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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
Alphabetical listing of allergens: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: NEGYHVPDL

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Bla g 12.0101 AII81930 0.00 8.4066 7.5134 197NEGYHVPDL205
2Amb a 10.0101 Q2KN25 7.06 3.1796 4.5947 83SEGDEINDL91
3Asp n 14 4235093 7.63 2.7591 4.3599 357NESITAGDL365
4Tri a 12.0101 P49232 7.67 2.7295 4.3434 128DQGYWVPSS136
5Hev b 4.0101 46410859 7.68 2.7226 4.3396 247QDGYLFPEF255
6Lyc e 1 16555787 7.77 2.6585 4.3038 15NEGNHLTSA23
7Sola l 1.0101 PROF2_SOLLC 7.77 2.6585 4.3038 15NEGNHLTSA23
8Der f 27.0101 AIO08851 7.88 2.5746 4.2569 327STSYQLPEI335
9Ves v 6.0101 G8IIT0 7.94 2.5320 4.2331 1187DAGLEVPGL1195
10Jun o 4 O64943 7.97 2.5052 4.2181 88NKGASVKDL96
11Pen c 30.0101 82754305 8.02 2.4741 4.2008 190QDAIQFPDL198
12Aed a 7.0101 Q16TN9_AEDAE 8.03 2.4596 4.1927 139DEGKTSPEL147
13Asp n 14 2181180 8.05 2.4473 4.1858 357NESIAAGDL365
14Tyr p 8.0101 AGG10560 8.12 2.3966 4.1575 52NLGLDFPNL60
15Der f 8.0101 AGC56215 8.12 2.3966 4.1575 31NLGLDFPNL39
16Der p 8 P46419 8.12 2.3966 4.1575 53NLGLDFPNL61
17Asp n 25 464385 8.24 2.3084 4.1082 227NLTYQLPQF235
18Ani s 13.0101 K9USK2_9BILA 8.24 2.3068 4.1074 43REGYTAADV51
19Tri a 12.0102 P49233 8.27 2.2857 4.0956 128DQGYYVGSH136
20Ara t expansin 4539348 8.27 2.2854 4.0954 243DAGVQITDI251
21Cla h 6 467660 8.31 2.2522 4.0769 210DEGGVAPDI218
22Alt a 5 Q9HDT3 8.31 2.2522 4.0769 210DEGGVAPDI218
23Cur l 2.0101 14585753 8.31 2.2522 4.0769 210DEGGVAPDI218
24Asp f 22.0101 13925873 8.31 2.2522 4.0769 210DEGGVAPDI218
25Rho m 1.0101 Q870B9 8.31 2.2522 4.0769 211DEGGVAPDI219
26Pen c 22.0101 13991101 8.31 2.2522 4.0769 210DEGGVAPDI218
27Cla h 6 P42040 8.31 2.2522 4.0769 210DEGGVAPDI218
28Mor a 2.0101 QOS47419 8.38 2.2021 4.0489 206DEPTLVKDL214
29Len c 1.0102 29539111 8.42 2.1738 4.0331 114NEDLRVLDL122
30Len c 1.0101 29539109 8.42 2.1738 4.0331 114NEDLRVLDL122
31Pis s 1.0101 CAF25232 8.42 2.1738 4.0331 114NEDLRVLDL122
32Pis s 1.0102 CAF25233 8.42 2.1738 4.0331 114NEDLRVLDL122
33Sus s 1.0101 ALBU_PIG 8.43 2.1681 4.0299 131NDNPDIPKL139
34Tri a glutenin 886961 8.45 2.1516 4.0207 15METSHIPSL23
35Ole e 1.0105 2465127 8.48 2.1313 4.0094 96TEGWAKPSL104
36Ole e 1.0106 2465129 8.48 2.1313 4.0094 96TEGWAKPSL104
37Ole e 1 P19963 8.48 2.1313 4.0094 95TEGWAKPSL103
38Ole e 1.0101 13195753 8.48 2.1313 4.0094 80TEGWAKPSL88
39Cor a 9 18479082 8.49 2.1257 4.0063 376REGLYVPHW384
40Cari p 1.0101 C9EA45_CARPA 8.49 2.1230 4.0047 288TDGIHVTNT296
41Gos h 2 P09799 8.49 2.1199 4.0030 382SEGYAFNLL390
42Asp o 21 166531 8.50 2.1182 4.0020 189DNTVSLPDL197
43Bla g 12.0101 AII81930 8.54 2.0847 3.9834 238NEGYGYQAL246
44Der f 33.0101 AIO08861 8.54 2.0835 3.9827 290HEQFTVPEI298
45Asp f 6 Q92450 8.64 2.0126 3.9431 2SQQYTLPPL10
46Asp f 6 1648970 8.64 2.0126 3.9431 13SQQYTLPPL21
47Pan h 3.0101 XP_026771637 8.65 2.0072 3.9401 89DDGKLFPQL97
48Asp f 6 Q92450 8.67 1.9879 3.9293 52AEATDVPKL60
49Asp f 6 1648970 8.67 1.9879 3.9293 63AEATDVPKL71
50Pen m 7.0102 AEB77775 8.69 1.9772 3.9233 466DDTEQIPDV474

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 11.357888
Standard deviation: 1.351069
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 0
14 7.0 0
15 7.5 1
16 8.0 8
17 8.5 32
18 9.0 29
19 9.5 68
20 10.0 122
21 10.5 139
22 11.0 218
23 11.5 263
24 12.0 320
25 12.5 221
26 13.0 129
27 13.5 62
28 14.0 26
29 14.5 42
30 15.0 7
31 15.5 5
32 16.0 3
33 16.5 0
34 17.0 0
35 17.5 0
36 18.0 1

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 18.179534
Standard deviation: 2.419628
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 0
14 7.0 0
15 7.5 1
16 8.0 8
17 8.5 32
18 9.0 36
19 9.5 74
20 10.0 195
21 10.5 266
22 11.0 412
23 11.5 782
24 12.0 1314
25 12.5 2084
26 13.0 2857
27 13.5 4398
28 14.0 6839
29 14.5 8701
30 15.0 12168
31 15.5 15273
32 16.0 18907
33 16.5 22596
34 17.0 25547
35 17.5 28440
36 18.0 31202
37 18.5 32687
38 19.0 32223
39 19.5 30673
40 20.0 29411
41 20.5 24997
42 21.0 19742
43 21.5 16360
44 22.0 12010
45 22.5 8177
46 23.0 5348
47 23.5 3169
48 24.0 1934
49 24.5 792
50 25.0 304
51 25.5 200
52 26.0 37
Query sequence: NEGYHVPDL

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