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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: RYEDCRKRC

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Gos h 2 P09799 0.00 6.9782 7.8556 40RYEDCRKRC48
2Gos h 1 P09801.1 0.80 6.5192 7.5210 40RYEDCRRRC48
3Mac i 1.0201 AMP22_MACIN 2.60 5.4863 6.7681 193EYEDCRRRC201
4Mac i 1.0101 AMP23_MACIN 2.96 5.2793 6.6172 84QYEQCQKRC92
5Gos h 2 P09799 3.60 4.9116 6.3492 83RYQDCRQHC91
6Jug r 2 6580762 3.92 4.7309 6.2175 75RYEQCQQQC83
7Car i 2.0101 VCL_CARIL 3.92 4.7309 6.2175 271RYEQCQQQC279
8Mac i 1.0101 AMP23_MACIN 4.09 4.6290 6.1432 152EYEDCRRHC160
9Mac i 1.0201 AMP22_MACIN 4.25 4.5408 6.0789 125QYEQCQERC133
10Gos h 1 P09801.1 4.87 4.1825 5.8177 86RYEECQQEC94
11Car i 2.0101 VCL_CARIL 5.00 4.1081 5.7635 98QYEQCRETC106
12Fag e 3.0101 A5HIX6 5.13 4.0336 5.7092 10QIEHCRQRC18
13Mac i 1.0201 AMP22_MACIN 5.52 3.8129 5.5483 35EYEECKRQC43
14Car i 2.0101 VCL_CARIL 5.97 3.5520 5.3582 318QYHRCQRRC326
15Jug n 2 31321944 5.97 3.5520 5.3582 10QYHRCQRRC18
16Jug r 2 6580762 5.97 3.5520 5.3582 122QYHRCQRRC130
17Par h 1.0101 A0A0X9C7K4_PARHY 6.59 3.1984 5.1004 44DTEKCDKRC52
18Jug n 2 31321944 6.66 3.1564 5.0698 27RQRQCQQRC35
19Car i 2.0101 VCL_CARIL 6.66 3.1564 5.0698 335RQRQCQQRC343
20Jug r 2 6580762 6.66 3.1564 5.0698 139RQRQCQQRC147
21Gos h 2 P09799 6.73 3.1136 5.0386 121QFKECQQRC129
22Ses i 3 13183177 6.95 2.9916 4.9497 133QYQQCRLQC141
23Amb a 4.0101 291197394 6.96 2.9829 4.9433 38QTDKCDKRC46
24Mac i 1.0201 AMP22_MACIN 7.45 2.7032 4.7394 81DCQQCQRRC89
25Car i 2.0101 VCL_CARIL 7.47 2.6936 4.7324 65QAQQCQRRC73
26Mac i 1.0101 AMP23_MACIN 7.51 2.6693 4.7147 40ECQQCQRRC48
27Car i 2.0101 VCL_CARIL 7.54 2.6505 4.7010 213QYRQCQEHC221
28Car i 2.0101 VCL_CARIL 7.65 2.5882 4.6556 48EFQQCQERC56
29Fag e 3.0101 A5HIX6 7.70 2.5596 4.6348 64EFRQCRHRC72
30Sac g 1.0101 AVD53650 7.74 2.5338 4.6159 63KYQDCQAKY71
31Ses i 3 13183177 7.80 2.5049 4.5949 103QREECLRRC111
32Car i 2.0101 VCL_CARIL 7.92 2.4352 4.5441 171QQQQCQSRC179
33Car i 2.0101 VCL_CARIL 7.92 2.4352 4.5441 230QQQQCQSRC238
34Pru du 8.0101 A0A516F3L2_PRUDU 7.95 2.4140 4.5286 211QQEQCQEEC219
35Mac i 1.0201 AMP22_MACIN 8.01 2.3803 4.5041 142HMQTCQQRC150
36Gos h 1 P09801.1 8.09 2.3340 4.4703 123QFQECQQHC131
37Jug r 2 6580762 8.11 2.3255 4.4641 17QYRQCQEYC25
38Bla g 4 P54962 8.11 2.3246 4.4635 173KYEDLHSTC181
39Ani s 2 8117843 8.21 2.2689 4.4228 311EVEDLRKKM319
40Gos h 1 P09801.1 8.22 2.2608 4.4169 79RPEDPQRRY87
41Act d 6.0101 27544452 8.23 2.2541 4.4121 102RYETCSENY110
42Cra g 1 15419048 8.25 2.2452 4.4056 12KYQECQTKM20
43Jug r 4.0101 Q2TPW5 8.26 2.2408 4.4024 205EYEQHRRQQ213
44Jug n 4.0101 JUGN4_JUGNI 8.26 2.2408 4.4024 208EYEQHRRQQ216
45Car i 4.0101 158998780 8.26 2.2408 4.4024 206EYEQHRRQQ214
46Ara h 6 5923742 8.28 2.2269 4.3922 55RSSDQQQRC63
47Fag e 3.0101 A5HIX6 8.33 2.1980 4.3712 117NYDDCTEMC125
48Mac i 1.0101 AMP23_MACIN 8.35 2.1864 4.3627 57QQQYCQRRC65
49Mac i 1.0201 AMP22_MACIN 8.35 2.1864 4.3627 98QQQYCQRRC106
50Car i 2.0101 VCL_CARIL 8.38 2.1698 4.3506 154QYRQCEEHC162

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 12.160151
Standard deviation: 1.742582
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 1
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 2
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 2
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 1
12 6.0 1
13 6.5 0
14 7.0 3
15 7.5 0
16 8.0 2
17 8.5 15
18 9.0 10
19 9.5 61
20 10.0 58
21 10.5 94
22 11.0 143
23 11.5 138
24 12.0 204
25 12.5 229
26 13.0 195
27 13.5 233
28 14.0 129
29 14.5 78
30 15.0 37
31 15.5 22
32 16.0 8
33 16.5 6
34 17.0 7
35 17.5 7
36 18.0 5
37 18.5 0
38 19.0 3
39 19.5 2

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 18.779747
Standard deviation: 2.390617
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 1
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 2
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 3
9 4.5 2
10 5.0 1
11 5.5 2
12 6.0 4
13 6.5 0
14 7.0 7
15 7.5 2
16 8.0 9
17 8.5 24
18 9.0 19
19 9.5 74
20 10.0 86
21 10.5 160
22 11.0 254
23 11.5 412
24 12.0 702
25 12.5 1414
26 13.0 1867
27 13.5 2868
28 14.0 4176
29 14.5 6102
30 15.0 7451
31 15.5 10919
32 16.0 14033
33 16.5 17218
34 17.0 21256
35 17.5 25400
36 18.0 28862
37 18.5 31417
38 19.0 32314
39 19.5 32619
40 20.0 31931
41 20.5 29694
42 21.0 26360
43 21.5 22004
44 22.0 17924
45 22.5 12856
46 23.0 8740
47 23.5 5536
48 24.0 3089
49 24.5 1521
50 25.0 566
51 25.5 195
52 26.0 74
53 26.5 16
54 27.0 6
Query sequence: RYEDCRKRC

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