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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: LESVKAAGS

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Ran e 2 20797081 0.00 6.5949 7.0051 16LESVKAAGS24
2Sco j 1 32363220 4.02 3.9823 5.4031 16LDGCKAAGS24
3Fus p 4.0101 AHY02994 4.54 3.6464 5.1971 5LEQLKATGT13
4Pen ch 35.0101 300679427 4.75 3.5067 5.1114 5LEQLKASGT13
5The c 1 32363375 5.08 3.2956 4.9820 16LEACKSAGS24
6Onc m 1.0101 P86431 5.41 3.0798 4.8497 15LEACKAADS23
7Cten i 1.0101 QCY53440 5.41 3.0798 4.8497 16LEACKAADS24
8Cyp c 1.02 17977827 5.41 3.0798 4.8497 16LEACKAADS24
9Sar sa 1.0101 193247971 5.41 3.0798 4.8497 16LEACKAADS24
10Cav p 6.0101 S0BDX9_CAVPO 5.73 2.8735 4.7232 122LRNFKAEGS130
11Pru du 10.0101 MDL2_PRUDU 5.88 2.7767 4.6638 552LDSLKSAAS560
12Cla c 14.0101 301015198 5.91 2.7570 4.6517 5LDQLKASGT13
13Pen c 30.0101 82754305 5.91 2.7540 4.6499 581LASVQNASS589
14Ras k 1.0101 A0A1B1V0G7_RASKA 6.05 2.6638 4.5946 16LDGCKADGS24
15Asp f 10 963013 6.13 2.6138 4.5640 63PDSVKAAAS71
16Sal s 1 Q91482 6.14 2.6075 4.5601 16LEACKAADT24
17Xip g 1.0101 222352959 6.15 2.5977 4.5541 16LEACKDAGT24
18Mor a 2.0101 QOS47419 6.47 2.3940 4.4292 192LAELKAAGA200
19Pan h 1.0101 XP_026772003 6.58 2.3203 4.3840 16LDACKADGS24
20Chi t 3 1707908 6.60 2.3096 4.3774 63LETLKGTGQ71
21Rho m 1.0101 Q870B9 6.63 2.2891 4.3648 356TESIQAAND364
22Gal d 2 212900 6.71 2.2364 4.3325 60FDSITGAGS68
23Der p 1 P08176 6.74 2.2152 4.3195 51LESVKYVQS59
24Der p 1.0124 256095986 6.74 2.2152 4.3195 33LESVKYVQS41
25Der p 1.0113 76097505 6.74 2.2152 4.3195 33LESVKYVQS41
26Lat c 1.0201 Q6ITU9_LATCA 6.78 2.1915 4.3050 16LDGCKDAGT24
27Ani s 7.0101 119524036 6.83 2.1579 4.2844 298LESCSALTS306
28Gal d vitellogenin 212881 6.86 2.1351 4.2704 1576LENLKARCS1584
29Gal d vitellogenin 63887 6.86 2.1351 4.2704 1574LENLKARCS1582
30Alt a 7 P42058 6.92 2.0981 4.2477 24LKGIQEAGG32
31Gad m 1.0202 148356693 6.93 2.0958 4.2463 16LAACKAEGS24
32Gad m 1.0201 32363376 6.93 2.0958 4.2463 16LAACKAEGS24
33Gad m 1.0201 14531016 6.93 2.0958 4.2463 16LAACKAEGS24
34Bla g 6.0301 82704036 6.94 2.0843 4.2392 132IEEIDADGS140
35Hev b 7.02 3087805 6.96 2.0738 4.2328 358LESIPGAST366
36Cyp c 1.01 17977825 6.99 2.0542 4.2208 16LQGCQAADS24
37Pyr c 5 3243234 6.99 2.0521 4.2195 49IENFKALGV57
38Alt a 4 1006624 7.04 2.0199 4.1998 401TKSVKSAAS409
39Ani s 2 8117843 7.08 1.9976 4.1861 454LENARLAGE462
40Hev b 3 O82803 7.19 1.9262 4.1423 13LDFVRAAGV21
41Per a 2.0101 E7BQV5_PERAM 7.24 1.8919 4.1213 93VASVRILGS101
42Can f 3 2145909 7.24 1.8903 4.1203 90VEETQAAGP98
43Ves v 3.0101 167782086 7.27 1.8715 4.1088 436LYSVPADGS444
44Pol d 3.0101 XP_015174445 7.27 1.8715 4.1088 435LYSVPADGS443
45Par j 4.0101 201071363 7.28 1.8674 4.1063 32GEALKALGS40
46Cor a 12.0101 49617323 7.30 1.8539 4.0980 52LAGLTLAGS60
47Api m 3.0101 61656214 7.32 1.8393 4.0891 85EESVSALSS93
48Sal k 3.0101 225810599 7.32 1.8382 4.0884 192IAELKAAGA200
49Xip g 1.0101 222352959 7.33 1.8347 4.0862 68LQNFKAAAR76
50Hev b 7.02 3288200 7.37 1.8070 4.0693 358LESIPGAPT366

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 10.150924
Standard deviation: 1.539199
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 1
10 5.0 2
11 5.5 5
12 6.0 4
13 6.5 5
14 7.0 19
15 7.5 17
16 8.0 56
17 8.5 60
18 9.0 169
19 9.5 251
20 10.0 207
21 10.5 217
22 11.0 269
23 11.5 138
24 12.0 121
25 12.5 70
26 13.0 25
27 13.5 17
28 14.0 16
29 14.5 10
30 15.0 9
31 15.5 1
32 16.0 1
33 16.5 5
34 17.0 1
35 17.5 0

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 17.584205
Standard deviation: 2.510207
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 1
10 5.0 2
11 5.5 5
12 6.0 4
13 6.5 5
14 7.0 19
15 7.5 18
16 8.0 60
17 8.5 76
18 9.0 199
19 9.5 336
20 10.0 552
21 10.5 712
22 11.0 1294
23 11.5 1600
24 12.0 2686
25 12.5 3718
26 13.0 5273
27 13.5 7427
28 14.0 10040
29 14.5 12383
30 15.0 14919
31 15.5 18841
32 16.0 21992
33 16.5 25919
34 17.0 28768
35 17.5 29927
36 18.0 31277
37 18.5 31742
38 19.0 30125
39 19.5 27862
40 20.0 24544
41 20.5 20418
42 21.0 15619
43 21.5 12019
44 22.0 8029
45 22.5 5747
46 23.0 3214
47 23.5 1496
48 24.0 908
49 24.5 331
50 25.0 68
51 25.5 21
Query sequence: LESVKAAGS

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