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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: MINGDEKNS

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Der f 15.0101 5815436 0.00 7.3570 7.0286 400MINGDEKNS408
2Der p 15.0101 Q4JK69_DERPT 0.00 7.3570 7.0286 400MINGDEKNS408
3Der p 15.0102 Q4JK70_DERPT 0.00 7.3570 7.0286 400MINGDEKNS408
4Tri a 32.0101 34539782 5.17 3.8305 4.9975 112MVDPDEKDA120
5Par o 1.0101 1836010 5.95 3.2941 4.6885 16VVQGKEKPS24
6Len c 1.0102 29539111 6.08 3.2099 4.6400 81VLNSNDRNS89
7Len c 1.0101 29539109 6.08 3.2099 4.6400 81VLNSNDRNS89
8Gly m 5.0101 O22120 6.20 3.1242 4.5906 206LVNNDDRDS214
9Gly m conglycinin 256427 6.20 3.1242 4.5906 107LVNNDDRDS115
10Gly m 5.0201 Q9FZP9 6.20 3.1242 4.5906 222LVNNDDRDS230
11Gly m conglycinin 18536 6.20 3.1242 4.5906 268LVNNDDRDS276
12Gly m conglycinin 169929 6.20 3.1242 4.5906 284LVNNDDRDS292
13Ani s 7.0101 119524036 6.28 3.0703 4.5596 384MNQGDEKKT392
14Dic v a 763532 6.39 2.9963 4.5170 1250MITDDEKKA1258
15Dic v a 763532 6.39 2.9963 4.5170 1116MITDDEKKA1124
16Pin k 2.0101 VCL_PINKO 6.40 2.9914 4.5142 166LVNNDDHNS174
17Pan h 4.0101 XP_026781482 6.61 2.8485 4.4318 10MLKGDKENA18
18Der f 4.0101 AHX03180 6.61 2.8450 4.4298 20FVNGDSKFS28
19Art an 7.0101 GLOX_ARTAN 6.62 2.8412 4.4277 394MLNGAKKGT402
20Der f 23.0101 ALU66112 6.72 2.7702 4.3867 25HFDNDDQNS33
21Lyc e LAT52 295812 6.80 2.7135 4.3541 84TVNGDHEND92
22Ves v 6.0101 G8IIT0 6.92 2.6348 4.3088 1235CVNGQTRSS1243
23Gal d vitellogenin 63887 6.99 2.5891 4.2824 167VIQEDRKNS175
24Gal d vitellogenin 212881 6.99 2.5891 4.2824 167VIQEDRKNS175
25Tyr p 28.0101 AOD75395 7.00 2.5791 4.2767 381ILNGDESSE389
26Act d 11.0101 P85524 7.02 2.5632 4.2675 61TIDGKEKTA69
27Blo t 4.0101 33667932 7.13 2.4878 4.2241 365IVNGKDEND373
28Par j 1 P43217 7.17 2.4606 4.2084 17FVQGKEKEP25
29Par j 1 O04404 7.17 2.4606 4.2084 54FVQGKEKEP62
30Par j 1.0103 95007033 7.17 2.4606 4.2084 17FVQGKEKEP25
31Par j 1.0101 992612 7.17 2.4606 4.2084 11FVQGKEKEP19
32Par j 1 Q40905 7.17 2.4606 4.2084 53FVQGKEKEP61
33Rho m 2.0101 Q32ZM1 7.25 2.4059 4.1769 17MVNFIEKNS25
34Par j 2 O04403 7.44 2.2767 4.1025 48FVKGEEKEP56
35Par j 2 P55958 7.44 2.2767 4.1025 48FVKGEEKEP56
36Ole e 14.0101 W8PPL3_OLEEU 7.45 2.2728 4.1003 113TINGRGKSS121
37Sola l 7.0101 NP_001316123 7.47 2.2603 4.0931 57TLNGNTQSS65
38Amb a 2 P27762 7.51 2.2282 4.0746 89MVTSDQDDD97
39Pis s 1.0101 CAF25232 7.57 2.1903 4.0527 81VLKSNDRNS89
40Pis s 1.0102 CAF25233 7.57 2.1903 4.0527 81VLKSNDRNS89
41Ani s 13.0101 K9USK2_9BILA 7.59 2.1740 4.0433 271HLTEDEKHS279
42Vig r 2.0101 Q198W3 7.66 2.1291 4.0175 118LVNPDGRDS126
43Vig r 2.0201 B1NPN8 7.66 2.1291 4.0175 120LVNPDGRDS128
44Asc s 1.0101 2970628 7.75 2.0706 3.9838 44QLHGEEKQQ52
45Blo t 12 Q17282 7.76 2.0631 3.9795 18IVSADEQTT26
46Tab y 1.0101 323473390 7.77 2.0564 3.9756 514MIRDNKKNY522
47Der f 28.0201 AIO08848 7.79 2.0403 3.9664 383ILTGDNSNN391
48Can s 4.0101 XP_030482568.1 7.81 2.0281 3.9593 143MIIPTEKKS151
49Asp f 2 P79017 7.91 1.9553 3.9174 111IVNGDKANV119
50Asp f 3 664852 7.91 1.9553 3.9174 51IVNGDKANV59

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 10.779322
Standard deviation: 1.465188
1 0.5 3
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 1
12 6.0 1
13 6.5 10
14 7.0 8
15 7.5 13
16 8.0 20
17 8.5 37
18 9.0 52
19 9.5 104
20 10.0 147
21 10.5 244
22 11.0 284
23 11.5 291
24 12.0 228
25 12.5 123
26 13.0 67
27 13.5 24
28 14.0 14
29 14.5 9
30 15.0 6
31 15.5 3
32 16.0 3
33 16.5 2
34 17.0 1
35 17.5 0
36 18.0 2

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 17.879474
Standard deviation: 2.543803
1 0.5 3
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 1
12 6.0 1
13 6.5 11
14 7.0 8
15 7.5 13
16 8.0 20
17 8.5 48
18 9.0 81
19 9.5 146
20 10.0 253
21 10.5 482
22 11.0 826
23 11.5 1261
24 12.0 2108
25 12.5 2955
26 13.0 4520
27 13.5 6314
28 14.0 8819
29 14.5 11452
30 15.0 13682
31 15.5 17326
32 16.0 20845
33 16.5 24120
34 17.0 27147
35 17.5 29519
36 18.0 30866
37 18.5 31184
38 19.0 29941
39 19.5 28209
40 20.0 25344
41 20.5 21301
42 21.0 17839
43 21.5 14201
44 22.0 10670
45 22.5 7276
46 23.0 4861
47 23.5 3058
48 24.0 1747
49 24.5 933
50 25.0 491
51 25.5 217
52 26.0 77
53 26.5 15
Query sequence: MINGDEKNS

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