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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: GNYISKIAD

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Sal k 2.0101 22726221 0.00 6.5245 6.7755 205GNYISKIAD213
2Tyr p 35.0101 AOD75396 5.30 3.1968 4.7924 74GRLINKLAD82
3Alt a 10 P42041 6.07 2.7129 4.5040 81GKLLNKLAD89
4Asp f 10 963013 6.28 2.5849 4.4277 276SNSISGIAD284
5Cuc ma 4.0101 11SB_CUCMA 6.31 2.5669 4.4170 228GNIFSGFAD236
6Pin k 2.0101 VCL_PINKO 6.78 2.2666 4.2380 378GHPITEIAS386
7Tyr p 35.0101 AOD75396 6.94 2.1688 4.1797 238GKLISKTAS246
8Myr p 1 Q07932 6.98 2.1443 4.1651 70GRVIPKVAK78
9Ves m 1 P51528 6.98 2.1428 4.1642 110GQYIATITQ118
10Ves v 1 P49369 6.98 2.1428 4.1642 146GQYIATITQ154
11Pol e 5.0101 51093375 6.99 2.1395 4.1622 215GNYLGQLPN223
12Pac c 3.0101 VA5_BRACH 6.99 2.1353 4.1597 145GNYFMKIGH153
13Vesp c 1.0101 VA5_BRACH 7.00 2.1289 4.1560 110GNYIATVTK118
14Ulo c 1.0101 A0A3G3LP85_9PLEO 7.20 2.0084 4.0841 37GDYVWKISE45
15Alt a 1 P79085 7.20 2.0084 4.0841 36GDYVWKISE44
16Dol m 1.0101 Q06478 7.26 1.9695 4.0610 127GNFIAMIAK135
17Per a 1.0104 2253610 7.34 1.9207 4.0318 162ANYINEIHS170
18Blo t 3.0101 25989482 7.35 1.9101 4.0255 253GNYISWIKG261
19Api m 11.0201 62910925 7.36 1.9028 4.0212 377SNKYQKIAN385
20Fra a 1 Q256S4 7.42 1.8694 4.0013 28DNLIPKIAP36
21Fra a 1 Q256S2 7.42 1.8694 4.0013 28DNLIPKIAP36
22Mal d 1 1313970 7.42 1.8694 4.0013 28DNLIPKIAP36
23Fra a 1 Q3T923 7.42 1.8694 4.0013 28DNLIPKIAP36
24Fra a 1 Q256S6 7.42 1.8694 4.0013 28DNLIPKIAP36
25Fra a 1 Q256S7 7.42 1.8694 4.0013 28DNLIPKIAP36
26Mal d 1 886683 7.42 1.8694 4.0013 28DNLIPKIAP36
27Mal d 1.0106 AAD26554 7.42 1.8694 4.0013 28DNLIPKIAP36
28Mal d 1 P43211 7.42 1.8694 4.0013 27DNLIPKIAP35
29Pyr c 1 O65200 7.42 1.8694 4.0013 28DNLIPKIAP36
30Mal d 1 4590368 7.42 1.8694 4.0013 28DNLIPKIAP36
31Mal d 1 4590380 7.42 1.8694 4.0013 28DNLIPKIAP36
32Mal d 1 1313966 7.42 1.8694 4.0013 28DNLIPKIAP36
33Mal d 1 747852 7.42 1.8694 4.0013 28DNLIPKIAP36
34Mal d 1.0107 AAD26555.1 7.42 1.8694 4.0013 28DNLIPKIAP36
35Mal d 1 1313972 7.42 1.8694 4.0013 28DNLIPKIAP36
36Mal d 1 4590390 7.42 1.8694 4.0013 28DNLIPKIAP36
37Mal d 1.0108 AAD29671 7.42 1.8694 4.0013 28DNLIPKIAP36
38Mal d 1 4590376 7.42 1.8694 4.0013 28DNLIPKIAP36
39Mal d 1 4590364 7.42 1.8694 4.0013 28DNLIPKIAP36
40Mal d 1 4590378 7.42 1.8694 4.0013 28DNLIPKIAP36
41Rub i 1.0101 Q0Z8U9 7.42 1.8694 4.0013 19DNLIPKIAP27
42Mal d 1 1313968 7.42 1.8694 4.0013 28DNLIPKIAP36
43Mal d 1 4590366 7.42 1.8694 4.0013 28DNLIPKIAP36
44Mal d 1.0101 CAA58646 7.42 1.8694 4.0013 28DNLIPKIAP36
45Mal d 1 4590388 7.42 1.8694 4.0013 28DNLIPKIAP36
46Mal d 1.0102 CAA88833 7.42 1.8694 4.0013 28DNLIPKIAP36
47Mal d 1.0103 AAD26546 7.42 1.8694 4.0013 28DNLIPKIAP36
48Mal d 1.0104 AAD26552 7.42 1.8694 4.0013 28DNLIPKIAP36
49Mal d 1 4590382 7.42 1.8694 4.0013 28DNLIPKIAP36
50Mal d 1.0105 AAD26553 7.42 1.8694 4.0013 28DNLIPKIAP36

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 10.395131
Standard deviation: 1.593241
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 1
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 3
14 7.0 6
15 7.5 57
16 8.0 76
17 8.5 78
18 9.0 77
19 9.5 120
20 10.0 198
21 10.5 229
22 11.0 288
23 11.5 205
24 12.0 130
25 12.5 100
26 13.0 57
27 13.5 32
28 14.0 15
29 14.5 13
30 15.0 4
31 15.5 5
32 16.0 2
33 16.5 0
34 17.0 0
35 17.5 0
36 18.0 0
37 18.5 0
38 19.0 0
39 19.5 0
40 20.0 0
41 20.5 0
42 21.0 0
43 21.5 0
44 22.0 0
45 22.5 0
46 23.0 0
47 23.5 0

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 18.113997
Standard deviation: 2.673455
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 1
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 3
14 7.0 7
15 7.5 57
16 8.0 76
17 8.5 100
18 9.0 190
19 9.5 216
20 10.0 368
21 10.5 613
22 11.0 935
23 11.5 1413
24 12.0 2055
25 12.5 2918
26 13.0 4567
27 13.5 5867
28 14.0 7542
29 14.5 10407
30 15.0 12758
31 15.5 15355
32 16.0 18936
33 16.5 22019
34 17.0 24689
35 17.5 27257
36 18.0 29109
37 18.5 30377
38 19.0 29316
39 19.5 28571
40 20.0 25968
41 20.5 22830
42 21.0 19682
43 21.5 15984
44 22.0 12892
45 22.5 9658
46 23.0 6574
47 23.5 4567
48 24.0 3072
49 24.5 1629
50 25.0 925
51 25.5 446
52 26.0 124
53 26.5 107
54 27.0 13
55 27.5 3
Query sequence: GNYISKIAD

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