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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: QNYLALVRE

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Der f 15.0101 5815436 0.00 6.6293 7.0368 174QNYLALVRE182
2Der p 15.0101 Q4JK69_DERPT 1.47 5.7099 6.4539 174QNYLTLVRE182
3Der p 15.0102 Q4JK70_DERPT 1.47 5.7099 6.4539 174QNYLTLVRE182
4Zoy m 1.0101 QCX36431 4.81 3.6137 5.1251 186DNYLALLVE194
5Bet v 6.0102 10764491 5.06 3.4557 5.0250 29HPTFALVRE37
6Bet v 6.0101 4731376 5.06 3.4557 5.0250 29HPTFALVRE37
7Alt a 13.0101 Q6R4B4 5.46 3.2086 4.8683 167QQYLAWLNE175
8Dic v a 763532 6.17 2.7655 4.5875 1355KDNLAVIKE1363
9Sola t 2 P16348 6.17 2.7609 4.5845 170KRRLALVNE178
10Cav p 4.0101 Q6WDN9_CAVPO 6.20 2.7410 4.5719 474ENYLALILN482
11Api m 12.0101 Q868N5 6.34 2.6530 4.5161 902SNYIEAVKE910
12Sola t 4 P30941 6.55 2.5257 4.4354 202KRRLALVKD210
13Sola t 4 21413 6.55 2.5257 4.4354 198KRRLALVKD206
14Tri a 33.0101 5734506 6.57 2.5119 4.4267 371HPFLFLIRE379
15Tri a ps93 4099919 6.85 2.3334 4.3136 180PNYLAVLVE188
16Ole e 12.0101 ALL12_OLEEU 6.87 2.3247 4.3080 29HPTFALARE37
17Cor a 6.0101 A0A0U1VZC8_CORAV 6.87 2.3247 4.3080 29HPTFVLVRE37
18Dau c 5.0101 H2DF86 6.87 2.3247 4.3080 27HPTFVLVRE35
19Pen m 8.0101 F8QN77_PENMO 6.90 2.3080 4.2974 183QDALGLVRN191
20Mes a 1.0101 MSP_MESAU 6.91 2.2960 4.2898 101QNYFHVVEK109
21Asc l 13.0101w GST1_ASCSU 7.13 2.1628 4.2054 182KKYIEHVRE190
22Asc s 13.0101 GST1_ASCSU 7.13 2.1628 4.2054 182KKYIEHVRE190
23Hol l 1 3860384 7.16 2.1431 4.1929 180PNYLALLVK188
24Cyn d 1.0201 15384338 7.16 2.1431 4.1929 158PNYLALLVK166
25Pha a 1 Q41260 7.16 2.1431 4.1929 186PNYLALLVK194
26Cyn d 1 16076695 7.16 2.1431 4.1929 176PNYLALLVK184
27Cyn d 1.0203 16076697 7.16 2.1431 4.1929 176PNYLALLVK184
28Hol l 1 P43216 7.16 2.1431 4.1929 182PNYLALLVK190
29Hol l 1.0102 1167836 7.16 2.1431 4.1929 165PNYLALLVK173
30Cyn d 1.0202 16076693 7.16 2.1431 4.1929 176PNYLALLVK184
31Ory s 1 8118421 7.16 2.1431 4.1929 180PNYLALLVK188
32Sor h 1.0101 8118421 7.16 2.1431 4.1929 156PNYLALLVK164
33Ory s 1 Q40638 7.16 2.1431 4.1929 177PNYLALLVK185
34Uro m 1.0101 A0A4D6FZ45_9POAL 7.16 2.1431 4.1929 176PNYLALLVK184
35Phl p 1 P43213 7.16 2.1431 4.1929 180PNYLALLVK188
36Poa p a 4090265 7.16 2.1431 4.1929 180PNYLALLVK188
37Phl p 1.0101 3901094 7.16 2.1431 4.1929 180PNYLALLVK188
38Cyn d 1.0204 10314021 7.16 2.1431 4.1929 158PNYLALLVK166
39Bla g 1.02 4240395 7.26 2.0817 4.1540 126QDFLALIPT134
40Ano d 2.01 Q7YT43_9DIPT 7.36 2.0150 4.1117 181KRVAALIKE189
41Per a 1.0101 4240399 7.40 1.9917 4.0969 30DHYIELIRA38
42Per a 1.0104 2253610 7.40 1.9917 4.0969 73DHYIELIRA81
43Per a 1.0103 2580504 7.40 1.9917 4.0969 194DHYIELIRA202
44Per a 1.0102 2897849 7.40 1.9917 4.0969 27DHYIELIRA35
45Cyn d 1 O04701 7.47 1.9468 4.0685 158DHYLALLVK166
46Sus s 1.0101 ALBU_PIG 7.54 1.9034 4.0410 61EEHVKLVRE69
47Sal k 1.0101 P83181 7.56 1.8942 4.0351 21TSYVIVIKE29
48Ves v 3.0101 167782086 7.56 1.8899 4.0324 723QQSLALAKA731
49Bla g 1.0101 4572592 7.56 1.8886 4.0316 192QNLLQKLRE200
50Tri a 17.0101 AMYB_WHEAT 7.57 1.8858 4.0298 153ADYMASFRE161

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 10.578320
Standard deviation: 1.595686
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 2
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 1
11 5.5 3
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 4
14 7.0 9
15 7.5 25
16 8.0 30
17 8.5 62
18 9.0 72
19 9.5 142
20 10.0 202
21 10.5 288
22 11.0 244
23 11.5 166
24 12.0 180
25 12.5 98
26 13.0 81
27 13.5 45
28 14.0 21
29 14.5 7
30 15.0 5
31 15.5 0
32 16.0 4
33 16.5 1
34 17.0 2
35 17.5 0
36 18.0 0
37 18.5 1
38 19.0 0
39 19.5 0
40 20.0 0
41 20.5 0
42 21.0 0
43 21.5 1
44 22.0 0
45 22.5 0

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 17.712980
Standard deviation: 2.517205
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 2
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 1
11 5.5 3
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 4
14 7.0 9
15 7.5 25
16 8.0 38
17 8.5 72
18 9.0 109
19 9.5 243
20 10.0 348
21 10.5 624
22 11.0 923
23 11.5 1397
24 12.0 2167
25 12.5 3312
26 13.0 4681
27 13.5 7335
28 14.0 9447
29 14.5 12362
30 15.0 14846
31 15.5 18318
32 16.0 21250
33 16.5 24737
34 17.0 28550
35 17.5 30641
36 18.0 31193
37 18.5 30928
38 19.0 29814
39 19.5 27580
40 20.0 24244
41 20.5 20948
42 21.0 17148
43 21.5 13016
44 22.0 9234
45 22.5 6242
46 23.0 3970
47 23.5 2414
48 24.0 1135
49 24.5 617
50 25.0 214
51 25.5 50
Query sequence: QNYLALVRE

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