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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
Alphabetical listing of allergens: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: GRSMQGYPF

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Bla g 9.0101 ABC86902 0.00 7.0465 7.9082 128GRSMQGYPF136
2Scy p 2.0101 KARG0_SCYPA 1.15 6.3627 7.4190 128GRSMEGYPF136
3Pen m 2 27463265 1.15 6.3627 7.4190 128GRSMEGYPF136
4Plo i 1 25453077 1.15 6.3627 7.4190 127GRSMEGYPF135
5Lit v 2.0101 Q004B5 1.27 6.2943 7.3701 128GRSLQGYPF136
6Der f 20.0101 AIO08850 1.27 6.2943 7.3701 128GRSLQGYPF136
7Tyr p 20.0101 A0A868BHP5_TYRPU 1.27 6.2943 7.3701 129GRSLQGYPF137
8Der f 20.0201 ABU97470 2.22 5.7269 6.9642 128GRSLKGYPF136
9Der p 20.0101 188485735 2.23 5.7220 6.9607 128GRSLNGYPF136
10Der p 20.0101 KARG_PROCL 2.42 5.6105 6.8810 128GRSLEGYPF136
11Bomb m 1.0101 82658675 2.42 5.6105 6.8810 127GRSLEGYPF135
12Sal s 7.01 ACH70914 5.08 4.0326 5.7523 134GRSIKGYTL142
13Pan h 7.0101 XP_026780620 5.08 4.0326 5.7523 133GRSIKGYTL141
14Cuc m 1 807698 6.22 3.3555 5.2679 343GQSFQGVSI351
15Mac r 2.0101 E2JE77_MACRS 6.41 3.2405 5.1857 114GRSIDGFGL122
16Scy p 4.0101 SCP_SCYPA 7.12 2.8174 4.8830 92GKSFDGFPP100
17Ole e 9 14279169 7.74 2.4485 4.6191 309GKSIDTYLF317
18Der p 29.0101 QAT18640 7.89 2.3641 4.5587 212GQVMQGMDI220
19Ses i 7.0101 Q9AUD2 7.99 2.3040 4.5158 114GRGIQGTVI122
20Tri a gliadin 21769 8.15 2.2091 4.4479 137SRTTTSVPF145
21Asp f 11 5019414 8.23 2.1619 4.4141 85GRSIYGDKF93
22Gos h 2 P09799 8.24 2.1514 4.4066 379GKGSEGYAF387
23Gos h 3 P09802 8.24 2.1511 4.4064 99GRGIQGIVM107
24Fag e 1 2317674 8.27 2.1349 4.3948 111GRGVQGVVI119
25Gal d vitellogenin 212881 8.30 2.1192 4.3836 530PKTVQGYLI538
26Gal d vitellogenin 63887 8.30 2.1192 4.3836 530PKTVQGYLI538
27Jug n 4.0101 JUGN4_JUGNI 8.45 2.0292 4.3192 100GRGITGVLF108
28Cor a 9 18479082 8.45 2.0292 4.3192 103GRGITGVLF111
29Car i 4.0101 158998780 8.45 2.0292 4.3192 102GRGITGVLF110
30Jug r 4.0101 Q2TPW5 8.45 2.0292 4.3192 101GRGITGVLF109
31Sal k 3.0101 225810599 8.46 2.0245 4.3158 546AQSMTSRPM554
32Der p 29.0101 QAT18640 8.52 1.9885 4.2900 157GKSIYGRKF165
33Gly m lectin 170006 8.53 1.9793 4.2835 81GRALYSTPI89
34Hom s 1.0101 2723284 8.54 1.9744 4.2800 790GKSMNANTI798
35Hom s 1 2342526 8.54 1.9744 4.2800 747GKSMNANTI755
36Rhi o 2.0101 ALM24136 8.62 1.9275 4.2464 75GKSIYGNKF83
37Der f 29.0101 A1KXG2_DERFA 8.62 1.9275 4.2464 75GKSIYGNKF83
38Hev b 3 O82803 8.65 1.9095 4.2335 175GTTEQGYRV183
39Sec c 1.0101 Q9S8H2 8.67 1.8972 4.2247 11GKSISNNPV19
40Sec c 38.0101 Q9S8H2_SECCE 8.67 1.8972 4.2247 11GKSISNNPV19
41Bla g 3.0101 D0VNY7_BLAGE 8.72 1.8701 4.2054 626DRPIHSYDF634
42Fag e 1 2317670 8.73 1.8634 4.2006 109GRGVQGVVV117
43Fag e 1 29839419 8.73 1.8634 4.2006 109GRGVQGVVV117
44Tri a 27.0101 283480515 8.78 1.8323 4.1783 175CKAYKGYPL183
45Tri a glutenin 21779 8.78 1.8310 4.1774 285GQGQQGHYL293
46Tri a glutenin 22090 8.78 1.8310 4.1774 351GQGQQGHYL359
47Tri a glutenin 21751 8.78 1.8310 4.1774 273GQGQQGHYL281
48Pis s 1.0101 CAF25232 8.80 1.8241 4.1725 1SRSDQENPF9
49Len c 1.0102 29539111 8.80 1.8241 4.1725 1SRSDQENPF9
50Pis s 1.0102 CAF25233 8.80 1.8241 4.1725 1SRSDQENPF9

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 11.867887
Standard deviation: 1.684228
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 6
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 4
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 2
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 2
14 7.0 0
15 7.5 1
16 8.0 3
17 8.5 12
18 9.0 34
19 9.5 30
20 10.0 98
21 10.5 113
22 11.0 118
23 11.5 175
24 12.0 213
25 12.5 311
26 13.0 210
27 13.5 162
28 14.0 93
29 14.5 64
30 15.0 24
31 15.5 10
32 16.0 7
33 16.5 2
34 17.0 1
35 17.5 0
36 18.0 1

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 18.619681
Standard deviation: 2.354485
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 6
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 4
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 2
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 2
14 7.0 0
15 7.5 1
16 8.0 3
17 8.5 12
18 9.0 37
19 9.5 89
20 10.0 120
21 10.5 162
22 11.0 317
23 11.5 498
24 12.0 710
25 12.5 1290
26 13.0 1951
27 13.5 3048
28 14.0 4568
29 14.5 6783
30 15.0 8796
31 15.5 11542
32 16.0 15382
33 16.5 18025
34 17.0 22180
35 17.5 25972
36 18.0 29951
37 18.5 31702
38 19.0 33623
39 19.5 33626
40 20.0 32529
41 20.5 29627
42 21.0 25097
43 21.5 20590
44 22.0 15976
45 22.5 10629
46 23.0 7188
47 23.5 4166
48 24.0 2170
49 24.5 1171
50 25.0 398
51 25.5 147
52 26.0 93
Query sequence: GRSMQGYPF

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