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Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Sealy Center for Structural Biology Computational Biology

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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
Alphabetical listing of allergens: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: PNFLDGWYQ

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Api m 10.0101 94471622 0.00 7.5080 7.4688 78PNFLDGWYQ86
2Api m 10.0101 94471624 0.00 7.5080 7.4688 34PNFLDGWYQ42
3Asc s 13.0101 GST1_ASCSU 5.91 3.7106 5.1131 172PDFLSGHLQ180
4Asc l 13.0101w GST1_ASCSU 5.91 3.7106 5.1131 172PDFLSGHLQ180
5Len c 1.0102 29539111 6.32 3.4457 4.9488 144PSFLSGFNK152
6Len c 1.0101 29539109 6.39 3.4028 4.9222 144PSFLSGFSK152
7Ani s 8.0101 155676692 6.94 3.0481 4.7022 25PKFLDGADQ33
8Ani s 8.0101 155676684 6.94 3.0481 4.7022 25PKFLDGADQ33
9Ani s 8.0101 155676688 6.94 3.0481 4.7022 25PKFLDGADQ33
10Ani s 8.0101 155676694 6.94 3.0481 4.7022 25PKFLDGADQ33
11Ani s 8.0101 155676690 6.94 3.0481 4.7022 25PKFLDGADQ33
12Ani s 8.0101 155676696 6.94 3.0481 4.7022 25PKFLDGADQ33
13Ani s 8.0101 155676686 6.94 3.0481 4.7022 25PKFLDGADQ33
14Ani s 8.0101 155676682 6.94 3.0481 4.7022 25PKFLDGADQ33
15Ani s 8.0101 155676680 6.94 3.0481 4.7022 25PKFLDGADQ33
16Ani s 8.0101 155676698 6.94 3.0481 4.7022 25PKFLDGADQ33
17Pis s 1.0101 CAF25232 7.45 2.7233 4.5006 144PSLLSGFSK152
18Pis s 1.0102 CAF25233 7.45 2.7233 4.5006 144PSLLSGFSK152
19Bos d 10.0101 CASA2_BOVIN 7.58 2.6375 4.4474 192PQYLKTVYQ200
20Bos d 8 162929 7.58 2.6375 4.4474 192PQYLKTVYQ200
21Aed a 4.0101 MALT_AEDAE 7.63 2.6087 4.4295 227SDIIDGRYR235
22Tri a TAI P01085 7.64 2.6013 4.4250 58YSMLDSMYK66
23Tri a TAI P01084 7.64 2.6013 4.4250 58YSMLDSMYK66
24Tri a 28.0101 66841026 7.64 2.6013 4.4250 53YSMLDSMYK61
25Ole e 11.0101 269996495 7.91 2.4245 4.3153 36NSWFDGIIQ44
26Cand a 3 37548637 7.98 2.3819 4.2888 61PDFLNGEDK69
27Amb a 1 P27759 8.04 2.3423 4.2643 47YNIIDGCWR55
28Amb a 1 P28744 8.04 2.3423 4.2643 48YNIIDGCWR56
29Amb a 1 P28744 8.21 2.2363 4.1985 272PNLRHGFVQ280
30Gos h 4 P09800 8.23 2.2197 4.1883 241NNVLSGFRD249
31Bos d 8 162929 8.24 2.2175 4.1869 108PQYLQYLYQ116
32Bos d 10.0101 CASA2_BOVIN 8.24 2.2175 4.1869 108PQYLQYLYQ116
33Gal d 5 63748 8.26 2.2052 4.1792 137PDFVQPYQR145
34Ory s TAI 218195 8.32 2.1613 4.1520 95DHMLSGIYR103
35Tri a TAI P01083 8.46 2.0706 4.0957 60SSMLRSVYQ68
36Tri a 15.0101 283465829 8.46 2.0706 4.0957 60SSMLRSVYQ68
37Ani s 5.0101 121308877 8.49 2.0571 4.0874 25PPFLAGAPQ33
38Pen ch 35.0101 300679427 8.54 2.0248 4.0673 247PNLLEDLFN255
39Act d 7.0101 P85076 8.54 2.0196 4.0641 76RSVVDGWTT84
40Asp f 12 P40292 8.57 2.0045 4.0548 217SPFLDSLKQ225
41Lyc e 2.0101 287474 8.57 2.0013 4.0528 30PLYHKGWYH38
42Sola l 2.0101 Q547Q0_SOLLC 8.57 2.0013 4.0528 122PLYHKGWYH130
43Lyc e 2.0102 18542115 8.57 2.0013 4.0528 122PLYHKGWYH130
44Lyc e 2.0102 546937 8.57 2.0013 4.0528 122PLYHKGWYH130
45Lyc e 2.0101 18542113 8.57 2.0013 4.0528 122PLYHKGWYH130
46Sola l 2.0201 Q8RVW4_SOLLC 8.57 2.0013 4.0528 122PLYHKGWYH130
47Bet v 8.0101 AHF71027 8.61 1.9781 4.0384 21PPIFDGTTR29
48Fag e 1 2317674 8.62 1.9707 4.0338 241ANILSGFQD249
49Ory s TAI 218197 8.64 1.9571 4.0253 95SHMLGGIYR103
50Ory s TAI 1398918 8.64 1.9571 4.0253 98SHMLGGIYR106

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 11.688131
Standard deviation: 1.556766
1 0.5 2
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 2
13 6.5 2
14 7.0 10
15 7.5 2
16 8.0 8
17 8.5 8
18 9.0 38
19 9.5 45
20 10.0 86
21 10.5 92
22 11.0 170
23 11.5 266
24 12.0 227
25 12.5 292
26 13.0 185
27 13.5 134
28 14.0 49
29 14.5 31
30 15.0 18
31 15.5 21
32 16.0 2
33 16.5 1
34 17.0 2
35 17.5 1
36 18.0 2
37 18.5 0
38 19.0 0
39 19.5 0
40 20.0 0
41 20.5 1
42 21.0 0
43 21.5 0
44 22.0 0
45 22.5 0

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 18.742922
Standard deviation: 2.509489
1 0.5 2
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 2
13 6.5 2
14 7.0 10
15 7.5 2
16 8.0 8
17 8.5 11
18 9.0 39
19 9.5 49
20 10.0 96
21 10.5 136
22 11.0 286
23 11.5 614
24 12.0 871
25 12.5 1327
26 13.0 1894
27 13.5 3275
28 14.0 4646
29 14.5 6967
30 15.0 8910
31 15.5 12004
32 16.0 15419
33 16.5 18310
34 17.0 22110
35 17.5 25075
36 18.0 28425
37 18.5 29470
38 19.0 31169
39 19.5 31208
40 20.0 30286
41 20.5 27662
42 21.0 24489
43 21.5 20391
44 22.0 16879
45 22.5 13419
46 23.0 9222
47 23.5 6288
48 24.0 4203
49 24.5 2494
50 25.0 1536
51 25.5 587
52 26.0 292
53 26.5 102
54 27.0 10
Query sequence: PNFLDGWYQ

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