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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: IKTFEQFKK

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Blo t 1.0201 33667928 0.00 5.6503 6.6413 25IKTFEQFKK33
2Eur m 1.0102 3941390 1.15 5.0249 6.2190 23IKTFEEFKK31
3Der f 1.0109 119633262 1.15 5.0249 6.2190 23IKTFEEFKK31
4Der f 1.0101 27530349 1.15 5.0249 6.2190 23IKTFEEFKK31
5Der f 1.0110 119633264 1.15 5.0249 6.2190 23IKTFEEFKK31
6Der f 1.0107 2428875 1.15 5.0249 6.2190 5IKTFEEFKK13
7Der f 1 P16311 1.15 5.0249 6.2190 23IKTFEEFKK31
8Der f 1.0103 2428875 1.15 5.0249 6.2190 5IKTFEEFKK13
9Der f 1.0105 2428875 1.15 5.0249 6.2190 5IKTFEEFKK13
10Der f 1.0102 2428875 1.15 5.0249 6.2190 5IKTFEEFKK13
11Eur m 1.0101 P25780 1.15 5.0249 6.2190 23IKTFEEFKK31
12Eur m 1.0101 3941388 1.15 5.0249 6.2190 23IKTFEEFKK31
13Der f 1.0108 119633260 1.15 5.0249 6.2190 23IKTFEEFKK31
14Der f 1.0104 2428875 1.15 5.0249 6.2190 5IKTFEEFKK13
15Der p 1 P08176 2.56 4.2575 5.7008 23IKTFEEYKK31
16Der p 1.0124 256095986 2.56 4.2575 5.7008 5IKTFEEYKK13
17Der p 1.0113 76097505 4.29 3.3216 5.0688 5IKPFEEYKK13
18Mala s 13.0101 91680611 6.15 2.3117 4.3868 4ISSYDQFKQ12
19Jug r 6.0101 VCL6_JUGRE 6.55 2.0952 4.2405 119IQVLEKFTK127
20Der p 18.0101 CHL18_DERPT 6.57 2.0823 4.2318 227LKTLEAYNK235
21Ole e 8 Q9M7R0 6.63 2.0473 4.2082 147YVSFEEFKK155
22Ole e 8 6901654 6.63 2.0473 4.2082 147YVSFEEFKK155
23Der f 18.0101 27550039 6.73 1.9970 4.1742 227LKTLEAYHK235
24 Gal d 9.0101 ENOB_CHICK 6.75 1.9854 4.1664 63LKAVEHINK71
25Hom s 4 3297882 6.81 1.9525 4.1442 130IKNFLEFQR138
26Thu a 1.0101 242253957 6.83 1.9407 4.1362 38AKTPEDIKK46
27Lup an 1.0101 169950562 7.02 1.8408 4.0688 204IRVLERFNQ212
28Asp o 21 217823 7.05 1.8236 4.0571 226IDTVKHVQK234
29Asp o 21 166531 7.05 1.8236 4.0571 226IDTVKHVQK234
30Ves s 1.0101 3989146 7.07 1.8086 4.0470 31LRNHDEFKK39
31Pru du 8.0101 A0A516F3L2_PRUDU 7.14 1.7743 4.0238 223IRQLEQCQE231
32Gal d vitellogenin 63887 7.15 1.7653 4.0178 1588IKTFNEVKF1596
33Gal d vitellogenin 212881 7.15 1.7653 4.0178 1590IKTFNEVKF1598
34Cor a 11 19338630 7.16 1.7610 4.0148 80VQVLENFTK88
35Der p 7 P49273 7.25 1.7156 3.9842 78VRGLKQMKR86
36Vesp c 1.0101 P49273 7.31 1.6825 3.9618 31IKNHNEFKD39
37Phl p 13 4826572 7.31 1.6817 3.9613 273IKSYEDAKS281
38Syr v 3 P58171 7.34 1.6636 3.9491 57FISFEEFKD65
39Blo t 11 21954740 7.35 1.6603 3.9469 701VTKLETIKK709
40Ana c 2 2342496 7.38 1.6410 3.9338 65VKHIETFNS73
41Eur m 14 6492307 7.38 1.6404 3.9334 677LKMLAQIRK685
42Pis s 1.0102 CAF25233 7.39 1.6349 3.9297 27IRLLQKFDK35
43Pis s 1.0101 CAF25232 7.39 1.6349 3.9297 27IRLLQKFDK35
44Len c 1.0102 29539111 7.39 1.6349 3.9297 27IRLLQKFDK35
45Len c 1.0101 29539109 7.40 1.6312 3.9272 27IRLLQRFDK35
46Cand a 3 37548637 7.43 1.6133 3.9151 30LHPFEVFRK38
47Ani s 2 8117843 7.44 1.6123 3.9145 130TEQIEQLQK138
48Car i 2.0101 VCL_CARIL 7.44 1.6116 3.9140 397VKYLERFTE405
49Jug r 2 6580762 7.44 1.6116 3.9140 200VKYLERFTE208
50Tyr p 20.0101 A0A868BHP5_TYRPU 7.45 1.6072 3.9110 248VKAVQHIEK256

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 10.404924
Standard deviation: 1.841484
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 13
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 2
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 1
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 1
14 7.0 8
15 7.5 29
16 8.0 30
17 8.5 70
18 9.0 130
19 9.5 164
20 10.0 265
21 10.5 208
22 11.0 209
23 11.5 175
24 12.0 154
25 12.5 74
26 13.0 59
27 13.5 36
28 14.0 20
29 14.5 14
30 15.0 15
31 15.5 8
32 16.0 2
33 16.5 1
34 17.0 2
35 17.5 3
36 18.0 3

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 18.110179
Standard deviation: 2.726893
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 13
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 2
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 1
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 1
14 7.0 8
15 7.5 29
16 8.0 45
17 8.5 82
18 9.0 167
19 9.5 275
20 10.0 479
21 10.5 690
22 11.0 1081
23 11.5 1637
24 12.0 2311
25 12.5 3113
26 13.0 5021
27 13.5 6304
28 14.0 8262
29 14.5 10846
30 15.0 12828
31 15.5 15389
32 16.0 18409
33 16.5 21148
34 17.0 24093
35 17.5 26763
36 18.0 27962
37 18.5 28988
38 19.0 28066
39 19.5 27927
40 20.0 26130
41 20.5 22978
42 21.0 20244
43 21.5 17006
44 22.0 13678
45 22.5 10618
46 23.0 6775
47 23.5 4922
48 24.0 2999
49 24.5 1708
50 25.0 787
51 25.5 307
52 26.0 83
Query sequence: IKTFEQFKK

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