19.0 0
39 19.5 0
40 20.0 0
41 20.5 0
42 21.0 0
43 21.5 0

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 18.358180
Standard deviation: 2.217482
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 0
14 7.0 0
15 7.5 0
16 8.0 4
17 8.5 6
18 9.0 13
19 9.5 36
20 10.0 66
21 10.5 153
22 11.0 226
23 11.5 415
24 12.0 782
25 12.5 1184
26 13.0 1968
27 13.5 3095
28 14.0 5228
29 14.5 6738
30 15.0 9454
31 15.5 12381
32 16.0 17154
33 16.5 21030
34 17.0 24730
35 17.5 29407
36 18.0 32766
37 18.5 35463
38 19.0 35626
39 19.5 34952
40 20.0 31900
41 20.5 28272
42 21.0 22232
43 21.5 16830
44 22.0 12022
45 22.5 7643
46 23.0 4444
47 23.5 2242
48 24.0 1057
49 24.5 508
50 25.0 150
51 25.5 11
Query sequence: AWEKACSYK

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