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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: KEKKTSLGA

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Pen m 2 27463265 0.00 7.2053 7.2708 40KEKKTSLGA48
2Lit v 2.0101 Q004B5 1.95 5.8949 6.4647 40KDKRTSLGA48
3Scy p 2.0101 KARG0_SCYPA 2.77 5.3507 6.1299 40KGKKTSLGA48
4Scy p 2.0101 KARG_PROCL 2.92 5.2482 6.0668 40KAKKTGLGA48
5Tyr p 20.0101 A0A868BHP5_TYRPU 3.57 4.8080 5.7960 41KDKKTGMGA49
6Der p 20.0101 188485735 4.23 4.3709 5.5271 40KNKKTDMGA48
7Bomb m 1.0101 82658675 4.37 4.2764 5.4689 39KNKKTSFGS47
8Plo i 1 25453077 4.37 4.2764 5.4689 39KNKKTSFGS47
9Der f 20.0201 ABU97470 4.66 4.0827 5.3498 40KTKKTDMGA48
10Cur l 2.0101 14585753 5.22 3.7014 5.1152 100TENKTKLGA108
11Bos d 13.0101 MYL1_BOVIN 5.89 3.2549 4.8405 32KEEKIDLSA40
12Der f 20.0101 AIO08850 5.99 3.1910 4.8012 40KGRKTGMGA48
13Alt a 5 Q9HDT3 6.25 3.0109 4.6904 100TTNKTNLGA108
14Tyr p 8.0101 AGG10560 6.29 2.9851 4.6745 31EDKRYQLGA39
15Mor a 2.0101 QOS47419 6.56 2.8071 4.5650 423QQKKLNLPA431
16Hor v 1 19009 6.61 2.7724 4.5437 110RERQTSYAA118
17Hor v 1 1405736 6.61 2.7724 4.5437 110RERQTSYAA118
18Hor v 1 P01086 6.61 2.7724 4.5437 110RERQTSYAA118
19Asp f 22.0101 13925873 6.69 2.7193 4.5110 100TANKSNLGA108
20Cor a 10 10944737 6.92 2.5611 4.4137 29KEEATKLGT37
21 Gal d 9.0101 ENOB_CHICK 7.01 2.5045 4.3788 100TENKSKFGA108
22Pan h 2.0101 XP_034156632 7.01 2.5045 4.3788 100TENKSKFGA108
23Cyp c 2.0101 A0A2U9IY94_CYPCA 7.01 2.5045 4.3788 100TENKSKFGA108
24Sal s 2.0101 B5DGQ7 7.01 2.5045 4.3788 100TENKSKFGA108
25Der f 8.0101 AGC56215 7.07 2.4653 4.3547 179KQKPTTFNA187
26Per a 11.0101 AKH04310 7.11 2.4393 4.3387 455KNNRAHLGA463
27Pen m 7.0101 G1AP69_PENMO 7.38 2.2567 4.2264 420KEHKDSLPP428
28Pen m 7.0102 AEB77775 7.38 2.2567 4.2264 420KEHKDSLPP428
29Dic v a 763532 7.48 2.1894 4.1850 1445KDEKQTIGK1453
30Pen c 22.0101 13991101 7.62 2.0980 4.1287 100TANKGNLGA108
31Aed a 4.0101 MALT_AEDAE 7.75 2.0090 4.0740 321NVKKNSTGA329
32Pan h 1.0201 XP_026803769 7.78 1.9902 4.0625 81KETKAFLTA89
33Gly m 7.0101 C6K8D1_SOYBN 7.79 1.9807 4.0566 635KHEEGSHGA643
34Bla g 6.0301 82704036 7.83 1.9554 4.0410 25REKSGSIST33
35Ory s 33kD 16580747 7.84 1.9486 4.0368 20KDKKRVLHA28
36Pen c 30.0101 82754305 7.94 1.8828 3.9964 70IEDQNSLSA78
37Eur m 14 6492307 7.94 1.8780 3.9934 1039KEKNSGLDY1047
38Gal d 8.0101 C1L370_CHICK 7.96 1.8664 3.9863 81KETKALLAA89
39Ory s TAI 1304216 7.97 1.8618 3.9835 76ERRRRSLPA84
40Gly m 7.0101 C6K8D1_SOYBN 7.98 1.8541 3.9787 308KAKDYTLQA316
41Bla g 6.0201 82704034 7.98 1.8533 3.9782 21REKKGCIST29
42Bla g 6.0101 82704032 7.98 1.8533 3.9782 21REKKGCIST29
43Ole e 9 14279169 7.99 1.8435 3.9722 322EDKKTGASS330
44Pen o 18 12005497 8.00 1.8401 3.9701 327AEKAVTVGA335
45Par j 1 Q40905 8.00 1.8397 3.9698 57KEKEPSKGC65
46Par j 1.0103 95007033 8.00 1.8397 3.9698 21KEKEPSKGC29
47Par j 1 O04404 8.00 1.8397 3.9698 58KEKEPSKGC66
48Par j 1.0101 992612 8.00 1.8397 3.9698 15KEKEPSKGC23
49Par j 1 P43217 8.00 1.8397 3.9698 21KEKEPSKGC29
50Ani s 7.0101 119524036 8.00 1.8381 3.9689 388DEKKTLMSL396

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 10.743239
Standard deviation: 1.491027
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 1
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 2
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 1
9 4.5 3
10 5.0 1
11 5.5 1
12 6.0 2
13 6.5 2
14 7.0 6
15 7.5 9
16 8.0 14
17 8.5 41
18 9.0 74
19 9.5 105
20 10.0 172
21 10.5 266
22 11.0 257
23 11.5 303
24 12.0 169
25 12.5 151
26 13.0 49
27 13.5 20
28 14.0 18
29 14.5 7
30 15.0 6
31 15.5 7
32 16.0 4
33 16.5 1
34 17.0 2
35 17.5 1
36 18.0 0
37 18.5 0
38 19.0 0
39 19.5 0
40 20.0 1
41 20.5 0
42 21.0 0

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 17.621380
Standard deviation: 2.423570
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 1
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 2
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 1
9 4.5 3
10 5.0 1
11 5.5 1
12 6.0 2
13 6.5 2
14 7.0 6
15 7.5 9
16 8.0 15
17 8.5 47
18 9.0 91
19 9.5 147
20 10.0 303
21 10.5 583
22 11.0 903
23 11.5 1490
24 12.0 2141
25 12.5 3360
26 13.0 4971
27 13.5 6836
28 14.0 9374
29 14.5 11682
30 15.0 15538
31 15.5 18494
32 16.0 22662
33 16.5 25877
34 17.0 29216
35 17.5 30948
36 18.0 33167
37 18.5 32737
38 19.0 31562
39 19.5 27560
40 20.0 23968
41 20.5 20294
42 21.0 15804
43 21.5 11445
44 22.0 8347
45 22.5 5102
46 23.0 3085
47 23.5 1415
48 24.0 573
49 24.5 303
50 25.0 111
51 25.5 15
Query sequence: KEKKTSLGA

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