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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: TCKIEVKVT

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Tyr p 2 O02380 0.00 7.4988 7.2954 61TCKIEVKVT69
2Der f 2 13560629 5.29 3.8986 5.1403 90TAKIEIKAS98
3Der f 2 Q00855 5.29 3.8986 5.1403 66TAKIEIKAS74
4Der p 2.0109 76097509 5.29 3.8986 5.1403 49TAKIEIKAS57
5Der f 2 217308 5.29 3.8986 5.1403 58TAKIEIKAS66
6Der p 2 P49278 5.29 3.8986 5.1403 66TAKIEIKAS74
7Der f 2 217304 5.29 3.8986 5.1403 58TAKIEIKAS66
8Der p 2.0115 256095984 5.29 3.8986 5.1403 49TAKIEIKAS57
9Lep d 2.0202 21213900 5.34 3.8697 5.1231 113TPKIKVDVT121
10Der f 2.0109 76097511 5.77 3.5778 4.9483 49TAKIEIKAN57
11Eur m 2 Q9TZZ2 6.03 3.3951 4.8389 65AAKIEIKAT73
12Eur m 2.0102 3941386 6.03 3.3951 4.8389 55AAKIEIKAT63
13Blo t 2.0102 34495270 6.35 3.1836 4.7123 62SEKLEIKIS70
14Blo t 2.0103 34495268 6.35 3.1836 4.7123 61SEKLEIKIS69
15Blo t 2.0101 34495272 6.35 3.1836 4.7123 64SEKLEIKIS72
16Blo t 2.0104 A6XEP3 6.35 3.1836 4.7123 62SEKLEIKIS70
17Blo t 2.0104 A6XEP4 6.35 3.1836 4.7123 62SEKLEIKIS70
18Blo t 2.0104 A6XEP1 6.35 3.1836 4.7123 62SEKLEIKIS70
19Blo t 2.0104 A6XEN8 6.35 3.1836 4.7123 62SEKLEIKIS70
20Blo t 2.0104 A6XEP2 6.35 3.1836 4.7123 62SEKLEIKIS70
21Blo t 2.0104 A6XEP5 6.35 3.1836 4.7123 62SEKLEIKIS70
22Blo t 2.0104 A6XEP6 6.35 3.1836 4.7123 62SEKLEIKIS70
23Blo t 2.0104 A6XEN9 6.35 3.1836 4.7123 62SEKLEIKIS70
24Blo t 2.0104 A6XEP0 6.35 3.1836 4.7123 62SEKLEIKIS70
25Der p 2.0114 99644635 6.49 3.0835 4.6524 66NAKIEIKAS74
26Der p 14.0101 20385544 6.56 3.0349 4.6233 1432SSDIAVKIT1440
27Bos d 13.0201 MYL3_BOVIN 6.61 3.0059 4.6059 68TPKCEMKIT76
28Eur m 14 6492307 6.76 2.9047 4.5454 692HMKVSVKVN700
29Ara h 8.0201 EF436550 6.89 2.8135 4.4908 110GSKIKVSVT118
30Lep d 2.0201 999458 7.14 2.6424 4.3883 113TPKIKADVT121
31Tri a gliadin 21673 7.24 2.5733 4.3470 16TARIAVRVP24
32Hev b 9 Q9LEI9 7.29 2.5434 4.3291 316TSEIGVKVQ324
33Myr p 2.0101 1587177 7.44 2.4419 4.2683 63TCKVMLKAC71
34Myr p 2.0101 Q26464 7.44 2.4419 4.2683 63TCKVMLKAC71
35Lep d 2.0102 21213898 7.44 2.4384 4.2663 62TAKVTIKVL70
36Lep d 2 P80384 7.44 2.4384 4.2663 62TAKVTIKVL70
37Lep d 2.0101 587450 7.44 2.4384 4.2663 19TAKVTIKVL27
38Ana o 1.0101 21914823 7.45 2.4307 4.2617 34QCKHQCKVQ42
39Ana o 1.0102 21666498 7.45 2.4307 4.2617 32QCKHQCKVQ40
40Pis v 3.0101 133711973 7.45 2.4307 4.2617 8QCKHQCKVQ16
41Lep d 2.0202 21213900 7.48 2.4123 4.2506 62TNKVTIKVL70
42Lep d 2.0201 999458 7.48 2.4123 4.2506 62TNKVTIKVL70
43Pen m 7.0101 G1AP69_PENMO 7.54 2.3689 4.2246 487DFKIKIDVS495
44Pen m 7.0102 AEB77775 7.54 2.3689 4.2246 487DFKIKIDVS495
45Der f mag 487661 7.55 2.3663 4.2231 111SSDIALKIT119
46Eur m 14 6492307 7.55 2.3663 4.2231 1438SSDIALKIT1446
47Der p 14.0101 20385544 7.73 2.2409 4.1480 686HMKITVQIN694
48Der p 14.0101 20385544 7.74 2.2376 4.1460 935QAKAELEVT943
49Lep d 2 P80384 7.75 2.2294 4.1412 113TPKVKADVT121
50Lep d 2.0101 587450 7.75 2.2294 4.1412 70TPKVKADVT78

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 11.026166
Standard deviation: 1.470394
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 8
12 6.0 1
13 6.5 15
14 7.0 4
15 7.5 11
16 8.0 10
17 8.5 25
18 9.0 34
19 9.5 71
20 10.0 140
21 10.5 180
22 11.0 320
23 11.5 290
24 12.0 268
25 12.5 123
26 13.0 92
27 13.5 47
28 14.0 27
29 14.5 7
30 15.0 10
31 15.5 7
32 16.0 1
33 16.5 3
34 17.0 1
35 17.5 1
36 18.0 0
37 18.5 0
38 19.0 0
39 19.5 0
40 20.0 0
41 20.5 0
42 21.0 0
43 21.5 0

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 17.920214
Standard deviation: 2.456369
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 8
12 6.0 1
13 6.5 15
14 7.0 4
15 7.5 13
16 8.0 20
17 8.5 32
18 9.0 45
19 9.5 98
20 10.0 230
21 10.5 395
22 11.0 788
23 11.5 1187
24 12.0 1950
25 12.5 2816
26 13.0 3991
27 13.5 5827
28 14.0 7427
29 14.5 10338
30 15.0 13503
31 15.5 17006
32 16.0 19750
33 16.5 23899
34 17.0 27640
35 17.5 30273
36 18.0 31885
37 18.5 32176
38 19.0 31430
39 19.5 29413
40 20.0 25989
41 20.5 22305
42 21.0 18170
43 21.5 14995
44 22.0 10674
45 22.5 7059
46 23.0 4214
47 23.5 2551
48 24.0 1381
49 24.5 509
50 25.0 155
51 25.5 33
Query sequence: TCKIEVKVT

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