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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
Alphabetical listing of allergens: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: ERMKKAFLN

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Cte f 2 7638032 0.00 6.5084 6.9994 66ERMKKAFLN74
2Api m 12.0101 Q868N5 5.89 2.9348 4.7434 358EKLKQDILN366
3Bet v 3 P43187 5.93 2.9090 4.7271 121EDMRKSILS129
4Pan b 1.0101 312831088 6.37 2.6437 4.5596 124ERMRKVLEN132
5Hom a 1.0101 O44119 6.37 2.6437 4.5596 124ERMRKVLEN132
6Mac r 1.0101 D3XNR9_MACRS 6.37 2.6437 4.5596 124ERMRKVLEN132
7Mel l 1.0101 M4M2H6_9EUCA 6.37 2.6437 4.5596 124ERMRKVLEN132
8Cha f 1 Q9N2R3 6.37 2.6437 4.5596 124ERMRKVLEN132
9Pro c 1.0101 C0LU07_PROCL 6.37 2.6437 4.5596 124ERMRKVLEN132
10Por p 1.0101 M1H607_PORPE 6.37 2.6437 4.5596 124ERMRKVLEN132
11Hom a 1.0102 2660868 6.37 2.6437 4.5596 124ERMRKVLEN132
12Pen a 1 11893851 6.37 2.6437 4.5596 124ERMRKVLEN132
13Met e 1 Q25456 6.37 2.6437 4.5596 114ERMRKVLEN122
14Scy p 1.0101 A7L5V2_SCYSE 6.37 2.6437 4.5596 124ERMRKVLEN132
15Pen m 1 60892782 6.37 2.6437 4.5596 124ERMRKVLEN132
16Lit v 1.0101 170791251 6.37 2.6437 4.5596 124ERMRKVLEN132
17Pan s 1 O61379 6.37 2.6437 4.5596 114ERMRKVLEN122
18Sco m 5.0101 QEA69430 6.67 2.4591 4.4430 33ANMKKMILD41
19Pan h 3.0101 XP_026771637 6.82 2.3675 4.3852 327EYIKRALAN335
20Eur m 14 6492307 6.93 2.2991 4.3421 346KRIRELFLD354
21Dic v a 763532 6.97 2.2762 4.3276 108EKNKEALLT116
22Gly m 8 2SS_SOYBN 7.05 2.2276 4.2969 131KKMEKELIN139
23Der p 14.0101 20385544 7.08 2.2107 4.2862 340HRLRELFLD348
24Ory c 3.A.0101 Q9GK63_RABIT 7.15 2.1654 4.2576 60EEFKECFLS68
25Cor a 10 10944737 7.17 2.1566 4.2521 300ERAKRALSS308
26Der f 1.0104 2428875 7.22 2.1275 4.2337 9EEFKKAFNK17
27Eur m 1.0102 3941390 7.22 2.1275 4.2337 27EEFKKAFNK35
28Der f 1 P16311 7.22 2.1275 4.2337 27EEFKKAFNK35
29Eur m 1.0101 P25780 7.22 2.1275 4.2337 27EEFKKAFNK35
30Der f 1.0110 119633264 7.22 2.1275 4.2337 27EEFKKAFNK35
31Der f 1.0109 119633262 7.22 2.1275 4.2337 27EEFKKAFNK35
32Der f 1.0105 2428875 7.22 2.1275 4.2337 9EEFKKAFNK17
33Der f 1.0101 27530349 7.22 2.1275 4.2337 27EEFKKAFNK35
34Eur m 1.0101 3941388 7.22 2.1275 4.2337 27EEFKKAFNK35
35Der f 1.0108 119633260 7.22 2.1275 4.2337 27EEFKKAFNK35
36Der f 1.0103 2428875 7.22 2.1275 4.2337 9EEFKKAFNK17
37Der f 1.0107 2428875 7.22 2.1275 4.2337 9EEFKKAFNK17
38Der f 1.0102 2428875 7.22 2.1275 4.2337 9EEFKKAFNK17
39Tri a 39.0101 J7QW61_WHEAT 7.24 2.1136 4.2249 34EEAKKVILQ42
40Bla g 8.0101 88657350 7.24 2.1128 4.2244 138ERLRHALMT146
41Pan h 1.0201 XP_026803769 7.38 2.0296 4.1719 80DKETKAFLT88
42Ves v 6.0101 G8IIT0 7.39 2.0203 4.1660 617EELKKAIKD625
43Ani s 2 8117843 7.41 2.0110 4.1602 680ERANRALAD688
44Thu a 1.0101 242253957 7.47 1.9718 4.1354 42EDIKKAFAV50
45Pen m 6.0101 317383200 7.54 1.9334 4.1111 10ETLRKAFNS18
46Pol f 5 P35780 7.58 1.9095 4.0961 40EEEKKLIVN48
47Gly m 7.0101 C6K8D1_SOYBN 7.60 1.8940 4.0863 497EKVKKPFKN505
48Ory s 33kD 16580747 7.64 1.8715 4.0721 59EKYTNAFLG67
49Ory s 33kD 4126809 7.64 1.8715 4.0721 59EKYTNAFLG67
50Pon l 4.0101 P05946 7.65 1.8641 4.0674 79DEFKKAVQN87

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 10.721008
Standard deviation: 1.647249
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 2
13 6.5 14
14 7.0 4
15 7.5 23
16 8.0 38
17 8.5 37
18 9.0 75
19 9.5 117
20 10.0 270
21 10.5 177
22 11.0 251
23 11.5 182
24 12.0 215
25 12.5 108
26 13.0 75
27 13.5 39
28 14.0 20
29 14.5 13
30 15.0 13
31 15.5 7
32 16.0 6
33 16.5 3
34 17.0 0
35 17.5 4
36 18.0 2
37 18.5 0
38 19.0 1
39 19.5 0
40 20.0 0
41 20.5 0
42 21.0 0
43 21.5 0
44 22.0 0
45 22.5 0
46 23.0 0

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 18.263425
Standard deviation: 2.609286
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 2
13 6.5 14
14 7.0 4
15 7.5 23
16 8.0 38
17 8.5 43
18 9.0 102
19 9.5 194
20 10.0 398
21 10.5 475
22 11.0 778
23 11.5 1112
24 12.0 1772
25 12.5 2500
26 13.0 3666
27 13.5 5065
28 14.0 6917
29 14.5 9217
30 15.0 12038
31 15.5 14934
32 16.0 17283
33 16.5 20968
34 17.0 23578
35 17.5 27194
36 18.0 29236
37 18.5 30312
38 19.0 30666
39 19.5 29781
40 20.0 27081
41 20.5 24001
42 21.0 21096
43 21.5 17635
44 22.0 14312
45 22.5 10506
46 23.0 7234
47 23.5 4625
48 24.0 2663
49 24.5 1336
50 25.0 869
51 25.5 372
52 26.0 134
53 26.5 20
Query sequence: ERMKKAFLN

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