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Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Sealy Center for Structural Biology Computational Biology

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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: PKIAPKSEN

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Der f 2 217304 0.00 5.5125 7.2567 104PKIAPKSEN112
2Der f 2 217308 0.00 5.5125 7.2567 104PKIAPKSEN112
3Der f 2 13560629 0.00 5.5125 7.2567 136PKIAPKSEN144
4Der f 2.0109 76097511 0.00 5.5125 7.2567 95PKIAPKSEN103
5Der p 2.0109 76097509 0.00 5.5125 7.2567 95PKIAPKSEN103
6Der p 2 P49278 0.00 5.5125 7.2567 112PKIAPKSEN120
7Der p 2.0114 99644635 0.00 5.5125 7.2567 112PKIAPKSEN120
8Der p 2.0115 256095984 0.00 5.5125 7.2567 95PKIAPKSEN103
9Der f 2 Q00855 0.00 5.5125 7.2567 112PKIAPKSEN120
10Eur m 2.0102 3941386 0.80 5.0995 6.9357 101PRIAPKSEN109
11Eur m 2 Q9TZZ2 0.80 5.0995 6.9357 111PRIAPKSEN119
12Pru du 1.0101 B6CQS9_9ROSA 5.49 2.6778 5.0529 32PKIAPQSVK40
13Bet v 1.1101 534910 6.20 2.3104 4.7672 32PKVAPQTVS40
14Api m 12.0101 Q868N5 6.63 2.0897 4.5956 1475PRINPDNHN1483
15Bet v 1.0301 CAA54696.1 6.68 2.0647 4.5762 32PKVAPENVS40
16Bet v 1.1301 534898 6.68 2.0647 4.5762 32PKVAPENVS40
17Tar o RAP 2707295 6.91 1.9448 4.4830 26DTIAPKAEP34
18Aed a 7.0101 Q16TN9_AEDAE 6.95 1.9222 4.4654 36PQPAPKSKE44
19Cor a 1.0301 1321733 7.02 1.8899 4.4403 32PKVAPKAIK40
20Act d 3.0101 P85063 7.15 1.8190 4.3852 11FELAPKPED19
21Cor a 1.0201 1321731 7.16 1.8171 4.3837 32PKVAPQAVS40
22Car b 1.0302 1545897 7.16 1.8171 4.3837 32PKVAPQAVS40
23Bet v 1.1201 534900 7.16 1.8171 4.3837 31PKVAPQAVS39
24Fra a 1 Q3T923 7.17 1.8092 4.3776 32PKIAPQAVK40
25Rub i 1.0101 Q0Z8U9 7.17 1.8092 4.3776 23PKIAPQAVK31
26Mal d 1 1313966 7.17 1.8092 4.3776 32PKIAPQAVK40
27Mal d 1.0301 CAA96534 7.17 1.8092 4.3776 32PKIAPQAVK40
28Mal d 1.0302 AAK13027.1 7.17 1.8092 4.3776 32PKIAPQAVK40
29Mal d 1.0303 AAK13028 7.17 1.8092 4.3776 32PKIAPQAVK40
30Mal d 1.0304 AAO25113 7.17 1.8092 4.3776 32PKIAPQAVK40
31Fra a 1 Q256S2 7.17 1.8092 4.3776 32PKIAPQAVK40
32Fra a 1 Q256S4 7.17 1.8092 4.3776 32PKIAPQAVK40
33Poa p 5.0101 Q9FPR0 7.19 1.8009 4.3711 43GKITPTQEQ51
34Can s 5.0101 AFN42528 7.31 1.7405 4.3242 32PKIAPQAVE40
35Bet v 1 P43185 7.35 1.7178 4.3065 31PKVAPQAIS39
36Bet v 1.2001 1321724 7.35 1.7178 4.3065 32PKVAPQAIS40
37Bet v 1 P43176 7.35 1.7178 4.3065 31PKVAPQAIS39
38Car b 1.0107 1545889 7.35 1.7178 4.3065 32PKVAPQAIS40
39Car b 1.0108 1545893 7.35 1.7178 4.3065 32PKVAPQAIS40
40Car b 1.0103 1545875 7.35 1.7178 4.3065 32PKVAPQAIS40
41Bet v 1.1001 452744 7.35 1.7178 4.3065 32PKVAPQAIS40
42Car b 1.0104 1545877 7.35 1.7178 4.3065 32PKVAPQAIS40
43Bet v 1.2401 1542861 7.35 1.7178 4.3065 32PKVAPQAIS40
44Bet v 1.0101 P15494 7.35 1.7178 4.3065 31PKVAPQAIS39
45Bet v 1.0601 P43179 7.35 1.7178 4.3065 31PKVAPQAIS39
46Bet v 1 P43183 7.35 1.7178 4.3065 31PKVAPQAIS39
47Bet v 1.2701 1542867 7.35 1.7178 4.3065 32PKVAPQAIS40
48Bet v 1.0601 452736 7.35 1.7178 4.3065 32PKVAPQAIS40
49Bet v 1.2901 1542871 7.35 1.7178 4.3065 32PKVAPQAIS40
50Bet v 1.1701 1321716 7.35 1.7178 4.3065 32PKVAPQAIS40

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 10.676335
Standard deviation: 1.936755
1 0.5 9
2 1.0 2
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 1
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 1
14 7.0 5
15 7.5 156
16 8.0 16
17 8.5 29
18 9.0 54
19 9.5 83
20 10.0 157
21 10.5 155
22 11.0 212
23 11.5 239
24 12.0 236
25 12.5 142
26 13.0 79
27 13.5 46
28 14.0 41
29 14.5 10
30 15.0 10
31 15.5 7
32 16.0 4
33 16.5 3
34 17.0 0
35 17.5 0
36 18.0 0
37 18.5 0
38 19.0 0
39 19.5 0
40 20.0 0
41 20.5 0
42 21.0 0
43 21.5 0
44 22.0 0

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 18.077381
Standard deviation: 2.491115
1 0.5 9
2 1.0 2
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 1
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 1
14 7.0 5
15 7.5 156
16 8.0 16
17 8.5 30
18 9.0 64
19 9.5 103
20 10.0 209
21 10.5 344
22 11.0 575
23 11.5 1102
24 12.0 1524
25 12.5 2627
26 13.0 3642
27 13.5 5132
28 14.0 7324
29 14.5 9588
30 15.0 13162
31 15.5 15768
32 16.0 19548
33 16.5 22191
34 17.0 26556
35 17.5 29111
36 18.0 29901
37 18.5 31431
38 19.0 31266
39 19.5 29462
40 20.0 27410
41 20.5 23992
42 21.0 20297
43 21.5 16262
44 22.0 11893
45 22.5 8376
46 23.0 5279
47 23.5 2856
48 24.0 1701
49 24.5 815
50 25.0 349
51 25.5 84
52 26.0 33
Query sequence: PKIAPKSEN

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