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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
Alphabetical listing of allergens: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: GLQFDTDLS

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Cha o 3.0101 GH5FP_CHAOB 0.00 7.2953 7.0136 243GLQFDTDLS251
2Pun g 14.0101 CHIT_PUNGR 6.32 2.9210 4.4666 147GIDFDIELG155
3Tab y 1.0101 323473390 6.32 2.9155 4.4634 226GLDHDYDLA234
4Cop c 7 5689675 6.50 2.7968 4.3942 96GLDFQTGLV104
5Lyc e LAT52 295812 6.61 2.7138 4.3459 39RVQFETKLS47
6Der f 33.0101 AIO08861 6.67 2.6755 4.3237 248SLRFDGALN256
7Der p 33.0101 QAT18644 6.67 2.6755 4.3237 241SLRFDGALN249
8Gal d 1 P01005 6.69 2.6637 4.3168 71SIEFGTNIS79
9Pis v 2.0101 110349082 6.73 2.6353 4.3002 244SFNIDTQLA252
10Bet v 3 P43187 6.81 2.5771 4.2663 91GLQFEDFIS99
11Ves v 2.0201 60203063 6.85 2.5495 4.2503 123NLKINKDIS131
12Art la 3.0102 ANC85025 7.01 2.4389 4.1859 98GLNLPYKLS106
13Art v 3.0301 189544589 7.01 2.4389 4.1859 100GLNLPYKLS108
14Pha v 1 21044 7.07 2.3959 4.1608 98KITFDSKLS106
15Pha v 1 P25985 7.07 2.3959 4.1608 97KITFDSKLS105
16Ulo c 1.0101 A0A3G3LP85_9PLEO 7.12 2.3652 4.1430 97SFSFDSDRS105
17Aed a 6.0101 Q1HR57_AEDAE 7.17 2.3287 4.1217 37GVEFNTSGS45
18Asp n 14 2181180 7.33 2.2167 4.0565 570SLKNNTNVS578
19Bla g 1.0101 4572592 7.34 2.2089 4.0520 25GLTLNAKAS33
20Cur l 4.0101 193507493 7.37 2.1916 4.0419 92GLKHTYELS100
21Pen c 19 Q92260 7.37 2.1881 4.0398 158GIDFYTSIT166
22Der f 28.0101 L7V065_DERFA 7.37 2.1881 4.0398 291GIDFYTSIT299
23Pis v 4.0101 149786149 7.39 2.1799 4.0351 125GWAIDTNFG133
24Pis v 2.0201 110349084 7.46 2.1319 4.0071 244SFNIDTQLV252
25Der f 14 1545803 7.47 2.1188 3.9995 213DLDIDYDLK221
26Der p 14.0101 20385544 7.47 2.1188 3.9995 1115DLDIDYDLK1123
27Pru du 10.0101 MDL2_PRUDU 7.50 2.0998 3.9884 153GVDWDMDLV161
28Lep d 7 Q9U1G2 7.50 2.0987 3.9878 110NIRIKTDLH118
29Sola t 4 P30941 7.51 2.0924 3.9841 41GKELDSRLS49
30Sola t 4 21413 7.51 2.0924 3.9841 41GKELDSRLS49
31Pru p 9.0101 XP_007199020 7.51 2.0911 3.9834 48PLKWNTTLA56
32Bla g 1.0101 4572592 7.53 2.0801 3.9769 217GLTLNGKAS225
33Pen m 7.0101 G1AP69_PENMO 7.56 2.0604 3.9655 624GLHENTEFN632
34Pen m 7.0102 AEB77775 7.56 2.0604 3.9655 624GLHENTEFN632
35Hum j 1 33113263 7.57 2.0505 3.9597 21TLELNSHIS29
36Ory c 4.0101 U6C8D6_RABIT 7.61 2.0280 3.9466 129GLDVRSDIR137
37Bet v 3 P43187 7.64 2.0031 3.9321 67LLGLETDLS75
38Sal k 1.0301 59895730 7.65 1.9994 3.9300 203SLYLNTELH211
39Sal k 1.0201 51242679 7.65 1.9994 3.9300 226SLYLNTELH234
40Sal k 1.0302 59895728 7.65 1.9994 3.9300 203SLYLNTELH211
41Pru av 2 P50694 7.66 1.9911 3.9251 61SFQLDTPVP69
42Pru p 2.0301 190613903 7.66 1.9911 3.9251 58SFQLDTPVP66
43Der p 3 P39675 7.72 1.9476 3.8998 108SYQIDNDIA116
44Tri a 30.0101 21713 7.73 1.9386 3.8946 32GVAFRTNLL40
45Tri a TAI 21713 7.73 1.9386 3.8946 32GVAFRTNLL40
46Cyn d 24.0101 51950706 7.74 1.9333 3.8915 36PLTWNTTLA44
47Blo t 11 21954740 7.74 1.9332 3.8914 22SIEYGTDLG30
48Hum j 1 33113263 7.78 1.9056 3.8753 144PLHFDRSQS152
49Fag e 1 2317670 7.78 1.9051 3.8751 385NLKFKQNVN393
50Eur m 14 6492307 7.80 1.8942 3.8687 1121DLDIDLDLK1129

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 10.533141
Standard deviation: 1.443832
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 3
14 7.0 7
15 7.5 15
16 8.0 39
17 8.5 72
18 9.0 93
19 9.5 185
20 10.0 177
21 10.5 214
22 11.0 232
23 11.5 248
24 12.0 162
25 12.5 126
26 13.0 74
27 13.5 21
28 14.0 11
29 14.5 8
30 15.0 6
31 15.5 2
32 16.0 1
33 16.5 0
34 17.0 0
35 17.5 0
36 18.0 0
37 18.5 0
38 19.0 0
39 19.5 0
40 20.0 0
41 20.5 0

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 17.391402
Standard deviation: 2.479676
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 3
14 7.0 7
15 7.5 15
16 8.0 42
17 8.5 82
18 9.0 132
19 9.5 270
20 10.0 401
21 10.5 669
22 11.0 1055
23 11.5 1873
24 12.0 2648
25 12.5 3779
26 13.0 6006
27 13.5 8548
28 14.0 11160
29 14.5 13927
30 15.0 17080
31 15.5 21160
32 16.0 24536
33 16.5 27447
34 17.0 29704
35 17.5 32042
36 18.0 31947
37 18.5 30169
38 19.0 28171
39 19.5 26057
40 20.0 21765
41 20.5 18005
42 21.0 14173
43 21.5 10287
44 22.0 6948
45 22.5 4569
46 23.0 2748
47 23.5 1551
48 24.0 761
49 24.5 320
50 25.0 93
51 25.5 29
52 26.0 13
53 26.5 4
Query sequence: GLQFDTDLS

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