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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: FELIEENGD

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Alt a 2 4097481 0.00 5.6015 6.6990 169FELIEENGD177
2Bet v 3 P43187 4.92 2.9687 4.9320 139FKVFDEDGD147
3Aed a 8.0101 Q1HR69_AEDAE 5.41 2.7031 4.7537 242FEVVATNGD250
4Bet v 3 P43187 5.58 2.6111 4.6920 45FDLFDKNSD53
5Pru du 6.0201 307159114 5.66 2.5693 4.6639 395VQVVNENGD403
6Pru du 6.0101 307159112 5.66 2.5693 4.6639 448VQVVNENGD456
7Pru du 6 258588247 5.66 2.5693 4.6639 428VQVVNENGD436
8Cor a 10 10944737 5.93 2.4246 4.5668 249FEVLSTNGD257
9Aed a 8.0101 Q1HR69_AEDAE 6.13 2.3207 4.4971 118FKVIEKNSK126
10Zan_b_2.02 QYU76044 6.35 2.2016 4.4171 315MQIVSENGN323
11Cor a 1.0301 1321733 6.47 2.1362 4.3732 42IEIIEGNGG50
12Cul q 2.01 Q95V92_CULQU 6.49 2.1275 4.3674 74LELFDESSK82
13Zan b 2.0101 QYU76045 6.60 2.0669 4.3267 318VQIVSENGN326
14QYS16039 QYS16039 6.60 2.0669 4.3267 318VQIVSENGN326
15Zan b 2.0102 QYU76046 6.60 2.0669 4.3267 317VQIVSENGN325
16Pis v 2.0101 110349082 6.64 2.0455 4.3124 377IQIVSENGE385
17Gos h 4 P09800 6.64 2.0455 4.3124 415IQIVSENGE423
18Pan h 4.0101 XP_026781482 6.66 2.0341 4.3048 92IQLIEEELD100
19Tyr p 10.0101 48249227 6.84 1.9358 4.2388 92IQLIEEDLE100
20Cho a 10.0101 AEX31649 6.84 1.9358 4.2388 92IQLIEEDLE100
21Blo t 10.0101 15693888 6.84 1.9358 4.2388 92IQLIEEDLE100
22Der f 10.0101 1359436 6.84 1.9358 4.2388 107IQLIEEDLE115
23Lep d 10 Q9NFZ4 6.84 1.9358 4.2388 92IQLIEEDLE100
24Der p 10 O18416 6.84 1.9358 4.2388 92IQLIEEDLE100
25Pis v 2.0201 110349084 6.85 1.9352 4.2384 368MQIVSENGE376
26Aln g 1 7430710 6.97 1.8685 4.1936 146FPVIEQYGD154
27Cor a 9 18479082 7.00 1.8530 4.1832 401VQVVDDNGN409
28Cla h 5.0101 P40918 7.01 1.8468 4.1790 90FKVIEKAGK98
29Lit v 4.0101 223403272 7.05 1.8279 4.1663 110FKAIDVNGD118
30Pen m 4.0101 317383198 7.05 1.8279 4.1663 110FKAIDVNGD118
31Ory c 4.0101 U6C8D6_RABIT 7.06 1.8186 4.1601 34REKIEENGS42
32Rat n 1 P02761 7.06 1.8186 4.1601 48REKIEENGS56
33Api m 11.0201 62910925 7.07 1.8166 4.1588 338IEIVAKNND346
34Ara h 8.0201 EF436550 7.08 1.8110 4.1550 41IEIVEGNGG49
35Asc l 5.0101 QGS84239 7.15 1.7720 4.1289 40FELIKKDEE48
36Gos h 3 P09802 7.17 1.7632 4.1229 405VQVVNHNGD413
37Der p 28.0101 QAT18639 7.20 1.7454 4.1110 96FKVVSESGK104
38Der f 28.0201 AIO08848 7.20 1.7454 4.1110 96FKVVSESGK104
39Aln g 4 O81701 7.24 1.7231 4.0960 16FKCFDANGD24
40Hom s 4 3297882 7.25 1.7203 4.0941 64FKMFDLNGD72
41Fel d 4 45775300 7.25 1.7180 4.0926 45KEKIEENGS53
42Equ c 1 Q95182 7.25 1.7180 4.0926 47KEKIEENGS55
43Can f 6.0101 73971966 7.25 1.7180 4.0926 46KEKIEENGS54
44Sal s 4.0101 NP_001117128 7.27 1.7089 4.0865 92IQLVEEELD100
45Pan h 4.0201 XP_026775428 7.27 1.7089 4.0865 92IQLVEEELD100
46Pen m 6.0101 317383200 7.29 1.6976 4.0789 128IEEVDEDGS136
47Hom a 6.0101 P29291 7.29 1.6976 4.0789 128IEEVDEDGS136
48Bla g 8.0101 88657350 7.36 1.6585 4.0527 126FKTFEDDGK134
49Sin a 2.0101 Q2TLW0 7.39 1.6415 4.0412 401IQVVNDNGQ409
50Der p 13.0101 E0A8N8_DERPT 7.45 1.6124 4.0217 40FEVAKENDQ48

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 10.458174
Standard deviation: 1.867033
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 1
11 5.5 1
12 6.0 4
13 6.5 3
14 7.0 15
15 7.5 27
16 8.0 113
17 8.5 71
18 9.0 173
19 9.5 131
20 10.0 148
21 10.5 187
22 11.0 178
23 11.5 190
24 12.0 156
25 12.5 103
26 13.0 57
27 13.5 45
28 14.0 37
29 14.5 17
30 15.0 12
31 15.5 10
32 16.0 8
33 16.5 2
34 17.0 2
35 17.5 2
36 18.0 1
37 18.5 1
38 19.0 1
39 19.5 0
40 20.0 0
41 20.5 0
42 21.0 0
43 21.5 0
44 22.0 0

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 18.635618
Standard deviation: 2.781860
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 1
11 5.5 1
12 6.0 5
13 6.5 4
14 7.0 15
15 7.5 27
16 8.0 115
17 8.5 86
18 9.0 212
19 9.5 239
20 10.0 328
21 10.5 490
22 11.0 826
23 11.5 1154
24 12.0 1629
25 12.5 2221
26 13.0 3151
27 13.5 4726
28 14.0 6102
29 14.5 7810
30 15.0 10273
31 15.5 13502
32 16.0 15810
33 16.5 18521
34 17.0 21012
35 17.5 23786
36 18.0 26357
37 18.5 27648
38 19.0 29656
39 19.5 28831
40 20.0 26737
41 20.5 24726
42 21.0 23035
43 21.5 19480
44 22.0 16857
45 22.5 13837
46 23.0 10293
47 23.5 7449
48 24.0 5336
49 24.5 3857
50 25.0 1910
51 25.5 1286
52 26.0 523
53 26.5 237
54 27.0 70
55 27.5 17
Query sequence: FELIEENGD

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