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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
Alphabetical listing of allergens: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: RESVANQRK

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Rap v 2.0101 QPB41107 0.00 7.1144 7.0946 755RESVANQRK763
2Gal d 6.0101 VIT1_CHICK 6.12 3.0814 4.5890 1135RQSKANEKK1143
3gal d 6.0101 P87498 6.12 3.0814 4.5890 1135RQSKANEKK1143
4Sco m 5.0101 QEA69430 6.18 3.0407 4.5637 47RQTVANGQQ55
5Hev b 13 51315784 6.91 2.5561 4.2626 262KEIVAQLRK270
6Cla h 6 P42040 7.12 2.4193 4.1776 277YEQLADQYK285
7Lep s 1 20387027 7.18 2.3796 4.1530 61KENLATANK69
8Ory s TAI 1304217 7.20 2.3706 4.1474 5RQCVATRRT13
9Tri a 33.0101 5734506 7.20 2.3674 4.1454 10RLSIAHQTR18
10Pru du 10.0101 MDL2_PRUDU 7.23 2.3507 4.1350 478RESVASYWH486
11Alt a 15.0101 A0A0F6N3V8_ALTAL 7.26 2.3279 4.1209 499KERVASQKL507
12Bos d 9.0101 CASA1_BOVIN 7.35 2.2700 4.0849 139KEGIHAQQK147
13Bos d 8 162650 7.35 2.2700 4.0849 18KEGIHAQQK26
14Bos d 8 92 7.35 2.2700 4.0849 139KEGIHAQQK147
15Bos d 8 459292 7.37 2.2571 4.0769 114KEAMAPKQK122
16Bet v 3 P43187 7.42 2.2245 4.0566 124RKSILSQEE132
17Mala s 9 19069920 7.44 2.2084 4.0466 204REVHANTDK212
18Gly m TI 256429 7.46 2.1947 4.0381 202KESLAKKNH210
19Gly m TI 18772 7.46 2.1947 4.0381 203KESLAKKNH211
20Gly m TI 18770 7.46 2.1947 4.0381 203KESLAKKNH211
21Mac r 2.0101 E2JE77_MACRS 7.53 2.1480 4.0091 344AEDVALQKK352
22Bos d 8 162794 7.59 2.1098 3.9853 139KEGIDAQQK147
23Ves v 6.0101 G8IIT0 7.61 2.0947 3.9760 1308RNSVKDCQK1316
24Pis s 1.0102 CAF25233 7.63 2.0841 3.9694 181RRSLKDRRQ189
25Pis s 1.0101 CAF25232 7.63 2.0841 3.9694 181RRSLKDRRQ189
26Api m 12.0101 Q868N5 7.72 2.0271 3.9340 1499RENEAGQKE1507
27Jug r 1 1794252 7.75 2.0028 3.9189 40REQIQRQQN48
28Pan h 2.0101 XP_034156632 7.76 1.9950 3.9140 81KLSVVDQEK89
29Blo t 11 21954740 7.77 1.9891 3.9104 419KEALARENK427
30Ani s 2 8117843 7.77 1.9891 3.9104 421KEALARENK429
31Der f 11.0101 13785807 7.81 1.9674 3.8969 333RDQLARENK341
32Der p 11 37778944 7.81 1.9674 3.8969 419RDQLARENK427
33Ses i 6.0101 Q9XHP0 7.81 1.9631 3.8942 289RTNVESRRE297
34Car i 4.0101 158998780 7.82 1.9564 3.8900 122RQSQQGQRR130
35Len c 1.0101 29539109 7.87 1.9258 3.8711 181RRSLRDKRQ189
36Len c 1.0102 29539111 7.88 1.9214 3.8683 181RRSLRDRRQ189
37Bos d 6 P02769 7.88 1.9190 3.8668 501TESLVNRRP509
38Bos d 6 2190337 7.88 1.9190 3.8668 501TESLVNRRP509
39Fel d 2 P49064 7.88 1.9190 3.8668 502TESLVNRRP510
40Cav p 4.0101 Q6WDN9_CAVPO 7.88 1.9190 3.8668 502TESLVNRRP510
41Sus s 1.0101 ALBU_PIG 7.88 1.9190 3.8668 501TESLVNRRP509
42Bos d 8 162805 7.90 1.9066 3.8591 114KEAMAPKHK122
43Bos d 8 162797 7.90 1.9066 3.8591 114KEAMAPKHK122
44Bos d 8 162931 7.90 1.9066 3.8591 114KEAMAPKHK122
45Bos d 11.0101 CASB_BOVIN 7.90 1.9066 3.8591 114KEAMAPKHK122
46Lyc e LAT52 295812 7.91 1.9022 3.8564 107KESVSGYEK115
47Tri a 29.0101 253783731 7.93 1.8861 3.8464 20REYVAQQTC28
48Hor v 1 18955 7.93 1.8861 3.8464 45REYVAQQTC53
49Tri a TAI 21701 7.93 1.8861 3.8464 45REYVAQQTC53
50Tri a 29.0201 283465827 7.93 1.8861 3.8464 20REYVAQQTC28

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 10.790817
Standard deviation: 1.516758
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 3
14 7.0 1
15 7.5 15
16 8.0 35
17 8.5 70
18 9.0 88
19 9.5 127
20 10.0 142
21 10.5 178
22 11.0 193
23 11.5 309
24 12.0 215
25 12.5 165
26 13.0 73
27 13.5 25
28 14.0 27
29 14.5 9
30 15.0 11
31 15.5 5
32 16.0 1
33 16.5 1
34 17.0 1
35 17.5 0
36 18.0 1
37 18.5 1
38 19.0 0
39 19.5 0
40 20.0 0

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 17.320431
Standard deviation: 2.441358
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 3
14 7.0 1
15 7.5 15
16 8.0 35
17 8.5 80
18 9.0 128
19 9.5 224
20 10.0 391
21 10.5 703
22 11.0 1367
23 11.5 1965
24 12.0 2915
25 12.5 4213
26 13.0 5778
27 13.5 8676
28 14.0 10420
29 14.5 14286
30 15.0 18367
31 15.5 21167
32 16.0 25128
33 16.5 27763
34 17.0 29854
35 17.5 30900
36 18.0 32514
37 18.5 31568
38 19.0 28928
39 19.5 26092
40 20.0 21869
41 20.5 17702
42 21.0 13430
43 21.5 9811
44 22.0 6431
45 22.5 3712
46 23.0 2197
47 23.5 980
48 24.0 360
49 24.5 139
50 25.0 67
51 25.5 11
Query sequence: RESVANQRK

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