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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
Alphabetical listing of allergens: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: KLTTIYPNG

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Cte f 2 7638032 0.00 8.0996 7.2934 177KLTTIYPNG185
2Lup an 1.0101 169950562 6.70 3.0716 4.5513 308KLYDFYPST316
3Per a 3.0101 Q25641 7.01 2.8451 4.4277 68SATTVPPSG76
4Tri a 32.0101 34539782 7.16 2.7294 4.3646 139KLSFLYPSC147
5Der p 7 P49273 7.32 2.6073 4.2981 121KLGDLHPNT129
6Pen c 30.0101 82754305 7.32 2.6058 4.2972 656KASSLFPAG664
7Bra r 5.0101 P69197 7.35 2.5877 4.2874 32KLGSVTPDD40
8Der f 23.0101 ALU66112 7.51 2.4678 4.2220 49QTTTVQPSS57
9Asp f 7 O42799 7.52 2.4627 4.2192 59KTVTITYNG67
10Ara h 18.0101 A0A444XS96_ARAHY 7.57 2.4223 4.1972 175KLTMSWGNG183
11Dic v a 763532 7.60 2.4010 4.1856 1171QMKTIYESG1179
12Dic v a 763532 7.60 2.4010 4.1856 1037QMKTIYESG1045
13Blo t 1.0201 33667928 7.64 2.3726 4.1700 124RLTRIRQQG132
14Coc n 1.0101 A0A0S3B0K0_COCNU 7.64 2.3717 4.1696 364TIQVVFPNG372
15Ara t expansin 4539348 7.79 2.2551 4.1060 62ALPSIYKDG70
16Tri a 40.0101 Q41540_WHEAT 7.88 2.1883 4.0696 124NLTTVHNTP132
17Hor v 1 452323 7.88 2.1883 4.0696 124NLTTVHNTP132
18Tri a TAI 21916 7.88 2.1883 4.0696 124NLTTVHNTP132
19Tri a TAI 21711 7.88 2.1883 4.0696 124NLTTVHNTP132
20Dol m 2 P49371 7.93 2.1523 4.0499 46KISIFYDPG54
21Der f 6 P49276 7.98 2.1119 4.0279 243KLTGIVSWG251
22Api m 12.0101 Q868N5 8.00 2.0959 4.0192 320NLVYIYNNP328
23Gly m Bd28K 12697782 8.02 2.0852 4.0133 342ELHIGYPNG350
24Tri r 2.0101 5813790 8.02 2.0846 4.0130 341DITSLKPGG349
25Sch c 1.0101 D8Q9M3 8.04 2.0727 4.0065 490QATTVYGEN498
26Ves v 2.0101 P49370 8.04 2.0672 4.0035 90NLDKIYPNR98
27Der f 38.0101 QHQ72282 8.05 2.0637 4.0016 14AISHVYGDG22
28Rho m 1.0101 Q870B9 8.06 2.0527 3.9956 30TFRSIVPSG38
29Sol i 1.0101 51093373 8.06 2.0524 3.9955 37KQSCVYGNS45
30Pen ch 13 6684758 8.07 2.0501 3.9942 326SITAAYPGG334
31Pen c 13.0101 4587983 8.07 2.0501 3.9942 326SITAAYPGG334
32Per a 11.0101 AKH04310 8.10 2.0221 3.9789 403EITNWWDNG411
33Alt a 6 P42037 8.10 2.0212 3.9784 61KLASVPSGG69
34Cla h 5.0101 5777795 8.10 2.0212 3.9784 61KLASVPSGG69
35Asp f 8 Q9UUZ6 8.10 2.0212 3.9784 61KLASVPSGG69
36Fus c 1 19879657 8.10 2.0212 3.9784 61KLASVPSGG69
37Pru du 5.0101 Q8H2B9 8.10 2.0212 3.9784 61KLASVPSGG69
38Cla h 5.0101 P42039 8.10 2.0212 3.9784 61KLASVPSGG69
39Cla h 10.0101 P42039 8.10 2.0212 3.9784 61KLASVPSGG69
40Alt a 6 1850540 8.10 2.0212 3.9784 61KLASVPSGG69
41Der p 9.0101 31745576 8.15 1.9880 3.9603 253KYPTIYSNV261
42Tab y 2.0101 304273371 8.17 1.9746 3.9530 65KISLLYHPG73
43Cte f 1 Q94424 8.17 1.9727 3.9520 38KLDQIIQKG46
44Cas s 1 16555781 8.25 1.9123 3.9190 9EITSAIPPG17
45Der p 38.0101 Q8MWR6_DERPT 8.28 1.8896 3.9067 14AISQVYCNG22
46Asp f 4 O60024 8.30 1.8766 3.8995 241ELCSIISHG249
47Ani s 4.0101 110346533 8.30 1.8759 3.8992 48KISAMINDG56
48Fag e 1 2317674 8.30 1.8756 3.8990 343RINTVNSNS351
49Gly m 6.0101 P04776 8.35 1.8406 3.8799 35KLNALKPDN43
50Gly m glycinin G2 295800 8.35 1.8406 3.8799 32KLNALKPDN40

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 10.799095
Standard deviation: 1.333284
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 0
14 7.0 1
15 7.5 5
16 8.0 13
17 8.5 43
18 9.0 63
19 9.5 119
20 10.0 204
21 10.5 264
22 11.0 254
23 11.5 267
24 12.0 187
25 12.5 124
26 13.0 72
27 13.5 43
28 14.0 15
29 14.5 8
30 15.0 7
31 15.5 3
32 16.0 1
33 16.5 1
34 17.0 1
35 17.5 1
36 18.0 0
37 18.5 0
38 19.0 0

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 17.830318
Standard deviation: 2.444706
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 0
14 7.0 1
15 7.5 5
16 8.0 14
17 8.5 44
18 9.0 71
19 9.5 143
20 10.0 271
21 10.5 475
22 11.0 849
23 11.5 1267
24 12.0 1994
25 12.5 2964
26 13.0 4223
27 13.5 6587
28 14.0 8044
29 14.5 10561
30 15.0 13513
31 15.5 17727
32 16.0 21525
33 16.5 24313
34 17.0 26953
35 17.5 30095
36 18.0 31170
37 18.5 32337
38 19.0 31970
39 19.5 29825
40 20.0 25947
41 20.5 22535
42 21.0 17940
43 21.5 13321
44 22.0 9919
45 22.5 6138
46 23.0 3964
47 23.5 2036
48 24.0 952
49 24.5 434
50 25.0 59
Query sequence: KLTTIYPNG

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