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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
Alphabetical listing of allergens: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: IRNPDFISR

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Cha o 3.0101 GH5FP_CHAOB 0.00 7.3948 7.0912 382IRNPDFISR390
2Cla h 6 P42040 6.18 3.3004 4.7264 328VTNPEFIKK336
3Alt a 5 Q9HDT3 6.18 3.3004 4.7264 326VTNPEFIKK334
4Cla h 6 467660 6.18 3.3004 4.7264 328VTNPEFIKK336
5Bom p 4.0101 Q7M4I3 6.24 3.2601 4.7032 124LRNNNFIGY132
6Cas s 5 Q42428 6.64 2.9911 4.5478 210INNPDLVAT218
7Der f 25.0101 L7UZA7_DERFA 6.65 2.9859 4.5448 143FRQTQVISK151
8Der f 25.0201 AIO08860 6.65 2.9859 4.5448 143FRQTQVISK151
9Der p 25.0101 QAT18637 6.65 2.9859 4.5448 143FRQTQVISK151
10Fag e 1 2317670 6.99 2.7619 4.4154 221IRDGDVIPS229
11Fag e 1 29839419 6.99 2.7619 4.4154 191IRDGDVIPS199
12Der f 4.0101 AHX03180 6.99 2.7593 4.4139 27FSNPHFIGN35
13Cur l 2.0101 14585753 7.09 2.6927 4.3755 326VTNPEFIKT334
14Der p 32.0101 QAT18643 7.25 2.5866 4.3142 3IRSINLLTR11
15Fel d 8.0101 303387468 7.30 2.5519 4.2941 157IQSGNFITP165
16Der p 4 5059162 7.44 2.4626 4.2426 2YHNPHFIGN10
17Eur m 4.0101 5059164 7.44 2.4626 4.2426 27YHNPHFIGN35
18Hev b 11.0102 27526732 7.50 2.4239 4.2202 187LNNPDLVAT195
19Mus a 2.0101 Q8VXF1 7.50 2.4239 4.2202 204LNNPDLVAT212
20Hev b 11.0101 14575525 7.50 2.4239 4.2202 187LNNPDLVAT195
21Per a 13.0101 AVQ67919 7.53 2.4002 4.2066 278VVSSDFISD286
22Ana o 1.0101 21914823 7.57 2.3787 4.1941 236VRQGDIVSI244
23Ana o 1.0102 21666498 7.57 2.3787 4.1941 234VRQGDIVSI242
24Bla g 1.02 4240395 7.65 2.3243 4.1627 69IRSPEFQSI77
25Per a 1.0102 2897849 7.65 2.3243 4.1627 182IRSPEFQSI190
26Per a 1.0201 2231297 7.65 2.3243 4.1627 250IRSPEFQSI258
27Bla g 1.02 4240395 7.65 2.3243 4.1627 257IRSPEFQSI265
28Bla g 1.02 4240395 7.65 2.3243 4.1627 445IRSPEFQSI453
29Per a 1.0201 2231297 7.65 2.3243 4.1627 64IRSPEFQSI72
30Per a 1.0101 4240399 7.65 2.3243 4.1627 185IRSPEFQSI193
31Bla g 1.0101 4572592 7.65 2.3243 4.1627 173IRSPEFQSI181
32Per a 1.0103 2580504 7.65 2.3243 4.1627 349IRSPEFQSI357
33Per a 1.0104 2253610 7.65 2.3243 4.1627 228IRSPEFQSI236
34Der p 4 P49274 7.66 2.3142 4.1568 2YXNPHFIGX10
35Api m 12.0101 Q868N5 7.71 2.2835 4.1391 243NKNGKFFSR251
36Pol d 1.0101 45510887 7.77 2.2409 4.1145 68LKNYDLFQK76
37Pol d 1.0104 45510893 7.77 2.2409 4.1145 47LKNYDLFQK55
38Pol d 1.0102 45510889 7.77 2.2409 4.1145 47LKNYDLFQK55
39Pol d 1.0103 45510891 7.77 2.2409 4.1145 47LKNYDLFQK55
40Dol m 1.02 P53357 7.80 2.2236 4.1045 39FKNSDLSSK47
41Pers a 1 3201547 7.82 2.2113 4.0974 210INNPDAVAT218
42Pen c 30.0101 82754305 7.82 2.2093 4.0962 293GKNPDFLRQ301
43Que ac 1.0101 QOL10866 7.87 2.1790 4.0788 25LDSDNLISK33
44Cari p 1.0101 C9EA45_CARPA 7.92 2.1457 4.0595 390VKNPIIIDQ398
45Pen ch 20.0101 999009 7.94 2.1290 4.0499 9IYDYDFLTN17
46Fag e 1 2317674 7.96 2.1185 4.0438 164IREGDVIPS172
47Gal d 5 63748 8.02 2.0799 4.0216 134VSQPDFVQP142
48Ves v 6.0101 G8IIT0 8.02 2.0754 4.0189 245IRNNDKIMK253
49Pol a 1 Q9U6W0 8.06 2.0537 4.0064 32LTNYDLFTK40
50Pol e 1.0101 3989146 8.06 2.0537 4.0064 33LTNYDLFTK41

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 11.153541
Standard deviation: 1.508299
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 4
14 7.0 7
15 7.5 8
16 8.0 23
17 8.5 29
18 9.0 47
19 9.5 81
20 10.0 115
21 10.5 159
22 11.0 279
23 11.5 278
24 12.0 234
25 12.5 175
26 13.0 106
27 13.5 65
28 14.0 31
29 14.5 30
30 15.0 12
31 15.5 4
32 16.0 2
33 16.5 3
34 17.0 0
35 17.5 2
36 18.0 0
37 18.5 1
38 19.0 1
39 19.5 0
40 20.0 0

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 18.518570
Standard deviation: 2.611477
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 4
14 7.0 7
15 7.5 8
16 8.0 26
17 8.5 37
18 9.0 53
19 9.5 103
20 10.0 172
21 10.5 284
22 11.0 548
23 11.5 832
24 12.0 1409
25 12.5 1996
26 13.0 2989
27 13.5 4307
28 14.0 5777
29 14.5 8129
30 15.0 11187
31 15.5 14037
32 16.0 16647
33 16.5 19377
34 17.0 22341
35 17.5 25679
36 18.0 28058
37 18.5 29476
38 19.0 30212
39 19.5 29700
40 20.0 28003
41 20.5 25682
42 21.0 22357
43 21.5 19894
44 22.0 15727
45 22.5 12058
46 23.0 8580
47 23.5 6158
48 24.0 3983
49 24.5 2260
50 25.0 1170
51 25.5 574
52 26.0 262
53 26.5 63
54 27.0 28
Query sequence: IRNPDFISR

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