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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: NNTLRNEKA

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Rap v 2.0101 QPB41107 0.00 7.2405 7.0818 387NNTLRNEKA395
2Asp f 18.0101 2143219 5.33 3.5387 4.8576 336ASTLQDERA344
3Tri a 34.0101 253783729 5.72 3.2666 4.6941 246DLTVRTEKA254
4Cop c 3 5689671 5.85 3.1779 4.6408 238STTFRNAQA246
5For t 1.0101 188572341 5.90 3.1413 4.6188 19TKELRNQKA27
6Chi k 10 7321108 5.93 3.1197 4.6058 31DANLRAEKA39
7Per a 7.0102 4378573 5.93 3.1197 4.6058 31DANLRAEKA39
8Aed a 10.0101 Q17H75_AEDAE 5.93 3.1197 4.6058 31DANLRAEKA39
9Copt f 7.0101 AGM32377.1 5.93 3.1197 4.6058 31DANLRAEKA39
10Bomb m 3.0101 NP_001103782 5.93 3.1197 4.6058 31DANLRAEKA39
11Per a 7 Q9UB83 5.93 3.1197 4.6058 31DANLRAEKA39
12Rap v 2.0101 QPB41107 6.06 3.0335 4.5540 366NRQLENENA374
13Ves v 6.0101 G8IIT0 6.31 2.8598 4.4497 1430TCTLRNNEA1438
14Cla c 9.0101 148361511 6.32 2.8499 4.4437 208ASTLSDERA216
15Ves vi 5 P35787 6.41 2.7879 4.4064 194SGNFRNEKL202
16Bla g 7.0101 8101069 6.79 2.5254 4.2487 31DANIRAEKA39
17Phl p 4.0101 54144332 6.84 2.4906 4.2278 195NGTLHDKKS203
18Pan h 4.0201 XP_026775428 6.86 2.4744 4.2181 201TNTLKSLEA209
19Pan h 4.0101 XP_026781482 6.86 2.4744 4.2181 201TNTLKSLEA209
20Pen ch 18 7963902 6.88 2.4575 4.2079 332ASTLADERA340
21Pen o 18 12005497 6.88 2.4575 4.2079 335ASTLADERA343
22Cla h 9.0101 60116876 6.88 2.4575 4.2079 338ASTLADERA346
23Ani s 2 8117843 6.90 2.4495 4.2031 106ESQLENEDA114
24Eur m 14 6492307 6.90 2.4481 4.2023 847KQSLREKRA855
25Der p 14.0101 20385544 6.90 2.4481 4.2023 841KQSLREKRA849
26Tyr p 10.0101 48249227 7.03 2.3554 4.1466 31DANLKSEKT39
27Art an 3.0102 ANC85018 7.05 2.3439 4.1397 84SNNFKEENA92
28Der p 32.0101 QAT18643 7.08 2.3216 4.1263 350SYTINDEQA358
29Dic v a 763532 7.11 2.3017 4.1143 650TDSDRKEKA658
30Bla g 3.0101 D0VNY7_BLAGE 7.12 2.2973 4.1116 174NFTLRNQEQ182
31Cla h 5.0101 P40918 7.14 2.2781 4.1001 316ERTLRDDKI324
32Cur l 4.0101 193507493 7.18 2.2491 4.0827 337ASTLLDERA345
33Alt a 15.0101 A0A0F6N3V8_ALTAL 7.18 2.2491 4.0827 308ASTLLDERA316
34Phl p 4.0201 54144334 7.24 2.2098 4.0591 492TDYFRNEQS500
35Phl p 4.0101 54144332 7.24 2.2098 4.0591 492TDYFRNEQS500
36Pen c 22.0101 13991101 7.30 2.1657 4.0326 327TNPLRIKKA335
37Ole e 9 14279169 7.46 2.0580 3.9679 281GPSLDNAKA289
38Asp f 23 21215170 7.47 2.0534 3.9651 169KTPLKQKKA177
39Art ca 3.0102 QIN55516 7.47 2.0534 3.9651 84NKDLKSDNA92
40Art gm 3.0102 ANC85023 7.47 2.0534 3.9651 84NKDLKSDNA92
41Cul q 3.01 Q95V93_CULQU 7.50 2.0313 3.9518 238KKSLQNCKA246
42Dic v a 763532 7.61 1.9529 3.9048 68NQLPTNEKA76
43Lep d 10 Q9NFZ4 7.61 1.9510 3.9036 31DANLRAEKS39
44Blo t 10.0101 15693888 7.61 1.9510 3.9036 31DANLRAEKS39
45Der f 10.0101 1359436 7.61 1.9510 3.9036 46DANLRAEKS54
46Der p 10 O18416 7.61 1.9510 3.9036 31DANLRAEKS39
47Hev b 7.02 3288200 7.72 1.8799 3.8609 315DDTLTGEES323
48Hev b 7.02 3087805 7.72 1.8799 3.8609 315DDTLTGEES323
49Hev b 7.01 1916805 7.72 1.8799 3.8609 315DDTLTGEES323
50Ano d 2.01 Q7YT43_9DIPT 7.75 1.8537 3.8451 40NSILPNKQA48

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 10.422386
Standard deviation: 1.439450
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 1
12 6.0 9
13 6.5 3
14 7.0 10
15 7.5 15
16 8.0 33
17 8.5 73
18 9.0 108
19 9.5 154
20 10.0 177
21 10.5 275
22 11.0 275
23 11.5 205
24 12.0 177
25 12.5 94
26 13.0 44
27 13.5 15
28 14.0 6
29 14.5 8
30 15.0 5
31 15.5 3
32 16.0 6
33 16.5 0

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 16.966025
Standard deviation: 2.395739
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 1
12 6.0 9
13 6.5 4
14 7.0 10
15 7.5 16
16 8.0 35
17 8.5 87
18 9.0 178
19 9.5 271
20 10.0 409
21 10.5 938
22 11.0 1384
23 11.5 2316
24 12.0 3562
25 12.5 5484
26 13.0 7588
27 13.5 9920
28 14.0 13455
29 14.5 16866
30 15.0 20066
31 15.5 23871
32 16.0 27158
33 16.5 30764
34 17.0 32404
35 17.5 32542
36 18.0 32523
37 18.5 30041
38 19.0 26797
39 19.5 22649
40 20.0 18817
41 20.5 14118
42 21.0 9969
43 21.5 7221
44 22.0 4362
45 22.5 2186
46 23.0 1171
47 23.5 625
48 24.0 276
49 24.5 81
50 25.0 18
Query sequence: NNTLRNEKA

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