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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
Alphabetical listing of allergens: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: LQKYKRTNY

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Pol d 4.0101 30909091 0.00 7.6643 7.4906 77LQKYKRTNY85
2Alt a 13.0101 Q6R4B4 7.04 2.7394 4.4641 174NEKFKRSSY182
3Aed a 4.0101 MALT_AEDAE 7.21 2.6269 4.3950 474LTKYRKRQI482
4Bos d 2.0101 Q28133 7.31 2.5511 4.3484 144LEKYQQLNS152
5Bos d 2.0103 11277082 7.31 2.5511 4.3484 128LEKYQQLNS136
6Bos d 2.0102 11277083 7.31 2.5511 4.3484 128LEKYQQLNS136
7Sol s 3.0101 11277083 7.41 2.4840 4.3072 6LQSCKRNNA14
8Sol r 3 P35779 7.41 2.4840 4.3072 6LQSCKRNNA14
9Sol i 3 P35778 7.41 2.4840 4.3072 28LQSCKRNNA36
10Cla c 14.0101 301015198 7.62 2.3384 4.2177 211FNYYKKYDY219
11Bla g 2 P54958 7.66 2.3092 4.1998 78LQKYEKLKP86
12Can f 7.0101 NPC2_CANLF 7.70 2.2802 4.1820 101IQKDKTYSY109
13Cry j 2 506858 7.76 2.2417 4.1583 35VEKYLRSNR43
14Ara t expansin 4539348 7.76 2.2368 4.1553 99LNKTNQTDL107
15Aed a 4.0101 MALT_AEDAE 7.84 2.1833 4.1224 274LDEYSKTDN282
16Mala s 1 Q01940 7.85 2.1752 4.1174 293IKKTKRSEL301
17Sco m 5.0101 QEA69430 7.91 2.1324 4.0912 93LRKTSKYSY101
18Api m 2 Q08169 7.96 2.1015 4.0721 158LQPYKKLSV166
19Gal d 3 757851 8.02 2.0555 4.0439 255VDNYKTCNW263
20Gal d 3 P02789 8.02 2.0555 4.0439 255VDNYKTCNW263
21Der p 21.0101 85687540 8.10 2.0005 4.0101 102LNMFERYNY110
22Ani s 2 8117843 8.17 1.9514 3.9799 820LQRVRRYQR828
23Sal s 3.0101 B5DGM7 8.21 1.9226 3.9622 196DHDLKRTQY204
24Pol e 1.0101 3989146 8.24 1.9035 3.9505 28LKKDSLTNY36
25Pis s 1.0102 CAF25233 8.34 1.8362 3.9091 397LLKNQKQSY405
26Pis s 1.0101 CAF25232 8.34 1.8362 3.9091 397LLKNQKQSY405
27Mala s 12.0101 78038796 8.36 1.8179 3.8979 245LSSIDKTNW253
28Tab y 2.0101 304273371 8.41 1.7860 3.8783 78ITRNKTTNT86
29Gly m conglycinin 18536 8.41 1.7851 3.8777 569LLKNQRESY577
30Gly m 5.0101 O22120 8.41 1.7851 3.8777 507LLKNQRESY515
31Gly m conglycinin 169927 8.41 1.7851 3.8777 182LLKNQRESY190
32Mor a 2.0101 QOS47419 8.42 1.7771 3.8728 109MTKWFDTNY117
33Sal k 3.0101 225810599 8.42 1.7771 3.8728 109MTKWFDTNY117
34Bos d 8 162794 8.43 1.7695 3.8681 116LKKYKVPQL124
35Bos d 8 162927 8.43 1.7695 3.8681 62LKKYKVPQL70
36Bos d 8 92 8.43 1.7695 3.8681 116LKKYKVPQL124
37Bos d 9.0101 CASA1_BOVIN 8.43 1.7695 3.8681 116LKKYKVPQL124
38Pol a 1 Q9U6W0 8.43 1.7686 3.8676 27LKKETLTNY35
39Der f 22.0101 110560870 8.44 1.7666 3.8663 107LTKGQTYNY115
40Cuc m 1 807698 8.45 1.7544 3.8588 70LHTYKRSFN78
41Pis v 2.0101 110349082 8.48 1.7365 3.8479 255LQKEKRQRG263
42Dol m 1.02 P53357 8.52 1.7103 3.8318 30LQKLKNGKM38
43Dic v a 763532 8.53 1.7014 3.8262 935VQRFRRDHH943
44Sola t 3.0101 O24383 8.53 1.6983 3.8243 127IFKIKKTDL135
45Cand a 3 37548637 8.56 1.6806 3.8135 118LQKIATTVY126
46gal d 6.0101 P87498 8.57 1.6741 3.8095 168IQENKKANL176
47Gal d 6.0101 VIT1_CHICK 8.57 1.6741 3.8095 168IQENKKANL176
48Der f 31.0101 AIO08870 8.58 1.6693 3.8066 18VKKDKKYRY26
49Der p 31.0101 QAT18642 8.58 1.6693 3.8066 18VKKDKKYRY26
50Cry j 2 P43212 8.58 1.6629 3.8026 35IEQYLRSNR43

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 10.963569
Standard deviation: 1.430468
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 0
14 7.0 0
15 7.5 8
16 8.0 8
17 8.5 23
18 9.0 58
19 9.5 155
20 10.0 188
21 10.5 205
22 11.0 248
23 11.5 281
24 12.0 170
25 12.5 126
26 13.0 112
27 13.5 51
28 14.0 17
29 14.5 16
30 15.0 9
31 15.5 7
32 16.0 7
33 16.5 5

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 17.436606
Standard deviation: 2.327808
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 0
14 7.0 0
15 7.5 8
16 8.0 9
17 8.5 23
18 9.0 73
19 9.5 182
20 10.0 274
21 10.5 459
22 11.0 797
23 11.5 1668
24 12.0 2080
25 12.5 3378
26 13.0 4620
27 13.5 7102
28 14.0 9838
29 14.5 13338
30 15.0 16618
31 15.5 21033
32 16.0 24545
33 16.5 27716
34 17.0 31057
35 17.5 32844
36 18.0 33532
37 18.5 33053
38 19.0 30403
39 19.5 27604
40 20.0 23614
41 20.5 18806
42 21.0 13755
43 21.5 9610
44 22.0 5945
45 22.5 3210
46 23.0 1525
47 23.5 877
48 24.0 412
49 24.5 121
Query sequence: LQKYKRTNY

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