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Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Sealy Center for Structural Biology Computational Biology

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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: EYHTKGDHV

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Lyc e 4.0101 2887310 0.00 4.9152 7.6301 120EYHTKGDHV128
2Sola l 4.0101 AHC08073 0.00 4.9152 7.6301 120EYHTKGDHV128
3Sola l 4.0201 NP_001275580 0.00 4.9152 7.6301 120EYHTKGDHV128
4Bet v 1.0201 450885 4.33 2.8728 5.7421 120KYHTKGDHE128
5Bet v 1 P43178 4.33 2.8728 5.7421 119KYHTKGDHE127
6Bet v 1 P43183 4.33 2.8728 5.7421 119KYHTKGDHE127
7Bet v 1.2201 1321728 4.33 2.8728 5.7421 120KYHTKGDHE128
8Bet v 1.at50 4006959 4.33 2.8728 5.7421 120KYHTKGDHE128
9Bet v 1.1701 1321716 4.33 2.8728 5.7421 120KYHTKGDHE128
10Bet v 1.2901 1542871 4.33 2.8728 5.7421 120KYHTKGDHE128
11Bet v 1.0801 452740 4.33 2.8728 5.7421 120KYHTKGDHE128
12Bet v 1.0601 P43179 4.33 2.8728 5.7421 119KYHTKGDHE127
13Bet v 1.0501 452734 4.33 2.8728 5.7421 120KYHTKGDHE128
14Bet v 1.at5 4006965 4.33 2.8728 5.7421 120KYHTKGDHE128
15Bet v 1.1401 551640 4.33 2.8728 5.7421 120KYHTKGDHE128
16Bet v 1 2564226 4.33 2.8728 5.7421 120KYHTKGDHE128
17Bet v 1.2301 2414158 4.33 2.8728 5.7421 120KYHTKGDHE128
18Cor a 1.0201 1321731 4.33 2.8728 5.7421 120KYHTKGDHE128
19Car b 1.0301 1545895 4.33 2.8728 5.7421 120KYHTKGDHE128
20Car b 1.0302 1545897 4.33 2.8728 5.7421 120KYHTKGDHE128
21Bet v 1.2501 1542863 4.33 2.8728 5.7421 120KYHTKGDHE128
22Fag s 1.0101 212291470 4.33 2.8728 5.7421 120KYHTKGDHE128
23Bet v 1.1801 1321718 4.33 2.8728 5.7421 120KYHTKGDHE128
24Bet v 1.1401 P43186 4.33 2.8728 5.7421 119KYHTKGDHE127
25Bet v 1 P43184 4.33 2.8728 5.7421 119KYHTKGDHE127
26Bet v 1.1501 Q42499 4.33 2.8728 5.7421 120KYHTKGDHE128
27Bet v 1.1501 1321712 4.33 2.8728 5.7421 120KYHTKGDHE128
28Bet v 1.0901 452742 4.33 2.8728 5.7421 120KYHTKGDHE128
29Bet v 1.3001 1542873 4.33 2.8728 5.7421 120KYHTKGDHE128
30Bet v 1.1901 1321722 4.33 2.8728 5.7421 120KYHTKGDHE128
31Bet v 1.0101 CAA33887 4.33 2.8728 5.7421 120KYHTKGDHE128
32Bet v 1.0103 CAA54483.1 4.33 2.8728 5.7421 120KYHTKGDHE128
33Bet v 1.2001 1321724 4.33 2.8728 5.7421 120KYHTKGDHE128
34Bet v 1 2564224 4.33 2.8728 5.7421 120KYHTKGDHE128
35Bet v 1.at10 4006945 4.33 2.8728 5.7421 120KYHTKGDHE128
36Bet v 1 P45431 4.33 2.8728 5.7421 119KYHTKGDHE127
37Bet v 1.0101 P15494 4.33 2.8728 5.7421 119KYHTKGDHE127
38Bet v 1.0104 CAA54484.1 4.33 2.8728 5.7421 120KYHTKGDHE128
39Bet v 1.2801 1542869 4.33 2.8728 5.7421 120KYHTKGDHE128
40Bet v 1.0101 17938 4.33 2.8728 5.7421 120KYHTKGDHE128
41Bet v 1.0106 CAA54487 4.33 2.8728 5.7421 120KYHTKGDHE128
42Bet v 1 2564228 4.33 2.8728 5.7421 120KYHTKGDHE128
43Bet v 1.0109 CAB02156 4.33 2.8728 5.7421 120KYHTKGDHE128
44Bet v 1.at42 4006955 4.33 2.8728 5.7421 120KYHTKGDHE128
45Bet v 1.0112 CAB02159 4.33 2.8728 5.7421 120KYHTKGDHE128
46Bet v 1.0601 452736 4.33 2.8728 5.7421 120KYHTKGDHE128
47Bet v 1.0113 CAB02160 4.33 2.8728 5.7421 120KYHTKGDHE128
48Bet v 1.0114 CAB02161 4.33 2.8728 5.7421 120KYHTKGDHE128
49Bet v 1.0115 CAA96547 4.33 2.8728 5.7421 120KYHTKGDHE128
50Bet v 1.0116 CAA04827 4.33 2.8728 5.7421 119KYHTKGDHE127

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 10.414607
Standard deviation: 2.118846
1 0.5 3
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 54
10 5.0 25
11 5.5 4
12 6.0 6
13 6.5 25
14 7.0 20
15 7.5 42
16 8.0 15
17 8.5 41
18 9.0 40
19 9.5 96
20 10.0 123
21 10.5 224
22 11.0 267
23 11.5 276
24 12.0 147
25 12.5 111
26 13.0 85
27 13.5 43
28 14.0 12
29 14.5 12
30 15.0 11
31 15.5 7
32 16.0 5

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 17.489260
Standard deviation: 2.292141
1 0.5 3
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 54
10 5.0 25
11 5.5 4
12 6.0 6
13 6.5 25
14 7.0 20
15 7.5 42
16 8.0 16
17 8.5 41
18 9.0 42
19 9.5 164
20 10.0 206
21 10.5 425
22 11.0 805
23 11.5 1351
24 12.0 1718
25 12.5 3216
26 13.0 4746
27 13.5 6118
28 14.0 8709
29 14.5 12496
30 15.0 16200
31 15.5 20234
32 16.0 24122
33 16.5 27685
34 17.0 31196
35 17.5 33774
36 18.0 34189
37 18.5 33995
38 19.0 31573
39 19.5 28334
40 20.0 24568
41 20.5 18724
42 21.0 14473
43 21.5 9421
44 22.0 5607
45 22.5 3295
46 23.0 1576
47 23.5 733
48 24.0 202
49 24.5 52
Query sequence: EYHTKGDHV

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