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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: NKIREALAQ

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Der p 1.0114 6771329 0.00 5.0956 6.7369 125NKIREALAQ133
2Der p 1.0124 256095986 0.00 5.0956 6.7369 205NKIREALAQ213
3Der p 1.0122 6771329 0.00 5.0956 6.7369 125NKIREALAQ133
4Der p 1.0115 6771329 0.00 5.0956 6.7369 125NKIREALAQ133
5Der p 1.0120 6771329 0.00 5.0956 6.7369 125NKIREALAQ133
6Der p 1.0116 6771329 0.00 5.0956 6.7369 125NKIREALAQ133
7Der p 1.0118 6771329 0.00 5.0956 6.7369 125NKIREALAQ133
8Der p 1.0113 76097505 0.00 5.0956 6.7369 205NKIREALAQ213
9Der p 1.0121 6771329 0.00 5.0956 6.7369 125NKIREALAQ133
10Der p 1 P08176 0.00 5.0956 6.7369 223NKIREALAQ231
11Der p 1.0123 6771329 0.00 5.0956 6.7369 125NKIREALAQ133
12Der p 1.0119 6771329 0.00 5.0956 6.7369 125NKIREALAQ133
13Der p 1.0117 6771329 1.47 4.3489 6.1738 125NKIREALTQ133
14Eur m 1.0101 3941388 2.62 3.7628 5.7319 224NKIRQALTQ232
15Eur m 1.0101 P25780 2.62 3.7628 5.7319 224NKIRQALTQ232
16Eur m 1.0102 3941390 2.62 3.7628 5.7319 224NKIRQALTQ232
17Eur m 1.0101 4377538 2.62 3.7628 5.7319 126NKIRQALTQ134
18Der f 1.0101 27530349 3.92 3.1023 5.2338 224KQIREALTQ232
19Der f 1.0103 2428875 3.92 3.1023 5.2338 206KQIREALTQ214
20Der f 1.0109 119633262 3.92 3.1023 5.2338 224KQIREALTQ232
21Der f 1.0104 2428875 3.92 3.1023 5.2338 206KQIREALTQ214
22Der f 1.0105 2428875 3.92 3.1023 5.2338 206KQIREALTQ214
23Der f 1.0107 2428875 3.92 3.1023 5.2338 206KQIREALTQ214
24Der f 1.0110 119633264 3.92 3.1023 5.2338 224KQIREALTQ232
25Der f 1 P16311 3.92 3.1023 5.2338 224KQIREALTQ232
26Der f 1.0108 119633260 3.92 3.1023 5.2338 224KQIREALTQ232
27Der f 1.0102 2428875 3.92 3.1023 5.2338 206KQIREALTQ214
28Der f 1 7413 3.92 3.1023 5.2338 127KQIREALTQ135
29Pen m 7.0101 G1AP69_PENMO 4.49 2.8126 5.0154 322SRIRDAIAH330
30Pen m 7.0102 AEB77775 4.49 2.8126 5.0154 322SRIRDAIAH330
31Gal d 3 P02789 5.44 2.3246 4.6474 621NKIRDLLER629
32Gal d 3 757851 5.44 2.3246 4.6474 621NKIRDLLER629
33Bos d 8 162931 5.64 2.2249 4.5722 111SKVKEAMAP119
34Bos d 8 459292 5.64 2.2249 4.5722 111SKVKEAMAP119
35Bos d 8 162797 5.64 2.2249 4.5722 111SKVKEAMAP119
36Bos d 11.0101 CASB_BOVIN 5.64 2.2249 4.5722 111SKVKEAMAP119
37Bos d 8 162805 5.64 2.2249 4.5722 111SKVKEAMAP119
38Ber e 2 30313867 5.84 2.1239 4.4960 264PRIREELEQ272
39Pol a 5 Q05109 6.04 2.0209 4.4184 55NRFRQKVAQ63
40Pol e 5.0101 P35759 6.04 2.0209 4.4184 51NRFRQKVAQ59
41Poly p 5.0101 VA52_POLPI 6.04 2.0209 4.4184 51NRFRQKVAQ59
42Pol e 5.0101 51093375 6.04 2.0209 4.4184 72NRFRQKVAQ80
43Poly s 5.0101 Q7Z156 6.04 2.0209 4.4184 52NRFRQKVAQ60
44Pol g 5 25091511 6.04 2.0209 4.4184 51NRFRQKVAQ59
45Pol f 5 P35780 6.04 2.0209 4.4184 51NRFRQKVAQ59
46Poly p 5.0102 VA5_POLPI 6.04 2.0209 4.4184 52NRFRQKVAQ60
47Hev b 13 51315784 6.14 1.9715 4.3811 259HKLKEIVAQ267
48Asp n 25 464385 6.15 1.9668 4.3776 93KSIEEALAK101
49Equ c 4.0101 P82615 6.16 1.9583 4.3712 29SQITDALTQ37
50Api g 1.0201 P92918 6.19 1.9446 4.3609 131DKIKEATEK139

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 10.012508
Standard deviation: 1.964939
1 0.5 12
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 1
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 4
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 11
9 4.5 2
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 2
12 6.0 6
13 6.5 19
14 7.0 28
15 7.5 63
16 8.0 52
17 8.5 81
18 9.0 137
19 9.5 161
20 10.0 180
21 10.5 207
22 11.0 164
23 11.5 267
24 12.0 158
25 12.5 48
26 13.0 34
27 13.5 21
28 14.0 17
29 14.5 8
30 15.0 8
31 15.5 3
32 16.0 2
33 16.5 0
34 17.0 1
35 17.5 0
36 18.0 0
37 18.5 0
38 19.0 0
39 19.5 0
40 20.0 0
41 20.5 0
42 21.0 0
43 21.5 0
44 22.0 0
45 22.5 0

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 17.554844
Standard deviation: 2.605780
1 0.5 12
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 1
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 4
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 11
9 4.5 2
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 2
12 6.0 6
13 6.5 19
14 7.0 32
15 7.5 83
16 8.0 69
17 8.5 107
18 9.0 205
19 9.5 359
20 10.0 616
21 10.5 964
22 11.0 1337
23 11.5 2115
24 12.0 3040
25 12.5 4128
26 13.0 5905
27 13.5 8261
28 14.0 10164
29 14.5 12777
30 15.0 15288
31 15.5 19090
32 16.0 22119
33 16.5 25742
34 17.0 27994
35 17.5 29327
36 18.0 30402
37 18.5 30200
38 19.0 28330
39 19.5 25694
40 20.0 23811
41 20.5 20278
42 21.0 16681
43 21.5 12452
44 22.0 9278
45 22.5 6056
46 23.0 3637
47 23.5 2093
48 24.0 928
49 24.5 370
50 25.0 176
51 25.5 28
52 26.0 4
Query sequence: NKIREALAQ

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