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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: RFEKTAEKY

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Mes a 1.0101 MSP_MESAU 0.00 6.9147 7.2459 146RFEKTAEKY154
2Api m 2 Q08169 4.71 3.9682 5.3509 60RFEEVSEKY68
3Cop c 3 5689671 6.19 3.0432 4.7560 101RFADTAEQR109
4Sal s 4.0101 NP_001117128 6.47 2.8729 4.6465 206SLEAQAEKY214
5Pan h 4.0101 XP_026781482 6.47 2.8729 4.6465 206SLEAQAEKY214
6Pan h 4.0201 XP_026775428 6.47 2.8729 4.6465 206SLEAQAEKY214
7Tyr p 20.0101 A0A868BHP5_TYRPU 6.65 2.7559 4.5712 297KLEEVAAKY305
8Der p 28.0101 QAT18639 6.69 2.7359 4.5584 130KMKETAEAY138
9Aed a 8.0101 Q1HR69_AEDAE 6.69 2.7359 4.5584 152KMKETAEAY160
10Tyr p 28.0101 AOD75395 6.69 2.7359 4.5584 128KMKETAEAY136
11Der f 28.0201 AIO08848 6.69 2.7359 4.5584 130KMKETAEAY138
12Cla h 5.0101 P40918 6.83 2.6489 4.5024 124KMRETAESY132
13Cop c 2 Q9UW02 6.89 2.6114 4.4783 39IFEKFSEKY47
14Bomb m 1.0101 82658675 6.93 2.5861 4.4620 295KLEEVASKY303
15Plo i 1 25453077 6.93 2.5861 4.4620 295KLEEVASKY303
16Dic v a 763532 6.95 2.5684 4.4506 1152NLEEALEKY1160
17Cha f 1 Q9N2R3 7.03 2.5227 4.4212 35RAEKTEEEI43
18Scy p 1.0101 A7L5V2_SCYSE 7.03 2.5227 4.4212 35RAEKTEEEI43
19Hom a 1.0101 O44119 7.03 2.5227 4.4212 35RAEKTEEEI43
20Sal s 7.01 ACH70914 7.15 2.4463 4.3721 259RIEETFKKH267
21Der f 28.0101 L7V065_DERFA 7.20 2.4154 4.3522 126KMRETAEAY134
22Fag e 3.0101 A5HIX6 7.31 2.3480 4.3089 88RCEKQLERQ96
23Der f 33.0101 AIO08861 7.33 2.3345 4.3002 128RIAKLAEQC136
24Der f 20.0201 ABU97470 7.45 2.2560 4.2497 296KLEEVAARY304
25Der f 20.0201 KARG_PROCL 7.45 2.2560 4.2497 296KLEEVAARY304
26Bla g 9.0101 ABC86902 7.66 2.1305 4.1690 296KLEEVAGKY304
27Lit v 2.0101 Q004B5 7.66 2.1305 4.1690 296KLEEVAGKY304
28Pen m 2 27463265 7.66 2.1305 4.1690 296KLEEVAGKY304
29Der f 20.0101 AIO08850 7.66 2.1305 4.1690 296KLEEVAGKY304
30Scy p 2.0101 KARG0_SCYPA 7.66 2.1305 4.1690 296KLEEVAGKY304
31Cla h 5.0101 P40918 7.67 2.1213 4.1630 516RMLADAEKY524
32Ara h 1 P43237 7.68 2.1159 4.1596 548QIEKQAKDL556
33Ara h 1 P43238 7.68 2.1159 4.1596 553QIEKQAKDL561
34Dic v a 763532 7.70 2.1051 4.1527 681DFENVLQKY689
35Cor a 6.0101 A0A0U1VZC8_CORAV 7.71 2.0987 4.1485 233KIGKTLEKI241
36Dau c 5.0101 H2DF86 7.71 2.0987 4.1485 231KIGKTLEKI239
37Bet v 6.0101 4731376 7.71 2.0987 4.1485 233KIGKTLEKI241
38Bet v 6.0102 10764491 7.71 2.0987 4.1485 233KIGKTLEKI241
39Ole e 12.0101 ALL12_OLEEU 7.71 2.0987 4.1485 233KIGKTLEKI241
40Sus s 1.0101 ALBU_PIG 7.73 2.0840 4.1391 34RFKDLGEQY42
41Dol m 2 P49371 7.74 2.0785 4.1355 152RFEKYARLF160
42Ani s 2 8117843 7.80 2.0394 4.1104 590QLQQTLDQY598
43Bos d 8 459292 7.83 2.0187 4.0971 40RINKKIEKF48
44Bos d 11.0101 CASB_BOVIN 7.83 2.0187 4.0971 40RINKKIEKF48
45Bos d 8 162805 7.83 2.0187 4.0971 40RINKKIEKF48
46Bos d 8 162797 7.83 2.0187 4.0971 40RINKKIEKF48
47Bos d 8 162931 7.83 2.0187 4.0971 40RINKKIEKF48
48Hev b 3 O82803 7.84 2.0167 4.0958 129NLEPKAEQY137
49Pen a 1 11893851 7.87 1.9963 4.0826 35RAEKSEEEV43
50Der p 10 O18416 7.87 1.9963 4.0826 35RAEKSEEEV43

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 11.064469
Standard deviation: 1.600138
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 1
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 4
14 7.0 10
15 7.5 9
16 8.0 39
17 8.5 36
18 9.0 65
19 9.5 85
20 10.0 106
21 10.5 184
22 11.0 293
23 11.5 224
24 12.0 215
25 12.5 166
26 13.0 120
27 13.5 52
28 14.0 34
29 14.5 13
30 15.0 12
31 15.5 10
32 16.0 12
33 16.5 2
34 17.0 2
35 17.5 0
36 18.0 2
37 18.5 0

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 18.027735
Standard deviation: 2.487989
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 1
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 4
14 7.0 10
15 7.5 9
16 8.0 41
17 8.5 45
18 9.0 103
19 9.5 139
20 10.0 230
21 10.5 487
22 11.0 899
23 11.5 1412
24 12.0 1890
25 12.5 2684
26 13.0 4075
27 13.5 5647
28 14.0 7565
29 14.5 9564
30 15.0 12481
31 15.5 15044
32 16.0 18877
33 16.5 22768
34 17.0 25773
35 17.5 29024
36 18.0 30910
37 18.5 31692
38 19.0 31784
39 19.5 30139
40 20.0 27515
41 20.5 24358
42 21.0 19803
43 21.5 15608
44 22.0 12157
45 22.5 8119
46 23.0 4717
47 23.5 2875
48 24.0 1181
49 24.5 397
50 25.0 145
51 25.5 22
Query sequence: RFEKTAEKY

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