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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: KKEEKKEEK

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Cul n 1 12656498 0.00 4.6494 6.4295 53KKEEKKEEK61
2Phl p 13 4826572 0.00 4.6494 6.4295 2KKEEKKEEK10
3Pen b 26.0101 59894749 1.29 4.1294 5.9803 86KKEEKEEEK94
4Cul n 1 12656498 1.83 3.9092 5.7901 57KKEEKKEET65
5Fus c 1 19879657 2.57 3.6095 5.5311 88KEEEKEEEK96
6Pru du 5.0101 Q8H2B9 3.01 3.4318 5.3775 92KKEEKVEEK100
7Alt a 12 P49148 3.19 3.3625 5.3177 92KKEEEKEES100
8Pen cr 26.0101 371537645 3.56 3.2116 5.1873 86KAEEKEEEK94
9Gly m 5.0101 O22120 4.19 2.9550 4.9656 99QKEERKQEE107
10Gly m 5.0101 O22120 4.36 2.8860 4.9060 65RKEEKRGEK73
11Gly m conglycinin 18536 4.36 2.8860 4.9060 127RKEEKRGEK135
12Fus c 1 19879657 4.47 2.8426 4.8684 91EKEEEKEES99
13Pen b 26.0101 59894749 4.47 2.8426 4.8684 89EKEEEKEES97
14Pen cr 26.0101 371537645 4.47 2.8426 4.8684 89EKEEEKEES97
15Gly m conglycinin 18536 4.54 2.8167 4.8461 161QKEERNEEE169
16Asp f 8 Q9UUZ6 4.68 2.7590 4.7962 93KNEEEKEES101
17Pen b 26.0101 59894749 4.69 2.7565 4.7940 82PAEEKKEEK90
18Fus c 1 19879657 4.85 2.6916 4.7380 87AKEEEKEEE95
19Phl p 13 4826572 4.93 2.6579 4.7089 6KKEEKKESG14
20Pis s 1.0102 CAF25233 4.94 2.6520 4.7037 308DKEEEQEEE316
21Pis s 1.0101 CAF25232 4.94 2.6520 4.7037 308DKEEEQEEE316
22Gly m Bd28K 12697782 5.07 2.6005 4.6592 235DQEEDEEEK243
23Pen b 26.0101 59894749 5.15 2.5696 4.6326 85EKKEEKEEE93
24Phl p 13 4826572 5.15 2.5696 4.6326 3KEEKKEEKK11
25Cul n 1 12656498 5.15 2.5696 4.6326 54KEEKKEEKK62
26Lup an 1.0101 169950562 5.19 2.5521 4.6174 62EREHRREEK70
27Per a 8.0101 H6WP59_PERAM 5.28 2.5181 4.5881 3DKEKKKKKK11
28Gos h 2 P09799 5.29 2.5142 4.5847 471REEEEQEEQ479
29Ses i 3 13183177 5.29 2.5142 4.5847 181EREEEQEEQ189
30Asp f 12 P40292 5.36 2.4844 4.5590 269KAEREKEEK277
31Pis s 1.0101 CAF25232 5.36 2.4833 4.5580 309KEEEQEEET317
32Pis s 1.0102 CAF25233 5.36 2.4833 4.5580 309KEEEQEEET317
33Gly m 5.0101 O22120 5.46 2.4448 4.5247 100KEERKQEED108
34Cla h 12 P50344 5.46 2.4447 4.5246 92KAEEEKEES100
35Cla h 10.0101 P42039 5.46 2.4447 4.5246 93AKEEEKEES101
36Alt a 6 P42037 5.46 2.4447 4.5246 95AKEEEKEES103
37Alt a 6 1850540 5.46 2.4447 4.5246 95AKEEEKEES103
38Pen c 19 Q92260 5.56 2.4032 4.4888 492ETEEKKDEE500
39Lup an 1.0101 169950562 5.62 2.3804 4.4691 111RQEEEEEEE119
40Pen cr 26.0101 371537645 5.63 2.3767 4.4659 85EKAEEKEEE93
41Mac i 1.0101 AMP23_MACIN 5.68 2.3559 4.4479 114EKEKRKQQK122
42Mac i 1.0201 AMP22_MACIN 5.68 2.3559 4.4479 155EKEKRKQQK163
43Pru du 6.0201 307159114 5.80 2.3070 4.4057 296EREEKQREQ304
44Alt a 12 P49148 5.83 2.2937 4.3942 88AAEEKKEEE96
45Pan h 4.0201 XP_026775428 5.85 2.2875 4.3888 216QKEDKYEEE224
46Sal s 4.0101 NP_001117128 5.85 2.2875 4.3888 216QKEDKYEEE224
47Gly m 5.0101 O22120 5.93 2.2538 4.3597 419QQEQQQEEQ427
48Gly m conglycinin 169927 5.93 2.2538 4.3597 94QQEQQQEEQ102
49Gly m conglycinin 18536 5.93 2.2538 4.3597 481QQEQQQEEQ489
50Gos h 3 P09802 5.95 2.2458 4.3528 304EREERQQEQ312

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 11.508844
Standard deviation: 2.475360
1 0.5 2
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 1
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 1
7 3.5 2
8 4.0 1
9 4.5 2
10 5.0 3
11 5.5 10
12 6.0 11
13 6.5 15
14 7.0 17
15 7.5 24
16 8.0 33
17 8.5 41
18 9.0 53
19 9.5 81
20 10.0 102
21 10.5 200
22 11.0 99
23 11.5 122
24 12.0 165
25 12.5 165
26 13.0 120
27 13.5 104
28 14.0 92
29 14.5 66
30 15.0 42
31 15.5 52
32 16.0 21
33 16.5 13
34 17.0 6
35 17.5 6
36 18.0 7
37 18.5 4
38 19.0 5
39 19.5 2
40 20.0 4
41 20.5 2
42 21.0 1

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 18.419974
Standard deviation: 2.864899
1 0.5 2
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 1
4 2.0 1
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 1
7 3.5 2
8 4.0 1
9 4.5 6
10 5.0 7
11 5.5 16
12 6.0 18
13 6.5 36
14 7.0 53
15 7.5 72
16 8.0 121
17 8.5 184
18 9.0 358
19 9.5 603
20 10.0 587
21 10.5 975
22 11.0 1243
23 11.5 1655
24 12.0 2338
25 12.5 2942
26 13.0 4065
27 13.5 5343
28 14.0 6963
29 14.5 9031
30 15.0 11116
31 15.5 13786
32 16.0 16466
33 16.5 18885
34 17.0 21157
35 17.5 23179
36 18.0 24780
37 18.5 27801
38 19.0 28695
39 19.5 28171
40 20.0 27218
41 20.5 24929
42 21.0 23376
43 21.5 19730
44 22.0 16005
45 22.5 12549
46 23.0 9130
47 23.5 6390
48 24.0 4340
49 24.5 2584
50 25.0 1592
51 25.5 994
52 26.0 474
53 26.5 167
54 27.0 52
Query sequence: KKEEKKEEK

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