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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
Alphabetical listing of allergens: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: FFKKRCPDA

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Lyc e NP24 P12670 0.00 6.8284 7.6015 191FFKKRCPDA199
2Cap a 1.0101 Q9ARG0_CAPAN 0.00 6.8284 7.6015 191FFKKRCPDA199
3Cap a 1w 16609959 0.00 6.8284 7.6015 191FFKKRCPDA199
4Cap a 1 11321159 0.96 6.2580 7.2144 164FFKQRCPDA172
5Ole e 13.0101 ALL13_OLEEU 1.29 6.0602 7.0801 192FFKERCPDA200
6Act c 2 190358875 1.41 5.9840 7.0285 191FFKDRCPDA199
7Mus a 4.0101 88191901 2.38 5.4087 6.6381 166FFKRNCPDA174
8Mal d 2 10334651 4.12 4.3690 5.9326 212IFEKQCPQA220
9Cup s 3.0101 38456226 4.33 4.2455 5.8488 192IFKNQCPQA200
10Cup s 3.0102 38456228 4.33 4.2455 5.8488 192IFKNQCPQA200
11Jun a 3 P81295 4.33 4.2455 5.8488 192IFKNQCPQA200
12Cup a 3 9929163 4.33 4.2455 5.8488 166IFKNQCPQA174
13Pru p 2.0301 190613903 4.74 4.0018 5.6835 208IFHEQCPDA216
14Pru p 2.0101 190613911 4.89 3.9105 5.6215 212LFKTQCPQA220
15Pru p 2.0201 190613907 4.89 3.9105 5.6215 212LFKTQCPQA220
16Pru av 2 P50694 6.50 2.9493 4.9693 211IFHNACPDA219
17Cur l 4.0101 193507493 6.91 2.7014 4.8011 47VFKKHVKDA55
18Alt a 15.0101 A0A0F6N3V8_ALTAL 6.91 2.7014 4.8011 18VFKKHVKDA26
19gal d 6.0101 P87498 7.04 2.6235 4.7482 420IVKKHCPRS428
20Gal d 6.0101 VIT1_CHICK 7.04 2.6235 4.7482 420IVKKHCPRS428
21Mala s 7 4138175 7.50 2.3495 4.5623 62WFKERCQSH70
22Rhi o 1.0101 I1CLC6_RHIO9 7.69 2.2407 4.4885 124FLHKRYDSA132
23Sal s 1 Q91482 7.82 2.1619 4.4350 67FLQNFCPKA75
24Pol d 1.0104 45510893 8.11 1.9891 4.3177 187FLTSKCPDR195
25Pol d 1.0103 45510891 8.11 1.9891 4.3177 187FLTSKCPDR195
26Pol e 1.0101 3989146 8.11 1.9891 4.3177 174FLTSKCPDR182
27Der p 8 P46419 8.19 1.9408 4.2849 198YIKKQQPKT206
28Pol d 1.0102 45510889 8.36 1.8386 4.2156 187FLTNKCPNR195
29Pol d 1.0101 45510887 8.36 1.8386 4.2156 208FLTNKCPNR216
30gal d 6.0101 P87498 8.46 1.7780 4.1745 984FIQSMCSNA992
31Gal d 6.0101 VIT1_CHICK 8.46 1.7780 4.1745 984FIQSMCSNA992
32Dol m 1.02 P53357 8.50 1.7563 4.1598 174FKKKDCPER182
33Cav p 4.0101 Q6WDN9_CAVPO 8.50 1.7524 4.1571 577AFLKKCCDA585
34Can f 5.0101 P09582 8.56 1.7200 4.1352 100LYKTKVPRA108
35Cur l 3.0101 14585755 8.59 1.7005 4.1219 14LFKTRCAQC22
36Mac r 2.0101 E2JE77_MACRS 8.68 1.6458 4.0848 289ALKKRCEEL297
37Asp fl protease 5702208 8.70 1.6362 4.0783 242VSKKRTSKA250
38Asp o 13 2428 8.70 1.6362 4.0783 242VSKKRTSKA250
39Api m 3.0101 61656214 8.70 1.6337 4.0766 70FLRERYGDF78
40Aed a 1 P50635 8.70 1.6331 4.0762 117FIKKLKPAA125
41Per a 13.0101 AVQ67919 8.79 1.5791 4.0396 73VFAERDPKA81
42Asp f 11 5019414 8.81 1.5701 4.0334 34LFDKDVPKT42
43Tria p 1 15426413 8.81 1.5691 4.0328 142ILSRRQPNT150
44Asp o 21 166531 8.83 1.5582 4.0253 299TVKSDCPDS307
45Asp o 21 217823 8.83 1.5582 4.0253 299TVKSDCPDS307
46Bomb m 5.0101 4PC4_A 8.87 1.5346 4.0093 201IYNRQFNDA209
47Pol a 1 Q9U6W0 8.87 1.5319 4.0075 172FHRSDCPDR180
48Que a 1.0201 167472847 8.88 1.5288 4.0054 30LIQKVLPQA38
49Que a 1.0101 P85126 8.88 1.5288 4.0054 29LIQKVLPQA37
50Que a 1.0401 167472851 8.88 1.5288 4.0054 30LIQKVLPQA38

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 11.438859
Standard deviation: 1.675179
1 0.5 3
2 1.0 1
3 1.5 2
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 1
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 5
10 5.0 3
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 1
14 7.0 2
15 7.5 2
16 8.0 3
17 8.5 7
18 9.0 22
19 9.5 110
20 10.0 85
21 10.5 189
22 11.0 211
23 11.5 238
24 12.0 210
25 12.5 232
26 13.0 142
27 13.5 115
28 14.0 43
29 14.5 22
30 15.0 13
31 15.5 14
32 16.0 6
33 16.5 6
34 17.0 5
35 17.5 2
36 18.0 2

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 18.766314
Standard deviation: 2.468775
1 0.5 3
2 1.0 1
3 1.5 2
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 1
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 5
10 5.0 3
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 1
14 7.0 2
15 7.5 2
16 8.0 3
17 8.5 9
18 9.0 22
19 9.5 115
20 10.0 99
21 10.5 242
22 11.0 448
23 11.5 522
24 12.0 799
25 12.5 1330
26 13.0 1966
27 13.5 3025
28 14.0 4357
29 14.5 6248
30 15.0 8899
31 15.5 10687
32 16.0 14413
33 16.5 17997
34 17.0 21745
35 17.5 25015
36 18.0 28321
37 18.5 30792
38 19.0 31945
39 19.5 32249
40 20.0 31292
41 20.5 28231
42 21.0 24792
43 21.5 21081
44 22.0 17001
45 22.5 13440
46 23.0 8918
47 23.5 6013
48 24.0 4077
49 24.5 2336
50 25.0 964
51 25.5 602
52 26.0 133
53 26.5 39
54 27.0 10
Query sequence: FFKKRCPDA

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