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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
Alphabetical listing of allergens: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: QVFRRLTSA

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Lit v 2.0101 Q004B5 0.00 6.7994 6.9653 241QVFRRLTSA249
2Pen m 2 27463265 0.00 6.7994 6.9653 241QVFRRLTSA249
3Pen m 2 KARG_PROCL 3.16 4.7033 5.6969 241QVYRRLVSA249
4Scy p 2.0101 KARG0_SCYPA 3.16 4.7033 5.6969 241QVYRRLVSA249
5Bla g 9.0101 ABC86902 3.89 4.2209 5.4050 241QVYRRLVTA249
6Bomb m 1.0101 82658675 3.96 4.1725 5.3757 240QVYKRLVSA248
7Api m 11.0101 58585070 6.02 2.8061 4.5487 219NSFQRLTSS227
8Phl p 5.0107 3135501 6.07 2.7703 4.5271 152QVIEKVDSA160
9Phl p 5.0108 3135503 6.07 2.7703 4.5271 152QVIEKVDSA160
10Phl p 5.0105 3135497 6.07 2.7703 4.5271 152QVIEKVDSA160
11Phl p 5.0106 3135499 6.07 2.7703 4.5271 152QVIEKVDSA160
12Asp n 14 2181180 6.08 2.7626 4.5225 542DLIQKLASA550
13Api m 11.0201 62910925 6.09 2.7584 4.5199 218DSFQRLTSS226
14Asp f 29.0101 91680608 6.19 2.6891 4.4780 42PVFQRLSTS50
15Sola t 1 21512 6.23 2.6669 4.4645 285LVIQKMTSA293
16Der f 21.0101 ALL21_DERFA 6.25 2.6509 4.4549 72QILRELTIA80
17Der p 28.0101 QAT18639 6.27 2.6399 4.4482 262RALRRLRTA270
18Tyr p 28.0101 AOD75395 6.27 2.6399 4.4482 260RALRRLRTA268
19Cla h 5.0101 P40918 6.27 2.6399 4.4482 256RALRRLRTA264
20Pen c 19 Q92260 6.27 2.6399 4.4482 126RALRRLRTA134
21Hev b 6.01 P02877 6.34 2.5946 4.4208 161NVFRQLDTD169
22Ole e 11.0101 269996495 6.40 2.5529 4.3956 330KFVKRLSDA338
23Der p 11 37778944 6.57 2.4371 4.3255 584EVHRQLQQA592
24Der f 11.0101 13785807 6.57 2.4371 4.3255 498EVHRQLQQA506
25Blo t 11 21954740 6.57 2.4371 4.3255 584EVHRQLQQA592
26Per a 3.0202 1580794 6.59 2.4267 4.3192 348NLFKKVSDA356
27Per a 3.0201 1531589 6.59 2.4267 4.3192 509NLFKKVSDA517
28Jun a 2 9955725 6.64 2.3930 4.2988 398NVFLKLTSG406
29Sal s 8.01 ACM09737 6.68 2.3637 4.2810 22ELIKTLNSA30
30Pen m 8.0101 F8QN77_PENMO 6.71 2.3440 4.2691 143VLFKQLTSL151
31Eur m 14 6492307 6.80 2.2896 4.2362 292QVLKKLCTE300
32Gly m 6.0301 P11828 6.80 2.2864 4.2343 237QIVRKLQGE245
33Der f 28.0101 L7V065_DERFA 6.89 2.2239 4.1965 629VVLTRLRSA637
34Tab y 5.0101 304273369 6.92 2.2056 4.1854 237ETFKNLCSA245
35Der f 20.0101 AIO08850 7.00 2.1542 4.1543 241QVFSRLING249
36Par j 4.0101 201071363 7.12 2.0751 4.1064 13RIFKRFDSN21
37Cuc m 1 807698 7.14 2.0643 4.0999 609QAVRRITGD617
38Der p 14.0101 20385544 7.22 2.0077 4.0656 286EVLKKLCSE294
39Tyr p 10.0101 48249227 7.22 2.0062 4.0647 59QVQENLTQA67
40Ves v 6.0101 G8IIT0 7.27 1.9732 4.0447 594NVFGRLSSR602
41Ani s 7.0101 119524036 7.34 1.9265 4.0165 857EFCNRLASA865
42Api m 5.0101 B2D0J4 7.36 1.9174 4.0110 601EIYRRLGTV609
43Phl p 5.0104 1684720 7.36 1.9129 4.0082 152QFIEKVDSA160
44Dic v a 763532 7.46 1.8491 3.9696 507DLMKRLTEL515
45Cra g 1 15419048 7.46 1.8477 3.9688 77KVLENLNNA85
46Sac g 1.0101 AVD53650 7.46 1.8477 3.9688 128KVLENLNNA136
47Pan h 8.0101 XP_026795867 7.46 1.8470 3.9684 23ELINTLNSA31
48Pla or 2.0101 162949338 7.47 1.8393 3.9637 140AVVRDITSM148
49Tri r 2.0101 5813790 7.51 1.8158 3.9495 64RIMRRAGSS72
50Der p 13.0101 E0A8N8_DERPT 7.55 1.7906 3.9343 49YVFRSLSTF57

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 10.246274
Standard deviation: 1.506948
1 0.5 2
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 2
8 4.0 2
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 16
14 7.0 12
15 7.5 14
16 8.0 61
17 8.5 74
18 9.0 129
19 9.5 158
20 10.0 189
21 10.5 231
22 11.0 301
23 11.5 249
24 12.0 132
25 12.5 57
26 13.0 29
27 13.5 9
28 14.0 10
29 14.5 6
30 15.0 8
31 15.5 1
32 16.0 2
33 16.5 1

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 17.344867
Standard deviation: 2.490173
1 0.5 2
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 2
8 4.0 2
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 16
14 7.0 12
15 7.5 14
16 8.0 63
17 8.5 91
18 9.0 161
19 9.5 273
20 10.0 486
21 10.5 866
22 11.0 1346
23 11.5 2088
24 12.0 3050
25 12.5 4818
26 13.0 5938
27 13.5 8439
28 14.0 10735
29 14.5 14348
30 15.0 17470
31 15.5 20198
32 16.0 24315
33 16.5 27536
34 17.0 29975
35 17.5 30645
36 18.0 31247
37 18.5 30683
38 19.0 28780
39 19.5 26054
40 20.0 22547
41 20.5 18377
42 21.0 14462
43 21.5 9737
44 22.0 7088
45 22.5 4320
46 23.0 2193
47 23.5 1182
48 24.0 455
49 24.5 157
50 25.0 25
Query sequence: QVFRRLTSA

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