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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
Alphabetical listing of allergens: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: LKSEDNRGG

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Ana o 2 25991543 0.00 7.1365 7.0448 222LKSEDNRGG230
2Lat c 6.0201 XP_018553992 5.98 3.1762 4.7230 22AQGEDDRTG30
3Gos h 2 P09799 6.05 3.1319 4.6970 69LKEEQQRDG77
4Ana o 3 24473800 6.45 2.8691 4.5430 56VKQEVQRGG64
5Hev b 9 Q9LEJ0 6.48 2.8457 4.5292 268FKEENNNGS276
6Hev b 9 Q9LEI9 6.48 2.8457 4.5292 268FKEENNNGS276
7Der f 30.0101 L7UZ91_DERFA 6.64 2.7399 4.4672 66MKLQNQRGG74
8Api m 5.0101 B2D0J4 6.75 2.6662 4.4241 40LEEEDHRGA48
9Car i 4.0101 158998780 6.83 2.6183 4.3960 257LQSENDHRG265
10Der p 30.0101 QAT18641 6.86 2.5944 4.3819 1MKFQNQRGG9
11Gly m 6.0101 P04776 7.01 2.4989 4.3260 193LKYQQEQGG201
12Gly m glycinin G1 169973 7.01 2.4989 4.3260 193LKYQQEQGG201
13Eur m 14 6492307 7.07 2.4548 4.3001 1132FKYESNKGT1140
14Der f 14 1545803 7.07 2.4548 4.3001 224FKYESNKGT232
15Der p 14.0101 20385544 7.07 2.4548 4.3001 1126FKYESNKGT1134
16Koc s 1.0101 A0A0K1SC44_BASSC 7.28 2.3185 4.2202 101LKSPDNQCS109
17Fag e 1 2317674 7.29 2.3097 4.2151 267LRGENDQRG275
18Fag e 1 29839419 7.29 2.3097 4.2151 303LRGENDQRG311
19Vesp v 1.0101 PA1_VESVE 7.30 2.3069 4.2134 17LSTRENRNG25
20Ani s 7.0101 119524036 7.30 2.3042 4.2118 272PESKEDRGG280
21Ses i 3 13183177 7.36 2.2680 4.1906 63HQGEHGRGG71
22Mala s 1 Q01940 7.41 2.2317 4.1693 162VQSAQDRDG170
23Hel as 1 4468224 7.46 2.1974 4.1492 232LKDAENRAS240
24Ani s 7.0101 119524036 7.48 2.1832 4.1408 440LKSEMENPG448
25Hev b 1 P15252 7.53 2.1536 4.1235 1AEDEDNQQG9
26Hev b 1 18839 7.53 2.1536 4.1235 2AEDEDNQQG10
27Aed a 3 O01949 7.57 2.1291 4.1092 123ANAEDSKGS131
28Bomb m 4.0101 NP_001037486 7.57 2.1286 4.1089 170LKLDNTKGS178
29Dol m 1.02 P53357 7.59 2.1104 4.0982 17LSTRENRDG25
30Ber e 2 30313867 7.62 2.0936 4.0883 241VRGEDDQRG249
31Ole e 9 14279169 7.73 2.0205 4.0455 319LYDEDKKTG327
32Sor h 13.0101 A0A077B155_SORHL 7.75 2.0038 4.0357 33EKGKDDKSG41
33Fel d 2 P49064 7.76 2.0000 4.0335 127LQHKDDNPG135
34Hal d 1 9954249 7.96 1.8667 3.9553 232LKDAENRAT240
35Mim n 1 9954253 7.96 1.8667 3.9553 232LKDAENRAT240
36Hal l 1.0101 APG42675 7.96 1.8667 3.9553 232LKDAENRAT240
37Per v 1 9954251 7.96 1.8667 3.9553 232LKDAENRAT240
38Cra g 1 15419048 7.96 1.8667 3.9553 181LKDAENRAT189
39Sac g 1.0101 AVD53650 7.96 1.8667 3.9553 232LKDAENRAT240
40Mala s 12.0101 78038796 7.97 1.8638 3.9536 219IKTADSMSG227
41Aed a 5.0101 Q16XK7_AEDAE 8.08 1.7903 3.9105 150VSDEDNKRG158
42Ses i 1 13183175 8.10 1.7781 3.9034 111VRQQQQEGG119
43Art fr 5.0101 A7L499 8.10 1.7752 3.9017 61VKKEKDHGT69
44For t 1.0101 188572341 8.12 1.7628 3.8944 106NNSNDNQSG114
45Asp n 14 4235093 8.13 1.7524 3.8883 628LRPEGDNPG636
46Asp n 14 2181180 8.13 1.7524 3.8883 628LRPEGDNPG636
47Cic a 1.0101 QHW05434.1 8.14 1.7514 3.8877 274VKVDESRPG282
48Sal s 6.0101 XP_014059932 8.14 1.7503 3.8871 735VKGADGAGG743
49Sal s 6.0102 XP_014048044 8.14 1.7503 3.8871 735VKGADGAGG743
50Ara h 1 P43237 8.14 1.7478 3.8856 594DQEEENQGG602

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 10.781817
Standard deviation: 1.510792
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 1
13 6.5 4
14 7.0 4
15 7.5 13
16 8.0 16
17 8.5 45
18 9.0 64
19 9.5 156
20 10.0 218
21 10.5 162
22 11.0 305
23 11.5 231
24 12.0 172
25 12.5 138
26 13.0 71
27 13.5 44
28 14.0 11
29 14.5 10
30 15.0 9
31 15.5 5
32 16.0 9
33 16.5 2
34 17.0 4
35 17.5 1
36 18.0 0
37 18.5 1
38 19.0 0

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 18.154722
Standard deviation: 2.577056
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 1
13 6.5 4
14 7.0 4
15 7.5 14
16 8.0 16
17 8.5 52
18 9.0 79
19 9.5 215
20 10.0 330
21 10.5 407
22 11.0 815
23 11.5 1058
24 12.0 1711
25 12.5 2624
26 13.0 4202
27 13.5 5595
28 14.0 7373
29 14.5 9423
30 15.0 12288
31 15.5 15987
32 16.0 18497
33 16.5 21418
34 17.0 24159
35 17.5 26810
36 18.0 29766
37 18.5 31694
38 19.0 30556
39 19.5 30318
40 20.0 26805
41 20.5 24307
42 21.0 20578
43 21.5 15962
44 22.0 13172
45 22.5 9013
46 23.0 6280
47 23.5 3911
48 24.0 2264
49 24.5 1309
50 25.0 669
51 25.5 339
52 26.0 125
53 26.5 33
54 27.0 13
Query sequence: LKSEDNRGG

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