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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: RVKNSSLEK

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Rap v 2.0101 QPB41107 0.00 7.3445 6.8239 328RVKNSSLEK336
2Gly m 7.0101 C6K8D1_SOYBN 5.83 3.2509 4.5630 271QAKDATLEK279
3Cav p 4.0101 Q6WDN9_CAVPO 6.01 3.1262 4.4941 221RLKCASLQK229
4Fel d 2 P49064 6.01 3.1262 4.4941 221RLKCASLQK229
5Asp n 14 2181180 6.03 3.1130 4.4869 565QVDSSSLKN573
6Asp n 14 4235093 6.03 3.1130 4.4869 565QVDSSSLKN573
7Sor h 13.0101 A0A077B155_SORHL 6.30 2.9234 4.3821 288NVKDCTLKK296
8Sor h 13.0201 A0A077B569_SORHL 6.30 2.9234 4.3821 276NVKDCTLKK284
9Can f 3 P49822 6.32 2.9094 4.3744 221RFKCASLQK229
10Can f 3 633938 6.32 2.9094 4.3744 7RFKCASLQK15
11Asc l 3.0101 224016002 6.38 2.8638 4.3492 65SVANSNLEE73
12Cte f 2 7638032 6.48 2.7987 4.3133 149PIKNSTIAK157
13Pon l 7.0101 P05547 6.55 2.7508 4.2868 27RLEEQSLKK35
14Cor a 11 19338630 6.58 2.7298 4.2752 213KVRREQLEK221
15Jug r 8.0201 XP_018847114 6.72 2.6263 4.2180 63YLKNPNLKK71
16Sus s 1.0101 ALBU_PIG 6.87 2.5258 4.1625 220RLKCASIQK228
17Equ c 3 399672 6.88 2.5160 4.1571 220RLKCSSFQN228
18Eur m 14 6492307 6.97 2.4493 4.1203 1033NLKRSSKEK1041
19Der p 14.0101 20385544 6.97 2.4493 4.1203 1027NLKRSSKEK1035
20Ole e 14.0101 W8PPL3_OLEEU 7.02 2.4160 4.1019 142KVKNSEMHD150
21Asc s 1.0101 2970628 7.19 2.2959 4.0356 481KLKDSGASK489
22Ana o 1.0102 21666498 7.23 2.2729 4.0228 372RIDYPPLEK380
23Ana o 1.0101 21914823 7.23 2.2729 4.0228 374RIDYPPLEK382
24Blo t 11 21954740 7.26 2.2476 4.0089 399RVKIADLQK407
25Api m 11.0201 62910925 7.33 2.2028 3.9842 158DLKNSKLLK166
26Pol d 1.0101 45510887 7.33 2.1976 3.9813 27TLRNGTLDR35
27Pol d 1.0104 45510893 7.33 2.1976 3.9813 6TLRNGTLDR14
28Pol d 1.0103 45510891 7.33 2.1976 3.9813 6TLRNGTLDR14
29Pol d 1.0102 45510889 7.33 2.1976 3.9813 6TLRNGTLDR14
30Api m 5.0101 B2D0J4 7.36 2.1766 3.9697 28RVIDQDLER36
31Cat r 1.0101 1220142 7.37 2.1713 3.9668 54HYKDSSFHR62
32Sal k 2.0101 22726221 7.37 2.1705 3.9663 145YMENGSLED153
33Pan h 4.0101 XP_026781482 7.43 2.1316 3.9448 187ELKSGDLEE195
34Phl p 13 4826572 7.46 2.1067 3.9311 258TVKNCVLKK266
35Cic a 1.0101 QHW05434.1 7.48 2.0977 3.9261 185EVKDATVNK193
36Bom t 1 P82971 7.49 2.0882 3.9208 106KVKSTILHR114
37Gly m TI 18772 7.51 2.0746 3.9133 200KVDKESLAK208
38Gly m 7.0101 C6K8D1_SOYBN 7.55 2.0467 3.8979 8RRENTTTEK16
39Asp o 13 2428 7.55 2.0427 3.8958 59NIHQRSLER67
40Asp fl protease 5702208 7.55 2.0427 3.8958 59NIHQRSLER67
41Bos d 5 162748 7.59 2.0180 3.8821 116EVDDEALEK124
42Bos d 5 P02754 7.59 2.0180 3.8821 143EVDDEALEK151
43Bos d 5 520 7.59 2.0180 3.8821 143EVDDEALEK151
44Eur m 14 6492307 7.61 2.0039 3.8743 631RAKNDKLKE639
45Jug r 6.0101 VCL6_JUGRE 7.62 1.9986 3.8714 252KTRRDQLEK260
46Gal d vitellogenin 212881 7.62 1.9943 3.8690 71KVRSPQVEE79
47Gal d vitellogenin 63887 7.62 1.9943 3.8690 71KVRSPQVEE79
48Ole e 12.0101 ALL12_OLEEU 7.63 1.9911 3.8673 294DVKYTTVEE302
49Cor a 6.0101 A0A0U1VZC8_CORAV 7.63 1.9911 3.8673 294DVKYTTVEE302
50Bet v 6.0102 10764491 7.63 1.9911 3.8673 294DVKYTTVEE302

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 10.464808
Standard deviation: 1.424842
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 1
13 6.5 10
14 7.0 7
15 7.5 17
16 8.0 43
17 8.5 51
18 9.0 82
19 9.5 125
20 10.0 241
21 10.5 297
22 11.0 254
23 11.5 254
24 12.0 147
25 12.5 75
26 13.0 35
27 13.5 18
28 14.0 9
29 14.5 9
30 15.0 6
31 15.5 10
32 16.0 2
33 16.5 2
34 17.0 0

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 17.604711
Standard deviation: 2.579857
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 1
13 6.5 10
14 7.0 7
15 7.5 17
16 8.0 60
17 8.5 57
18 9.0 109
19 9.5 199
20 10.0 485
21 10.5 756
22 11.0 1213
23 11.5 1846
24 12.0 2993
25 12.5 4446
26 13.0 5768
27 13.5 7542
28 14.0 10138
29 14.5 12507
30 15.0 15930
31 15.5 18832
32 16.0 22175
33 16.5 24768
34 17.0 27952
35 17.5 29088
36 18.0 30042
37 18.5 30311
38 19.0 29651
39 19.5 27151
40 20.0 24308
41 20.5 20418
42 21.0 15923
43 21.5 12506
44 22.0 8642
45 22.5 5928
46 23.0 3912
47 23.5 2246
48 24.0 1209
49 24.5 661
50 25.0 266
51 25.5 92
52 26.0 29
53 26.5 2
54 27.0 0
Query sequence: RVKNSSLEK

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