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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: NACAEYAVR

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Tri a TAI P81496 0.00 7.5946 8.0436 18NACAEYAVR26
2Cap a 1.0101 Q9ARG0_CAPAN 6.23 3.3942 5.2236 101NTLAEYALN109
3Cap a 1w 16609959 6.23 3.3942 5.2236 101NTLAEYALN109
4Cap a 1 11321159 6.23 3.3942 5.2236 74NTLAEYALN82
5Act c 2 190358875 6.23 3.3942 5.2236 103NTLAEYALN111
6Lyc e NP24 P12670 6.39 3.2847 5.1501 101NTLAEYALD109
7Gal d 6.0101 VIT1_CHICK 6.46 3.2417 5.1212 1018NAIGEHALR1026
8gal d 6.0101 P87498 6.46 3.2417 5.1212 1018NAIGEHALR1026
9Pan h 13.0101 XP_026782131 6.75 3.0416 4.9869 87DAGAEYVVE95
10Der p 1.0122 6771329 7.39 2.6121 4.6985 9NAPAEIDLR17
11Der p 1.0113 76097505 7.39 2.6121 4.6985 89NAPAEIDLR97
12Der p 1.0114 6771329 7.39 2.6121 4.6985 9NAPAEIDLR17
13Der p 1.0115 6771329 7.39 2.6121 4.6985 9NAPAEIDLR17
14Der p 1 387592 7.39 2.6121 4.6985 27NAPAEIDLR35
15Der p 1 P08176 7.39 2.6121 4.6985 107NAPAEIDLR115
16Der p 1.0116 6771329 7.39 2.6121 4.6985 9NAPAEIDLR17
17Der p 1.0117 6771329 7.39 2.6121 4.6985 9NAPAEIDLR17
18Der p 1.0123 6771329 7.39 2.6121 4.6985 9NAPAEIDLR17
19Der p 1.0118 6771329 7.39 2.6121 4.6985 9NAPAEIDLR17
20Der p 1.0124 256095986 7.39 2.6121 4.6985 89NAPAEIDLR97
21Der p 1.0119 6771329 7.39 2.6121 4.6985 9NAPAEIDLR17
22Der p 1.0121 6771329 7.39 2.6121 4.6985 9NAPAEIDLR17
23Der p 1.0120 6771329 7.39 2.6121 4.6985 9NAPAEIDLR17
24Cla h 9.0101 60116876 7.54 2.5076 4.6284 327PAAAENAVT335
25Cla c 9.0101 148361511 7.54 2.5076 4.6284 197PAAAENAVT205
26Alt a 15.0101 A0A0F6N3V8_ALTAL 7.54 2.5076 4.6284 297PAAAENAVT305
27Cur l 4.0101 193507493 7.54 2.5076 4.6284 326PAAAENAVT334
28Cup s 1.0105 8101719 7.59 2.4788 4.6090 310SACANWVWR318
29Jun a 1.0101 P81294 7.59 2.4788 4.6090 310SACANWVWR318
30Cup s 1.0101 8101711 7.59 2.4788 4.6090 310SACANWVWR318
31Jun v 1.0102 8843917 7.59 2.4788 4.6090 310SACANWVWR318
32Cup s 1.0103 8101715 7.59 2.4788 4.6090 310SACANWVWR318
33Jun v 1.0101 Q9LLT1 7.59 2.4788 4.6090 310SACANWVWR318
34Cup a 1 19069497 7.59 2.4788 4.6090 310SACANWVWR318
35Jun a 1.0102 AAD03609 7.59 2.4788 4.6090 310SACANWVWR318
36Cup s 1.0104 8101717 7.59 2.4788 4.6090 310SACANWVWR318
37Jun o 1 15139849 7.59 2.4788 4.6090 310SACANWVWR318
38Cup s 1.0102 8101713 7.59 2.4788 4.6090 310SACANWVWR318
39Cup a 1 Q9SCG9 7.59 2.4788 4.6090 289SACANWVWR297
40Lol p 2 939932 7.61 2.4636 4.5988 24DAMAEVELK32
41Ole e 13.0101 ALL13_OLEEU 7.64 2.4414 4.5839 103NTLAEFALN111
42Mus a 4.0101 88191901 7.64 2.4414 4.5839 79NTLAEFALN87
43Pen ch 31.0101 61380693 7.73 2.3837 4.5452 100NAAAHHAIS108
44Pen o 18 12005497 7.83 2.3142 4.4985 324PAAAEKAVT332
45Rho m 2.0101 Q32ZM1 8.05 2.1686 4.4008 212PASAENAIT220
46Bla g 11.0101 Q2L7A6_BLAGE 8.12 2.1172 4.3663 400NAVAGTAVS408
47Api m 11.0201 62910925 8.15 2.0964 4.3523 17QAKAHYSLR25
48Alt a 2 4097481 8.16 2.0902 4.3481 113NTDLEYAAK121
49Ves s 1.0101 3989146 8.17 2.0876 4.3464 171NDCAERLCK179
50Lep s 1 20387027 8.17 2.0827 4.3431 236EARAEYAEK244

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 11.263673
Standard deviation: 1.483121
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 7
14 7.0 1
15 7.5 14
16 8.0 21
17 8.5 20
18 9.0 64
19 9.5 42
20 10.0 113
21 10.5 146
22 11.0 196
23 11.5 315
24 12.0 274
25 12.5 204
26 13.0 122
27 13.5 84
28 14.0 34
29 14.5 12
30 15.0 9
31 15.5 7
32 16.0 4
33 16.5 4
34 17.0 2
35 17.5 0
36 18.0 1
37 18.5 0

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 17.769111
Standard deviation: 2.209091
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 7
14 7.0 1
15 7.5 14
16 8.0 21
17 8.5 20
18 9.0 64
19 9.5 47
20 10.0 127
21 10.5 235
22 11.0 362
23 11.5 797
24 12.0 1356
25 12.5 2072
26 13.0 3391
27 13.5 5613
28 14.0 6781
29 14.5 9982
30 15.0 13323
31 15.5 17437
32 16.0 21384
33 16.5 26057
34 17.0 30498
35 17.5 33743
36 18.0 35783
37 18.5 36352
38 19.0 33409
39 19.5 31494
40 20.0 26527
41 20.5 21042
42 21.0 16878
43 21.5 11238
44 22.0 7058
45 22.5 4003
46 23.0 1920
47 23.5 841
48 24.0 240
49 24.5 71
50 25.0 5
Query sequence: NACAEYAVR

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