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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: PVNDASVQG

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Mala s 9 19069920 0.00 7.2698 7.1408 83PVNDASVQG91
2Aca f 1 A0A0K1SC24_VACFA 5.86 3.2400 4.7484 7PVSQFHVQG15
3Can f 3 2145909 6.00 3.1446 4.6917 218PGNDATVLG226
4Ory s 1 8118430 6.09 3.0797 4.6532 33NVSDASAYG41
5Pan h 7.0101 XP_026780620 6.26 2.9668 4.5862 323GVDTASVGG331
6Sal s 7.01 ACH70914 6.26 2.9668 4.5862 324GVDTASVGG332
7Ole e 1.0105 2465127 6.47 2.8224 4.5004 8PVSQFHIQG16
8Ama r 1.0101 A0A0K1SC10_AMARE 6.47 2.8224 4.5004 26PVSQFHIQG34
9Ole e 1.0106 2465129 6.47 2.8224 4.5004 8PVSQFHIQG16
10Ole e 1.0103 473107 6.47 2.8224 4.5004 7PVSQFHIQG15
11Ole e 1.0102 473106 6.47 2.8224 4.5004 7PVSQFHIQG15
12Ole e 1.0107 2465131 6.47 2.8224 4.5004 8PVSQFHIQG16
13Fra e 1.0201 34978692 6.47 2.8224 4.5004 8PVSQFHIQG16
14Ole e 1 P19963 6.47 2.8224 4.5004 7PVSQFHIQG15
15Koc s 1.0101 A0A0K1SC44_BASSC 6.47 2.8224 4.5004 26PVSQFHIQG34
16Pro j 1.0101 AKV72167 6.47 2.8224 4.5004 7PVSQFHIQG15
17Tyr p 28.0101 AOD75395 6.53 2.7793 4.4748 79RFDDASVQA87
18For t 2.0101 188572343 6.55 2.7671 4.4676 232PVNSAAISP240
19Lig v 1.0102 3256212 6.98 2.4707 4.2916 7PVSQFYIQG15
20Lig v 1 O82015 6.98 2.4707 4.2916 7PVSQFYIQG15
21Ole e 1.0104 473105 6.98 2.4707 4.2916 7PISQFYVQG15
22Blo t 7.0101 ASX95438 7.10 2.3900 4.2437 47IIKDATVTG55
23Pun g 14.0101 CHIT_PUNGR 7.13 2.3671 4.2301 139PLGDAVLDG147
24Hev b 14.0101 313870530 7.13 2.3671 4.2301 113PLGDAVLDG121
25Pha a 5 P56165 7.17 2.3387 4.2133 130SMDDASVGS138
26Der p 7 P49273 7.22 2.3036 4.1924 86RVGDANVKS94
27Pun g 1.0301 A0A059ST23_PUNGR 7.27 2.2669 4.1707 51PVPQACCNG59
28Ole e 1.0101 7429424 7.31 2.2395 4.1544 302PVNPAPLSP310
29Cic a 1.0101 QHW05434.1 7.35 2.2135 4.1389 256RMDDLSVEG264
30Lol p 1.0101 168316 7.36 2.2091 4.1363 68NVDKAPFNG76
31Lol p 1 P14946 7.36 2.2091 4.1363 68NVDKAPFNG76
32Cand a 1 576627 7.45 2.1494 4.1009 282PVFDAVVKS290
33Cand a 1 P43067 7.45 2.1494 4.1009 282PVFDAVVKS290
34Lat c 6.0101 XP_018521723 7.52 2.0959 4.0691 1062PAGPAGVRG1070
35Asp t 36.0101 Q0CJH1_ASPTN 7.56 2.0674 4.0522 26NLNDAKLDS34
36Der p 9.0101 31745576 7.63 2.0203 4.0242 218NSNQASCNG226
37Lat c 6.0301 XP_018522130 7.67 1.9965 4.0101 983PVGAAGARG991
38Sal s 6.0202 XP_014033985 7.67 1.9965 4.0101 983PVGAAGARG991
39Sal s 6.0201 XP_013998297 7.67 1.9965 4.0101 983PVGAAGARG991
40Onc m 1.0201 P86432 7.69 1.9828 4.0020 4GLNDADVAA12
41Sal s 1 5640137 7.69 1.9828 4.0020 5GLNDADVAA13
42Sal s 1 Q91483 7.69 1.9828 4.0020 4GLNDADVAA12
43Cuc m 1 807698 7.72 1.9622 3.9897 189PISPGDVNG197
44Lol p 1.0103 6599300 7.73 1.9516 3.9834 68DVDKAPFNG76
45Pha a 1 Q41260 7.73 1.9516 3.9834 74DVDKAPFNG82
46Lol p 1.0102 168314 7.73 1.9516 3.9834 57DVDKAPFNG65
47Lat c 6.0201 XP_018553992 7.76 1.9363 3.9744 839PVGNTGAKG847
48Asc s 13.0101 GST1_ASCSU 7.79 1.9137 3.9609 82PMEEAQVDS90
49Asc l 13.0101w GST1_ASCSU 7.79 1.9137 3.9609 82PMEEAQVDS90
50Pen ch 20.0101 999009 7.80 1.9066 3.9567 37QVDDVTVSS45

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 10.570666
Standard deviation: 1.454050
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 2
13 6.5 13
14 7.0 5
15 7.5 12
16 8.0 46
17 8.5 69
18 9.0 57
19 9.5 142
20 10.0 180
21 10.5 278
22 11.0 246
23 11.5 223
24 12.0 197
25 12.5 98
26 13.0 56
27 13.5 39
28 14.0 14
29 14.5 7
30 15.0 4
31 15.5 4

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 17.488973
Standard deviation: 2.449145
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 2
13 6.5 13
14 7.0 5
15 7.5 12
16 8.0 47
17 8.5 80
18 9.0 79
19 9.5 230
20 10.0 366
21 10.5 693
22 11.0 975
23 11.5 1652
24 12.0 2475
25 12.5 3950
26 13.0 5262
27 13.5 7479
28 14.0 10195
29 14.5 13053
30 15.0 16292
31 15.5 20033
32 16.0 23843
33 16.5 26737
34 17.0 29027
35 17.5 31418
36 18.0 32580
37 18.5 31711
38 19.0 30108
39 19.5 27477
40 20.0 22989
41 20.5 19341
42 21.0 14348
43 21.5 10371
44 22.0 7434
45 22.5 4811
46 23.0 2428
47 23.5 1542
48 24.0 685
49 24.5 290
50 25.0 126
51 25.5 26
52 26.0 10
Query sequence: PVNDASVQG

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