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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
Alphabetical listing of allergens: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: QYQEDPWKG

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Gos h 2 P09799 0.00 8.1147 7.6820 149QYQEDPWKG157
2Gos h 1 P09801.1 5.48 4.3465 5.3925 151RYQENPWRR159
3Car i 1.0101 28207731 7.15 3.1971 4.6941 104QQQEEGIRG112
4Vig r 2.0101 Q198W3 7.51 2.9507 4.5444 432QQREEGHKG440
5Aed a 1 P50635 7.90 2.6848 4.3829 387QYTNDTFRP395
6Ber e 1 P04403 8.03 2.5917 4.3263 60QMEESPYQT68
7Ber e 1 167188 8.03 2.5917 4.3263 60QMEESPYQT68
8Tab y 2.0101 304273371 8.06 2.5717 4.3142 55QNTEDLFRG63
9Ber e 1 17713 8.10 2.5476 4.2995 67QMEESPYQN75
10Ses i 7.0101 Q9AUD2 8.11 2.5427 4.2965 279RWERDPYSG287
11Bos d 8 1228078 8.22 2.4645 4.2490 24QNQEQPIRC32
12Bos d 12.0101 CASK_BOVIN 8.22 2.4645 4.2490 24QNQEQPIRC32
13Bos d 8 162811 8.22 2.4645 4.2490 24QNQEQPIRC32
14Zan b 2.0101 QYU76045 8.34 2.3846 4.2005 226QEQEQEFRG234
15Zan b 2.0102 QYU76046 8.34 2.3846 4.2005 225QEQEQEFRG233
16Jug r 1 1794252 8.39 2.3474 4.1778 100QQQQQGLRG108
17Jug n 1 31321942 8.39 2.3474 4.1778 122QQQQQGLRG130
18Gly m conglycinin 169929 8.53 2.2505 4.1190 618QQKEEGNKG626
19Gly m 5.0201 Q9FZP9 8.53 2.2505 4.1190 538QQKEEGNKG546
20Ves v 6.0101 G8IIT0 8.67 2.1534 4.0600 1141DTNDESWKS1149
21Gly m conglycinin 256427 8.68 2.1516 4.0589 418QQKEEGSKG426
22Mala s 12.0101 78038796 8.72 2.1180 4.0385 228AINNDPYNG236
23Der p 24.0101 QCR7_DERPT 8.73 2.1160 4.0372 83SYEEDMDKG91
24Der f 24.0101 QCR7_DERFA 8.73 2.1160 4.0372 83SYEEDMDKG91
25Mor a 2.0101 QOS47419 8.82 2.0552 4.0003 548STTKRPMKG556
26Gal d vitellogenin 212881 8.84 2.0374 3.9895 941DVTEEPFQT949
27Gal d vitellogenin 63887 8.84 2.0374 3.9895 939DVTEEPFQT947
28Asp f 6 1648970 8.85 2.0331 3.9869 158THDQDPVTG166
29Asp f 6 Q92450 8.85 2.0331 3.9869 147THDQDPVTG155
30Tri a gliadin 170702 8.85 2.0308 3.9855 165QQQMNPCKN173
31Zan_b_2.02 QYU76044 8.87 2.0173 3.9773 67QQQQQSYQS75
32Ara h 2.0101 15418705 8.92 1.9818 3.9557 59SYERDPYSP67
33Ara h 2.0101 9186485 8.92 1.9818 3.9557 56SYERDPYSP64
34Pol d 2.0101 XP_015179722 8.93 1.9778 3.9533 62HNSKDNFRG70
35Pol a 2 Q9U6V9 8.93 1.9778 3.9533 65HNSKDNFRG73
36Mala s 7 4138175 8.95 1.9622 3.9438 133KYQSDPKKK141
37Gal d 6.0101 VIT1_CHICK 8.97 1.9501 3.9365 1479QLAETNWKA1487
38gal d 6.0101 P87498 8.97 1.9501 3.9365 1479QLAETNWKA1487
39Pis v 1.0101 110349080 8.97 1.9496 3.9362 107QQQQGQFRG115
40Der f 15.0101 5815436 9.02 1.9128 3.9138 377SLENDDFKG385
41Der p 15.0101 Q4JK69_DERPT 9.02 1.9128 3.9138 377SLENDDFKG385
42Der p 15.0102 Q4JK70_DERPT 9.02 1.9128 3.9138 377SLENDDFKG385
43Dol m 5.02 552080 9.06 1.8865 3.8978 185KYIENNWHT193
44Dol m 5.02 P10737 9.06 1.8865 3.8978 185KYIENNWHT193
45Cul q 2.01 Q95V92_CULQU 9.15 1.8243 3.8601 36RCMEDNAKG44
46Pru du 6.0201 307159114 9.16 1.8194 3.8571 215QQQQQGQQG223
47Tri a gliadin 170708 9.16 1.8175 3.8559 143QQQLNPCKN151
48Tri a gliadin 170738 9.16 1.8175 3.8559 178QQQLNPCKN186
49Tri a gliadin 1063270 9.16 1.8175 3.8559 131QQQLNPCKN139
50Tri r 4.0101 5813788 9.16 1.8164 3.8552 215KYAESPYPP223

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 11.805335
Standard deviation: 1.454803
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 1
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 0
14 7.0 0
15 7.5 1
16 8.0 2
17 8.5 12
18 9.0 22
19 9.5 43
20 10.0 86
21 10.5 129
22 11.0 180
23 11.5 225
24 12.0 205
25 12.5 263
26 13.0 215
27 13.5 160
28 14.0 67
29 14.5 42
30 15.0 15
31 15.5 7
32 16.0 9
33 16.5 6
34 17.0 2
35 17.5 3
36 18.0 1

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 18.393773
Standard deviation: 2.394391
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 1
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 0
14 7.0 0
15 7.5 1
16 8.0 2
17 8.5 12
18 9.0 22
19 9.5 47
20 10.0 115
21 10.5 223
22 11.0 353
23 11.5 631
24 12.0 868
25 12.5 1905
26 13.0 2654
27 13.5 3639
28 14.0 5215
29 14.5 8014
30 15.0 10416
31 15.5 13335
32 16.0 17125
33 16.5 20770
34 17.0 23691
35 17.5 28776
36 18.0 30846
37 18.5 32464
38 19.0 32248
39 19.5 31954
40 20.0 29118
41 20.5 26898
42 21.0 23133
43 21.5 18503
44 22.0 13822
45 22.5 9954
46 23.0 6413
47 23.5 3685
48 24.0 1812
49 24.5 948
50 25.0 422
51 25.5 111
52 26.0 44
53 26.5 6
54 27.0 0
Query sequence: QYQEDPWKG

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