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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
Alphabetical listing of allergens: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: VIGERRNLN

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Cop c 3 5689671 0.00 7.7023 7.0269 153VIGERRNLN161
2Der p 14.0101 20385544 5.51 3.8733 4.9277 165VIEKRKDLN173
3Fag e 1 2317674 6.08 3.4788 4.7115 372IIGPRWNLN380
4Hom s 5 1346344 6.51 3.1753 4.5451 228IVGERGRLD236
5Pan h 13.0101 XP_026782131 6.80 2.9730 4.4342 74VFSERDPAN82
6Eur m 14 6492307 6.85 2.9424 4.4175 171VMEKRKDLN179
7Fag e 1 29839419 6.93 2.8842 4.3855 406ILGPRWNLN414
8Fag e 1 2317670 6.93 2.8842 4.3855 436ILGPRWNLN444
9Sal k 1.0302 59895728 7.00 2.8401 4.3613 197IFGEARSLY205
10Sal k 1.0201 51242679 7.00 2.8401 4.3613 220IFGEARSLY228
11Sal k 1.0301 59895730 7.00 2.8401 4.3613 197IFGEARSLY205
12Pan h 10.0101 XP_026774991 7.47 2.5083 4.1795 159VIGSGTNLD167
13Phod s 1.0101 OBP_PHOSU 7.52 2.4755 4.1615 111VVGKSQPLT119
14Ziz m 1.0101 Q2VST0 7.54 2.4616 4.1538 62IFGEGRYLS70
15Har a 2.0101 17291858 7.61 2.4146 4.1281 319LIAERNKLK327
16Ara t expansin 4539348 7.65 2.3842 4.1114 121VVGADRDLL129
17Cry j 2 506858 7.71 2.3449 4.0899 423VIPACKNLS431
18Cry j 2 P43212 7.71 2.3449 4.0899 423VIPACKNLS431
19Ani s 2 8117843 7.72 2.3365 4.0853 459LAGEIRDLQ467
20Pan b 1.0101 312831088 7.76 2.3094 4.0704 43VFGLQKKLQ51
21Gly m conglycinin 256427 7.76 2.3087 4.0701 349VVNATSNLN357
22Gly m 5.0101 O22120 7.76 2.3087 4.0701 453VVNATSNLN461
23Gly m conglycinin 18536 7.76 2.3087 4.0701 515VVNATSNLN523
24Gly m conglycinin 169927 7.76 2.3087 4.0701 128VVNATSNLN136
25Gly m TI 256636 7.79 2.2861 4.0577 92FIAERYPLS100
26Gly m TI 256635 7.79 2.2861 4.0577 92FIAERYPLS100
27Hev b 7.02 3288200 7.86 2.2356 4.0300 377LLSEERKLR385
28Hev b 7.01 1916805 7.86 2.2356 4.0300 377LLSEERKLR385
29Hev b 7.02 3087805 7.86 2.2356 4.0300 377LLSEERKLR385
30Amb p 5 515956 7.90 2.2109 4.0164 32ICGEKRGYS40
31Vig r 2.0101 Q198W3 7.91 2.2045 4.0129 207LFGEERQQQ215
32Tri a gliadin 21769 8.00 2.1403 3.9777 22FLPEQRNQQ30
33Sola t 1 21512 8.02 2.1288 3.9714 372LLSDRKKLR380
34Sola t 1 21514 8.02 2.1288 3.9714 372LLSDRKKLR380
35Sola t 1 169500 8.02 2.1288 3.9714 372LLSDRKKLR380
36Sola t 1 21510 8.02 2.1288 3.9714 372LLSDRKKLR380
37Asc s 1.0101 2970628 8.02 2.1241 3.9689 470VVGEEKEAE478
38Tyr p 8.0101 AGG10560 8.12 2.0605 3.9340 174VFGQFDNLK182
39Der p 8 P46419 8.18 2.0194 3.9114 175VFGQFENLK183
40Der p 25.0101 QAT18637 8.21 1.9928 3.8969 100VFGENDQLI108
41Fus p 9.0101 A0A0U1Y1N5_GIBIN 8.23 1.9827 3.8913 17RISHRNTLN25
42Art v 6.0101 62530262 8.26 1.9638 3.8809 132VINKDKTID140
43Cav p 3.0101 325910592 8.28 1.9500 3.8734 130VVARRDSLT138
44Amb a 1 P27761 8.29 1.9431 3.8696 35SVNETRSLQ43
45Amb a 1 166443 8.29 1.9431 3.8696 35SVNETRSLQ43
46Ric c 1 P01089 8.29 1.9401 3.8679 165QIQEQQNLR173
47Ara h 6 5923742 8.33 1.9152 3.8543 39IMGEQEQYD47
48Vig r 4.0101 Q43680 8.34 1.9039 3.8481 152LVGSIRNIS160
49Phl p 6.0101 P43215 8.38 1.8770 3.8334 64TVSSKRNLA72
50Phl p 6.0102 3004465 8.38 1.8770 3.8334 70TVSSKRNLA78

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 11.080927
Standard deviation: 1.438661
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 1
13 6.5 1
14 7.0 8
15 7.5 1
16 8.0 19
17 8.5 25
18 9.0 72
19 9.5 78
20 10.0 150
21 10.5 199
22 11.0 181
23 11.5 358
24 12.0 182
25 12.5 195
26 13.0 109
27 13.5 56
28 14.0 20
29 14.5 15
30 15.0 11
31 15.5 7
32 16.0 5
33 16.5 2
34 17.0 1

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 18.440365
Standard deviation: 2.624269
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 1
13 6.5 1
14 7.0 8
15 7.5 1
16 8.0 19
17 8.5 32
18 9.0 80
19 9.5 103
20 10.0 228
21 10.5 409
22 11.0 530
23 11.5 1109
24 12.0 1460
25 12.5 2242
26 13.0 3251
27 13.5 4755
28 14.0 6082
29 14.5 8048
30 15.0 11479
31 15.5 14040
32 16.0 17349
33 16.5 19304
34 17.0 23112
35 17.5 26722
36 18.0 28774
37 18.5 30052
38 19.0 30024
39 19.5 29165
40 20.0 27585
41 20.5 25197
42 21.0 22505
43 21.5 18365
44 22.0 14329
45 22.5 11147
46 23.0 8278
47 23.5 6207
48 24.0 3910
49 24.5 2128
50 25.0 1248
51 25.5 498
52 26.0 271
53 26.5 95
54 27.0 45
Query sequence: VIGERRNLN

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