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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
Alphabetical listing of allergens: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: DLLVTNPTR

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Amb a 12.0102 A0A1B2H9Q5_AMBAR 0.00 6.7160 7.2008 329DLLVTNPTR337
2Amb a 12.0101 A0A1B2H9Q1_AMBAR 0.00 6.7160 7.2008 315DLLVTNPTR323
3Hev b 9 Q9LEJ0 1.83 5.5558 6.4409 329DLLVTNPKR337
4Hev b 9 Q9LEI9 1.83 5.5558 6.4409 329DLLVTNPKR337
5Asp f 22.0101 13925873 3.67 4.3932 5.6793 323DLTVTNPGR331
6Sal s 2.0101 B5DGQ7 3.85 4.2799 5.6051 319DLTVTNPKR327
7Cyp c 2.0101 A0A2U9IY94_CYPCA 3.85 4.2799 5.6051 319DLTVTNPKR327
8 Gal d 9.0101 ENOB_CHICK 3.85 4.2799 5.6051 319DLTVTNPKR327
9Pan h 2.0101 XP_034156632 3.85 4.2799 5.6051 319DLTVTNPKR327
10Pen c 22.0101 13991101 4.03 4.1642 5.5293 323DLTVTNPLR331
11Rho m 1.0101 Q870B9 4.13 4.0995 5.4869 324DLTVTNPIR332
12Gal d 2 212897 4.86 3.6384 5.1849 4DLLVSSSTD12
13Cas s 5 Q42428 5.78 3.0581 4.8048 214DLVATNPTI222
14Pis v 2.0201 110349084 6.43 2.6420 4.5322 271DLQVLSPQR279
15Alt a 8.0101 P0C0Y4 6.57 2.5545 4.4749 47DLAITYNSR55
16Mus a 5.0101 6073860 6.61 2.5291 4.4583 17SVLVAVPTR25
17Gal d 3 P02789 6.80 2.4068 4.3781 586ELLCTDGRR594
18Gal d 3 757851 6.80 2.4068 4.3781 586ELLCTDGRR594
19Cuc m 1 807698 6.84 2.3869 4.3651 415GVLMTSNTR423
20Cari p 1.0101 C9EA45_CARPA 6.91 2.3405 4.3347 276DLTVTAPEK284
21Bla g 11.0101 Q2L7A6_BLAGE 6.92 2.3365 4.3321 66NVIISSPFR74
22Pis v 2.0101 110349082 6.96 2.3115 4.3157 271DLEVLSPHR279
23Cla h 6 P42040 6.97 2.3042 4.3110 325DLTVTNPEF333
24Cla h 6 467660 6.97 2.3042 4.3110 325DLTVTNPEF333
25Alt a 5 Q9HDT3 6.97 2.3042 4.3110 323DLTVTNPEF331
26Cur l 2.0101 14585753 6.97 2.3042 4.3110 323DLTVTNPEF331
27Gal d 2 212900 6.98 2.2978 4.3068 160DLLVSSSID168
28Eri s 2.0101 Q5QKR2_ERISI 7.24 2.1319 4.1981 31DVVVGSGQR39
29Tri a gliadin 170712 7.26 2.1215 4.1913 27QLQLQNPSQ35
30Gly m lectin 170006 7.26 2.1154 4.1873 55DAIVTSSGK63
31Pis v 2.0201 110349084 7.49 1.9757 4.0958 299KLNINDPSR307
32Gal d 3 P02789 7.50 1.9686 4.0911 653DLLFKDLTK661
33Gal d 3 757851 7.50 1.9686 4.0911 653DLLFKDLTK661
34Tri a 27.0101 283480515 7.58 1.9176 4.0577 99DLVLKNKHR107
35Bla g 4 P54962 7.59 1.9093 4.0523 59DALVSKYTD67
36Api m 7 22724911 7.64 1.8784 4.0320 126TVILTPPGR134
37Per a 13.0101 AVQ67919 7.66 1.8673 4.0248 62DQLVVNGQK70
38Cor a 11 19338630 7.66 1.8662 4.0240 264NLLHKHPSQ272
39Ves v 6.0101 G8IIT0 7.71 1.8308 4.0009 1252KILDSNPTN1260
40Gal d vitellogenin 212881 7.73 1.8185 3.9928 1414QVFVTNLTD1422
41Gal d vitellogenin 63887 7.73 1.8185 3.9928 1412QVFVTNLTD1420
42Sal k 1.0302 59895728 7.75 1.8082 3.9861 133NLIVSNSAP141
43Sal k 1.0301 59895730 7.75 1.8082 3.9861 133NLIVSNSAP141
44Pis v 5.0101 171853009 7.78 1.7877 3.9727 255DLQVIRPPR263
45Bos d 13.0101 MYL1_BOVIN 7.79 1.7822 3.9690 78RALGTNPTN86
46Gly m Bd28K 12697782 7.80 1.7794 3.9672 36LFLMSNSTR44
47Cor a 12.0101 49617323 7.80 1.7791 3.9670 63GLLVTSPLF71
48Gal d 3 757851 7.83 1.7574 3.9528 244ELLCLDGSR252
49Gal d 3 P02789 7.83 1.7574 3.9528 244ELLCLDGSR252
50Sal k 1.0201 51242679 7.84 1.7529 3.9498 156HLIVTNSAP164

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 10.605499
Standard deviation: 1.579143
1 0.5 2
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 2
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 5
9 4.5 2
10 5.0 1
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 1
13 6.5 1
14 7.0 13
15 7.5 3
16 8.0 31
17 8.5 57
18 9.0 111
19 9.5 164
20 10.0 156
21 10.5 217
22 11.0 232
23 11.5 192
24 12.0 189
25 12.5 201
26 13.0 63
27 13.5 22
28 14.0 8
29 14.5 9
30 15.0 5
31 15.5 3
32 16.0 3
33 16.5 0
34 17.0 2
35 17.5 1
36 18.0 1
37 18.5 0
38 19.0 0
39 19.5 0
40 20.0 0

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 17.359731
Standard deviation: 2.410808
1 0.5 2
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 2
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 5
9 4.5 2
10 5.0 1
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 1
13 6.5 1
14 7.0 13
15 7.5 6
16 8.0 33
17 8.5 64
18 9.0 134
19 9.5 240
20 10.0 326
21 10.5 597
22 11.0 964
23 11.5 1618
24 12.0 2486
25 12.5 3924
26 13.0 6114
27 13.5 7670
28 14.0 10533
29 14.5 13828
30 15.0 18024
31 15.5 21139
32 16.0 24652
33 16.5 28023
34 17.0 31230
35 17.5 32585
36 18.0 31834
37 18.5 31791
38 19.0 30020
39 19.5 26284
40 20.0 22084
41 20.5 17028
42 21.0 12601
43 21.5 9497
44 22.0 6261
45 22.5 3962
46 23.0 2536
47 23.5 1294
48 24.0 519
49 24.5 206
50 25.0 51
51 25.5 12
Query sequence: DLLVTNPTR

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