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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: VEVETRYKT

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Rap v 2.0101 QPB41107 0.00 7.0303 7.4654 522VEVETRYKT530
2Lat c 6.0101 XP_018521723 6.32 2.9308 4.7964 1214MEVDTTLKT1222
3Sal s 6.0101 XP_014059932 6.58 2.7666 4.6895 1214LEVDTTLKS1222
4Sal s 6.0102 XP_014048044 6.58 2.7666 4.6895 1214LEVDTTLKS1222
5Der f mag 487661 6.70 2.6898 4.6395 167FEIESNYRY175
6Eur m 14 6492307 6.70 2.6898 4.6395 1494FEIESNYRY1502
7Der p 14.0101 20385544 6.70 2.6898 4.6395 1488FEIESNYRY1496
8Ara h 1 P43237 6.78 2.6318 4.6018 209VQIEARPNT217
9Bet v 1.at5 4006965 7.28 2.3134 4.3945 115LEISNKYHT123
10Bet v 1.0118 CAA07329.1 7.28 2.3134 4.3945 115LEISNKYHT123
11Dic v a 763532 7.28 2.3077 4.3908 470IELKAKFKS478
12Lat c 6.0201 XP_018553992 7.30 2.2953 4.3827 1212LEVDSTLKS1220
13Ory s 1 8118421 7.40 2.2347 4.3432 197VEVEIKEKG205
14Ory s 1 Q40638 7.40 2.2347 4.3432 194VEVEIKEKG202
15Tyr p 35.0101 AOD75396 7.45 2.1973 4.3189 84IEIERQYLS92
16Ara h 1 P43238 7.58 2.1133 4.2642 215VQIEAKPNT223
17Cor a 9 18479082 7.64 2.0787 4.2416 274VKVEGRLQV282
18Vig r 2.0101 Q198W3 7.66 2.0614 4.2304 86VEFKSKPNT94
19Gos h 2 P09799 7.69 2.0418 4.2176 48CQLETRGQT56
20Poa p 5 P22284 7.77 1.9944 4.1868 145VPAASKYKT153
21Aed a 8.0101 Q1HR69_AEDAE 7.78 1.9885 4.1829 307IEIESFYEG315
22Der f 28.0101 L7V065_DERFA 7.80 1.9739 4.1734 103IEVEFKGET111
23Phod s 1.0101 OBP_PHOSU 7.80 1.9719 4.1722 4AELEGKWDT12
24Der p 11 37778944 7.87 1.9263 4.1424 526AEAEAKLKT534
25Der f 11.0101 13785807 7.87 1.9263 4.1424 440AEAEAKLKT448
26Blo t 11 21954740 7.87 1.9263 4.1424 526AEAEAKLKT534
27Pol d 3.0101 XP_015174445 7.94 1.8854 4.1158 607VEVEDQITV615
28Ves v 3.0101 167782086 7.94 1.8854 4.1158 608VEVEDQITV616
29Mus a 5.0101 6073860 7.98 1.8590 4.0986 20VAVPTRVQS28
30Gal d vitellogenin 212881 8.03 1.8274 4.0780 870VEIQGEVQT878
31Gal d vitellogenin 63887 8.03 1.8274 4.0780 868VEIQGEVQT876
32Hom s 5 1346344 8.09 1.7863 4.0513 350AEAESWYQT358
33Hom s 3 929619 8.10 1.7781 4.0460 6VRAETRSRA14
34Cor a 1.0402 11762102 8.11 1.7715 4.0417 116LKITSKYHT124
35Bet v 1.0301 CAA54696.1 8.11 1.7715 4.0417 115LKITSKYHT123
36Bet v 1.1301 534898 8.11 1.7715 4.0417 115LKITSKYHT123
37Car b 1.0302 1545897 8.11 1.7715 4.0417 115LKITSKYHT123
38Cor a 1.0404 11762106 8.11 1.7715 4.0417 116LKITSKYHT124
39Cor a 1.0401 5726304 8.11 1.7715 4.0417 116LKITSKYHT124
40Car b 1.0301 1545895 8.11 1.7715 4.0417 115LKITSKYHT123
41Cor a 1.0403 11762104 8.11 1.7715 4.0417 116LKITSKYHT124
42Aed a 6.0101 Q1HR57_AEDAE 8.14 1.7561 4.0317 28LDVKTKTNS36
43Lup an 1.0101 169950562 8.14 1.7555 4.0312 226IEFQSKPNT234
44Jug r 6.0101 VCL6_JUGRE 8.14 1.7504 4.0280 106EDFETRVRT114
45Bet v 1.0104 CAA54484.1 8.15 1.7443 4.0239 115LKINNKYHT123
46Bet v 1.0103 CAA54483.1 8.15 1.7443 4.0239 115LKINNKYHT123
47Bet v 1 P43178 8.15 1.7443 4.0239 114LKINNKYHT122
48Bet v 1.0801 452740 8.15 1.7443 4.0239 115LKINNKYHT123
49Bet v 1.0601 452736 8.15 1.7443 4.0239 115LKINNKYHT123
50Bet v 1.0106 CAA54487 8.15 1.7443 4.0239 115LKINNKYHT123

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 10.844187
Standard deviation: 1.542485
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 1
14 7.0 6
15 7.5 7
16 8.0 14
17 8.5 43
18 9.0 133
19 9.5 123
20 10.0 142
21 10.5 215
22 11.0 250
23 11.5 244
24 12.0 157
25 12.5 178
26 13.0 74
27 13.5 52
28 14.0 15
29 14.5 14
30 15.0 7
31 15.5 7
32 16.0 5
33 16.5 6
34 17.0 0
35 17.5 1
36 18.0 2
37 18.5 0
38 19.0 0

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 17.687317
Standard deviation: 2.369235
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 1
14 7.0 6
15 7.5 7
16 8.0 14
17 8.5 49
18 9.0 141
19 9.5 168
20 10.0 230
21 10.5 453
22 11.0 749
23 11.5 1079
24 12.0 1826
25 12.5 2881
26 13.0 4838
27 13.5 6172
28 14.0 8461
29 14.5 11358
30 15.0 14333
31 15.5 18146
32 16.0 22049
33 16.5 26531
34 17.0 29530
35 17.5 31873
36 18.0 33027
37 18.5 33070
38 19.0 31747
39 19.5 29472
40 20.0 25093
41 20.5 21277
42 21.0 15637
43 21.5 11845
44 22.0 8137
45 22.5 5039
46 23.0 2797
47 23.5 1372
48 24.0 568
49 24.5 178
50 25.0 31
Query sequence: VEVETRYKT

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