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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
Alphabetical listing of allergens: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: IPKLKGNAN

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Ani s 11.0101 323575361 0.00 6.9671 6.9856 271IPKLKGNAN279
2Ani s 11.0101 323575361 3.73 4.4945 5.5530 163IPKLKDNAG171
3Ani s 11.0101 323575361 3.73 4.4945 5.5530 55IPKLKDNAG63
4Scy p 9.0101 QFI57017 4.52 3.9731 5.2508 750IPKFHSDAN758
5Asp f 22.0101 13925873 4.98 3.6683 5.0742 94LNKLDGTAN102
6Pen c 22.0101 13991101 4.98 3.6683 5.0742 94LNKLDGTAN102
7Bos d 6 2190337 5.59 3.2661 4.8412 136LPKLKPDPN144
8Bos d 6 P02769 5.59 3.2661 4.8412 136LPKLKPDPN144
9Fag e 1 2317670 5.67 3.2090 4.8081 330ISKLRGDND338
10Der p 18.0101 CHL18_DERPT 6.11 2.9191 4.6401 92FTKHKGNAK100
11Mac r 2.0101 E2JE77_MACRS 6.26 2.8183 4.5817 93VEKIKGNIN101
12Api m 5.0101 B2D0J4 6.35 2.7602 4.5481 336LYDTKGNAN344
13Alt a 10 P42041 6.38 2.7384 4.5354 401ISKFKTKAD409
14Cla h 6 467660 6.45 2.6962 4.5110 94LNKLDGTTN102
15Cla h 6 P42040 6.45 2.6962 4.5110 94LNKLDGTTN102
16Alt a 5 Q9HDT3 6.45 2.6962 4.5110 94LNKLDGTTN102
17Cor a 8 13507262 6.48 2.6727 4.4974 27CPQIKGNLT35
18Ana c 2 2342496 6.49 2.6648 4.4928 333FPTLQSGAN341
19Pen c 24 38326693 6.61 2.5887 4.4487 67FPTLPGDAS75
20Ara h 3 3703107 6.62 2.5839 4.4459 397IYRLRGRAH405
21Ara h 3 O82580 6.62 2.5839 4.4459 394IYRLRGRAH402
22Fag e 1 29839419 6.64 2.5661 4.4356 300ISKLRGEND308
23Fag e 1 2317674 6.64 2.5661 4.4356 264ISKLRGEND272
24Pun g 14.0101 CHIT_PUNGR 6.69 2.5378 4.4192 268LPQIKTSAK276
25Cur l 2.0101 14585753 6.74 2.4993 4.3969 94LNKLDGTEN102
26Chi t 1.0201 121227 7.02 2.3145 4.2898 61LDSIKGSAD69
27Pan h 13.0101 XP_026782131 7.04 2.3044 4.2840 219IPELNGKLT227
28Der f 18.0101 27550039 7.07 2.2859 4.2732 92FTQHKGNAK100
29Bomb m 1.0101 82658675 7.08 2.2738 4.2662 14FSKLQGSDS22
30Pis v 5.0101 171853009 7.14 2.2384 4.2457 249IVKVKGDLQ257
31Ole e 14.0101 W8PPL3_OLEEU 7.15 2.2283 4.2398 171ISKLKISAP179
32Der f 35.0101 BAX34757 7.17 2.2192 4.2346 114LPNIKGTLT122
33Equ c 3 399672 7.21 2.1882 4.2166 136LPKLKPEPD144
34Pis s 3.0101 NLTP1_PEA 7.22 2.1810 4.2124 86IPKLNTNNA94
35Asp f 5 3776613 7.27 2.1515 4.1954 153VTALKGTTN161
36Cuc ma 4.0101 11SB_CUCMA 7.44 2.0356 4.1282 250VRKLKGEDD258
37Api m 12.0101 Q868N5 7.46 2.0219 4.1203 201MPTLKGDGR209
38Der f 20.0101 AIO08850 7.54 1.9729 4.0918 14FQKLQSSAE22
39Gos h 3 P09802 7.55 1.9651 4.0874 36INRLRASAP44
40Sin a 2.0101 Q2TLW0 7.55 1.9617 4.0854 381LPKYNMNAN389
41Sus s 1.0101 ALBU_PIG 7.56 1.9587 4.0836 136IPKLKPDPV144
42Cop c 1 4538529 7.58 1.9469 4.0768 29LPQLKPVAH37
43Ole e 9 14279169 7.77 1.8209 4.0038 88IPTLASNPN96
44Tri a gliadin 170732 7.78 1.8139 3.9997 8IPTISSNNN16
45Tar o RAP 2707295 7.79 1.8046 3.9943 118VFKCKGDAK126
46Tri a 12.0103 P49234 7.80 1.7966 3.9897 39FPQFKPEEN47
47Pru du 6.0101 307159112 7.89 1.7412 3.9576 324IIRVRGNLD332
48Ves v 1 P49369 7.89 1.7403 3.9571 285IPKSKSSQP293
49Tri a 34.0101 253783729 7.89 1.7376 3.9555 223LPELNGKLT231
50Sola l 7.0101 NP_001316123 7.95 1.7027 3.9353 82YPNLKDDAA90

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 10.515571
Standard deviation: 1.509315
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 3
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 3
13 6.5 9
14 7.0 7
15 7.5 12
16 8.0 14
17 8.5 52
18 9.0 160
19 9.5 123
20 10.0 242
21 10.5 202
22 11.0 285
23 11.5 205
24 12.0 152
25 12.5 104
26 13.0 56
27 13.5 23
28 14.0 12
29 14.5 15
30 15.0 5
31 15.5 5
32 16.0 2
33 16.5 3
34 17.0 0
35 17.5 1
36 18.0 1

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 18.196501
Standard deviation: 2.604841
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 2
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 3
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 3
13 6.5 9
14 7.0 7
15 7.5 12
16 8.0 14
17 8.5 62
18 9.0 176
19 9.5 166
20 10.0 333
21 10.5 507
22 11.0 898
23 11.5 1069
24 12.0 1684
25 12.5 2435
26 13.0 3901
27 13.5 5607
28 14.0 7663
29 14.5 9139
30 15.0 12379
31 15.5 15103
32 16.0 18340
33 16.5 21793
34 17.0 23929
35 17.5 26645
36 18.0 29815
37 18.5 30576
38 19.0 30551
39 19.5 28576
40 20.0 26826
41 20.5 24207
42 21.0 20583
43 21.5 17556
44 22.0 13235
45 22.5 10033
46 23.0 6999
47 23.5 4335
48 24.0 2720
49 24.5 1391
50 25.0 605
51 25.5 232
52 26.0 56
53 26.5 17
Query sequence: IPKLKGNAN

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