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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
Alphabetical listing of allergens: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: ISNNHFFNH

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Jun o 1 15139849 0.00 6.2400 7.1396 208ISNNHFFNH216
2Cha o 1 Q96385 0.00 6.2400 7.1396 208ISNNHFFNH216
3Cup s 1.0101 8101711 0.00 6.2400 7.1396 208ISNNHFFNH216
4Jun a 1.0102 AAD03609 0.00 6.2400 7.1396 208ISNNHFFNH216
5Cup s 1.0105 8101719 0.00 6.2400 7.1396 208ISNNHFFNH216
6Cup s 1.0102 8101713 0.00 6.2400 7.1396 208ISNNHFFNH216
7Cup s 1.0104 8101717 0.00 6.2400 7.1396 208ISNNHFFNH216
8Cup a 1 Q9SCG9 0.00 6.2400 7.1396 187ISNNHFFNH195
9Cup s 1.0103 8101715 0.00 6.2400 7.1396 208ISNNHFFNH216
10Cup a 1 19069497 0.00 6.2400 7.1396 208ISNNHFFNH216
11Jun v 1.0101 Q9LLT1 0.00 6.2400 7.1396 208ISNNHFFNH216
12Jun a 1.0101 P81294 0.00 6.2400 7.1396 208ISNNHFFNH216
13Cry j 1.0103 19570317 2.06 5.0131 6.2855 208ISNNLFFNH216
14Cry j 1.0101 P18632 2.06 5.0131 6.2855 208ISNNLFFNH216
15Cry j 1.0102 493634 2.06 5.0131 6.2855 208ISNNLFFNH216
16Jun v 1.0102 8843917 2.82 4.5566 5.9677 208IFNNHFFNH216
17Ves v 6.0101 G8IIT0 5.44 2.9935 4.8794 582VSNSSIYNH590
18Api m 12.0101 Q868N5 5.46 2.9830 4.8721 558VSNEQFLNT566
19Cop c 3 5689671 5.57 2.9213 4.8292 48ISSSRFFQT56
20Der f 4.0101 AHX03180 6.27 2.5013 4.5368 27FSNPHFIGN35
21Sch c 1.0101 D8Q9M3 6.63 2.2856 4.3866 202VSSSSFFTT210
22Amb a 1 P27759 6.72 2.2361 4.3521 231VSNSLFTQH239
23Cuc m 1 807698 6.81 2.1768 4.3108 641VSPSQTFNQ649
24Pen c 32.0101 121584258 6.93 2.1077 4.2627 146VSNTSIHDH154
25Aed a 5.0101 Q16XK7_AEDAE 6.98 2.0793 4.2429 19IDNNGFLDN27
26Cra a 4.0101 A0A6G7MAZ4_9BIVA 7.06 2.0277 4.2070 70ISESEFVQQ78
27Pon l 4.0101 P05946 7.26 1.9135 4.1275 18IDNNGFLDK26
28Pen m 4.0101 317383198 7.26 1.9135 4.1275 19IDNNGFLDK27
29Lit v 4.0101 223403272 7.26 1.9135 4.1275 19IDNNGFLDK27
30Bla g 2 P54958 7.36 1.8518 4.0846 296ISSQYYIQQ304
31Api m 12.0101 Q868N5 7.40 1.8270 4.0673 1042VSNHDILNL1050
32Alt a 2 4097481 7.43 1.8108 4.0560 2HSSNNFFKD10
33Amb a 2 P27762 7.43 1.8087 4.0545 232ISNCKFTHH240
34Der p 36.0101 ATI08932 7.49 1.7737 4.0302 88VGNNQHVGH96
35Blo t 12 Q17282 7.52 1.7564 4.0182 136ISRNCVLDN144
36Gly m 6.0301 P11828 7.54 1.7455 4.0105 163IDTNSFQNQ171
37Eur m 4.0101 5059164 7.62 1.6970 3.9768 33IGNRCVITH41
38Der p 36.0101 ATI08932 7.62 1.6950 3.9754 48LNNNCLLDC56
39Hel a 6.0101 A0A251RNJ1_HELAN 7.63 1.6905 3.9722 229VSNCKFTQH237
40Amb a 1 P27760 7.63 1.6905 3.9722 233VSNCKFTQH241
41Cry j 2 506858 7.63 1.6891 3.9713 102VVNNLFFNG110
42Cry j 2 P43212 7.63 1.6891 3.9713 102VVNNLFFNG110
43Bos d 4 Q28049 7.69 1.6572 3.9491 75ISCDKFLDD83
44Bos d 4 P00711 7.69 1.6572 3.9491 94ISCDKFLDD102
45Bos d 4 295774 7.69 1.6572 3.9491 94ISCDKFLDD102
46Sola t 1 129641 7.73 1.6312 3.9310 185FPPHHFVTH193
47Sola t 1 21514 7.73 1.6312 3.9310 194FPPHHFVTH202
48Sola t 1 21510 7.73 1.6312 3.9310 194FPPHHFVTH202
49Tri r 4.0101 5813788 7.74 1.6254 3.9269 399ISGNSLWSN407
50Cte f 2 7638032 7.75 1.6176 3.9215 212HSNGNMFNM220

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 10.465518
Standard deviation: 1.677170
1 0.5 12
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 3
6 3.0 1
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 2
12 6.0 1
13 6.5 1
14 7.0 5
15 7.5 8
16 8.0 26
17 8.5 59
18 9.0 80
19 9.5 135
20 10.0 247
21 10.5 292
22 11.0 241
23 11.5 215
24 12.0 166
25 12.5 83
26 13.0 45
27 13.5 23
28 14.0 32
29 14.5 8
30 15.0 4
31 15.5 4
32 16.0 2
33 16.5 1
34 17.0 1
35 17.5 0
36 18.0 0
37 18.5 0
38 19.0 0

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 17.199455
Standard deviation: 2.409007
1 0.5 12
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 3
6 3.0 1
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 2
12 6.0 1
13 6.5 1
14 7.0 5
15 7.5 9
16 8.0 30
17 8.5 68
18 9.0 117
19 9.5 201
20 10.0 432
21 10.5 796
22 11.0 1195
23 11.5 2218
24 12.0 2831
25 12.5 4716
26 13.0 6115
27 13.5 8343
28 14.0 11575
29 14.5 14637
30 15.0 18772
31 15.5 22643
32 16.0 26403
33 16.5 29284
34 17.0 31261
35 17.5 33061
36 18.0 32383
37 18.5 30898
38 19.0 28239
39 19.5 24829
40 20.0 20540
41 20.5 15843
42 21.0 12301
43 21.5 8480
44 22.0 5577
45 22.5 3085
46 23.0 1764
47 23.5 927
48 24.0 409
49 24.5 130
50 25.0 48
Query sequence: ISNNHFFNH

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