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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: EKLENYKPK

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Ole e 6 O24172 0.00 6.7903 7.0717 41EKLENYKPK49
2Der p 31.0101 QAT18642 6.37 2.8885 4.6188 54AKLQDYKNE62
3Der f 31.0101 AIO08870 6.37 2.8885 4.6188 54AKLQDYKNE62
4Bla g 2 P54958 6.64 2.7241 4.5155 79QKYEKLKPK87
5Pen c 24 38326693 6.82 2.6121 4.4451 123KNLEEYKKK131
6Ves m 5 P35760 6.86 2.5874 4.4296 135DEVKDYNPK143
7Ves f 5 P35783 6.86 2.5874 4.4296 135DEVKDYNPK143
8Ves v 5 Q05110 6.86 2.5874 4.4296 158DEVKDYNPK166
9Ves g 5 P35784 6.86 2.5874 4.4296 135DEVKDYNPK143
10Ves p 5 P35785 6.86 2.5874 4.4296 135DEVKDYNPK143
11Mala f 3 P56578 7.15 2.4099 4.3180 66EKIQELKSK74
12Ses i 5 5381321 7.26 2.3442 4.2767 111DQLESAKTK119
13Der f 21.0101 ALL21_DERFA 7.28 2.3315 4.2687 59KELEKTKSK67
14Der p 21.0101 85687540 7.28 2.3315 4.2687 61KELEKTKSK69
15Pen m 2 27463265 7.32 2.3061 4.2527 295EKLEEVAGK303
16Lit v 2.0101 Q004B5 7.32 2.3061 4.2527 295EKLEEVAGK303
17Scy p 2.0101 KARG0_SCYPA 7.32 2.3061 4.2527 295EKLEEVAGK303
18Cari p 1.0101 C9EA45_CARPA 7.44 2.2331 4.2068 105EDLRSAKPR113
19Api m 3.0101 61656214 7.46 2.2227 4.2003 173KKLEEWTGK181
20Per a 3.0202 1580794 7.51 2.1924 4.1812 405HDLESYHYK413
21Bet v 8.0101 AHF71027 7.51 2.1923 4.1812 210NKIDAYKPT218
22Pru du 6.0201 307159114 7.69 2.0815 4.1115 101ETFEDSQPQ109
23Der f 16.0101 21591547 7.69 2.0789 4.1099 396KQVANYEPD404
24Pan h 11.0101 XP_026782721 7.72 2.0604 4.0983 456EKLEKILPH464
25Dic v a 763532 7.78 2.0230 4.0748 103KELESEKNK111
26Zan b 2.0101 QYU76045 7.87 1.9711 4.0421 213EELEVLRPQ221
27Zan b 2.0102 QYU76046 7.87 1.9711 4.0421 213EELEVLRPQ221
28Que m 1.0101 AUH28179 7.92 1.9389 4.0219 94DKLENVSTE102
29Que a 1.0301 167472849 7.92 1.9389 4.0219 94DKLENVSTE102
30Que a 1.0401 167472851 7.92 1.9389 4.0219 94DKLENVSTE102
31Sola l 4.0101 AHC08073 7.93 1.9361 4.0201 94EKLESITYD102
32Lyc e 4.0101 2887310 7.93 1.9361 4.0201 94EKLESITYD102
33Arc s 8.0101 Q8T5G9 7.99 1.8969 3.9955 120EKLEERESN128
34Pro c 8.0101 TPIS_PROCL 7.99 1.8969 3.9955 129EKLEERESN137
35Scy p 8.0101 TPIS_SCYPA 7.99 1.8969 3.9955 129EKLEERESN137
36Hom s 1.0101 2723284 8.00 1.8885 3.9902 323DDLAQQKPR331
37Hom s 1 2342526 8.00 1.8885 3.9902 281DDLAQQKPR289
38Der f 11.0101 13785807 8.00 1.8883 3.9901 327EKLRDQRDQ335
39Lep s 1 20387027 8.04 1.8655 3.9757 216QRVEEYKRQ224
40Sola t 1 21512 8.06 1.8551 3.9692 233TKLAQVDPK241
41Ani s 2 8117843 8.14 1.8064 3.9386 310EEVEDLRKK318
42Ani s 2 8117843 8.14 1.8040 3.9371 131EQIEQLQKK139
43Aca f 1 A0A0K1SC24_VACFA 8.17 1.7886 3.9274 140EKLDMYDVK148
44Pru ar 5.0101 Q9XF96_PRUAR 8.17 1.7877 3.9268 110EKTEAEEPK118
45Art fr 5.0101 A7L499 8.23 1.7519 3.9043 102EKLEDSQVD110
46Gly m glycinin G2 295800 8.23 1.7506 3.9035 31QKLNALKPD39
47Gly m 6.0101 P04776 8.23 1.7506 3.9035 34QKLNALKPD42
48Gly m 6.0201 P04405 8.23 1.7506 3.9035 31QKLNALKPD39
49Gly m glycinin G1 169973 8.23 1.7506 3.9035 34QKLNALKPD42
50Der p 11 37778944 8.26 1.7325 3.8921 234QQLEDTRHR242

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 11.085927
Standard deviation: 1.632621
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 2
14 7.0 7
15 7.5 9
16 8.0 16
17 8.5 28
18 9.0 84
19 9.5 112
20 10.0 137
21 10.5 138
22 11.0 319
23 11.5 273
24 12.0 168
25 12.5 132
26 13.0 102
27 13.5 58
28 14.0 41
29 14.5 23
30 15.0 13
31 15.5 9
32 16.0 12
33 16.5 7
34 17.0 4
35 17.5 0
36 18.0 0
37 18.5 1
38 19.0 0
39 19.5 0
40 20.0 1
41 20.5 0
42 21.0 0
43 21.5 0
44 22.0 0
45 22.5 0
46 23.0 0

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 18.365426
Standard deviation: 2.597044
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 2
14 7.0 7
15 7.5 9
16 8.0 16
17 8.5 35
18 9.0 99
19 9.5 163
20 10.0 296
21 10.5 430
22 11.0 764
23 11.5 1234
24 12.0 1690
25 12.5 2738
26 13.0 3329
27 13.5 4672
28 14.0 6290
29 14.5 8428
30 15.0 11821
31 15.5 13912
32 16.0 16897
33 16.5 19583
34 17.0 22554
35 17.5 26073
36 18.0 28329
37 18.5 30208
38 19.0 31287
39 19.5 29984
40 20.0 28796
41 20.5 25822
42 21.0 22679
43 21.5 18329
44 22.0 14352
45 22.5 10801
46 23.0 7936
47 23.5 4945
48 24.0 3063
49 24.5 1572
50 25.0 636
51 25.5 287
52 26.0 99
53 26.5 24
Query sequence: EKLENYKPK

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