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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: EGKAEPTGE

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Act d a 450239 0.00 7.5246 7.5455 104EGKAEPTGE112
2Per a 3.0101 Q25641 5.17 4.0860 5.4139 85EGHARPRGE93
3Lat c 6.0301 XP_018522130 5.28 4.0084 5.3658 372EGKRGPTGE380
4Poa p 5 P22286 6.43 3.2446 4.8923 173EVKATPAGE181
5Sal s 6.0202 XP_014033985 6.80 2.9963 4.7384 372EGKRGSTGE380
6Sal s 6.0201 XP_013998297 6.80 2.9963 4.7384 372EGKRGSTGE380
7Aed a 3 O01949 6.84 2.9752 4.7253 66TGKEENTGH74
8Lat c 6.0301 XP_018522130 7.30 2.6675 4.5346 348KGDAGPKGE356
9Pan h 3.0101 XP_026771637 7.31 2.6615 4.5308 340IGKYESTGE348
10Gly m 4 18744 7.44 2.5760 4.4779 123KGDAEPNQD131
11Cor a 9 18479082 7.47 2.5551 4.4649 228QGEQEQQGE236
12Poa p 5 P22285 7.61 2.4619 4.4071 180EVKAIPAGE188
13Poa p 5 P22284 7.61 2.4619 4.4071 239EVKAIPAGE247
14Pen c 30.0101 82754305 7.70 2.3996 4.3685 40EGAADNTEE48
15Per a 6.0101 Q1M0Y3 7.77 2.3557 4.3413 54EVDADGSGE62
16Bla g 6.0101 82704032 7.77 2.3557 4.3413 54EVDADGSGE62
17Bla g 6.0201 82704034 7.77 2.3557 4.3413 54EVDADGSGE62
18Asp f 4 O60024 7.80 2.3372 4.3298 86GGRTEPSGS94
19Sal s 6.0102 XP_014048044 7.80 2.3356 4.3288 442QGPAGPAGE450
20Lat c 6.0301 XP_018522130 7.80 2.3356 4.3288 459EGPAGPAGQ467
21Sal s 6.0101 XP_014059932 7.80 2.3356 4.3288 442QGPAGPAGE450
22Sal s 6.0202 XP_014033985 7.80 2.3356 4.3288 363QGPAGPAGE371
23Sal s 6.0201 XP_013998297 7.80 2.3356 4.3288 363QGPAGPAGE371
24Sal s 6.0102 XP_014048044 7.88 2.2824 4.2958 535DGKTGPSGA543
25Sal s 6.0101 XP_014059932 7.88 2.2824 4.2958 535DGKTGPSGA543
26Sal s 6.0101 XP_014059932 7.94 2.2397 4.2693 1105SGPAGPSGE1113
27Lat c 6.0201 XP_018553992 7.98 2.2118 4.2521 969QGPAGPGGE977
28Amb a 12.0102 A0A1B2H9Q5_AMBAR 8.02 2.1901 4.2386 274DGKEKISGE282
29Amb a 12.0101 A0A1B2H9Q1_AMBAR 8.02 2.1901 4.2386 260DGKEKISGE268
30Sal s 6.0102 XP_014048044 8.02 2.1855 4.2358 1012DGAAGPKGE1020
31Sal s 6.0101 XP_014059932 8.02 2.1855 4.2358 1012DGAAGPKGE1020
32Aed a 3 O01949 8.07 2.1576 4.2185 96EGEKEDAGD104
33 Gal d 9.0101 ENOB_CHICK 8.07 2.1524 4.2153 13DSRGEPTVE21
34Sal s 6.0101 XP_014059932 8.09 2.1378 4.2062 826QGPAGPTGA834
35Sal s 6.0102 XP_014048044 8.09 2.1378 4.2062 826QGPAGPTGA834
36Der p 39.0101 QXY82447 8.11 2.1282 4.2003 56EIDADGSGE64
37Tyr p 24.0101 219815476 8.11 2.1282 4.2003 56EIDADGSGE64
38Der f 39.0101 QBF67841 8.11 2.1282 4.2003 56EIDADGSGE64
39Tyr p 34.0101 TNNC_TYRPU 8.11 2.1282 4.2003 56EIDADGSGE64
40Pan h 4.0201 XP_026775428 8.14 2.1082 4.1878 173EGELERTEE181
41Der f 38.0101 QHQ72282 8.16 2.0974 4.1811 45HGKSKGIGE53
42Amb a 4.0101 291197394 8.17 2.0887 4.1758 155EGGGEGGGE163
43Cic a 1.0101 QHW05434.1 8.18 2.0811 4.1710 133DSTANKTGE141
44Sal s 6.0202 XP_014033985 8.22 2.0570 4.1561 837AGDKGPTGE845
45Lat c 6.0201 XP_018553992 8.25 2.0369 4.1436 534DGKMGPSGA542
46Phl p 5.0101 398830 8.25 2.0362 4.1432 114KGAAESSSK122
47Phl p 5.0109 29500897 8.25 2.0362 4.1432 86KGAAESSSK94
48Phl p 5.0108 3135503 8.25 2.0362 4.1432 78KGAAESSSK86
49Phl p 5.0106 3135499 8.25 2.0362 4.1432 78KGAAESSSK86
50Phl p 5.0107 3135501 8.25 2.0362 4.1432 78KGAAESSSK86

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 11.307296
Standard deviation: 1.502711
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 2
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 1
14 7.0 3
15 7.5 3
16 8.0 10
17 8.5 30
18 9.0 43
19 9.5 62
20 10.0 97
21 10.5 157
22 11.0 284
23 11.5 319
24 12.0 202
25 12.5 188
26 13.0 129
27 13.5 59
28 14.0 40
29 14.5 29
30 15.0 7
31 15.5 13
32 16.0 5
33 16.5 5
34 17.0 3
35 17.5 2
36 18.0 2
37 18.5 1
38 19.0 0
39 19.5 0

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 18.290975
Standard deviation: 2.424087
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 2
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 1
14 7.0 3
15 7.5 4
16 8.0 16
17 8.5 45
18 9.0 52
19 9.5 117
20 10.0 209
21 10.5 386
22 11.0 592
23 11.5 965
24 12.0 1381
25 12.5 2039
26 13.0 2980
27 13.5 4143
28 14.0 5859
29 14.5 8341
30 15.0 10979
31 15.5 14427
32 16.0 16524
33 16.5 20566
34 17.0 23857
35 17.5 27507
36 18.0 30419
37 18.5 32037
38 19.0 33889
39 19.5 32188
40 20.0 30325
41 20.5 27109
42 21.0 22214
43 21.5 17497
44 22.0 12862
45 22.5 8984
46 23.0 5799
47 23.5 3128
48 24.0 1769
49 24.5 699
50 25.0 226
51 25.5 42
52 26.0 13
Query sequence: EGKAEPTGE

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