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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: VIHRGEKMT

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Lep d 2 P80384 0.00 6.9333 7.3388 43VIHRGEKMT51
2Lep d 2.0102 21213898 0.00 6.9333 7.3388 43VIHRGEKMT51
3Lep d 2.0201 999458 1.15 6.2114 6.8746 43VIHRGQKMT51
4Lep d 2.0202 21213900 1.15 6.2114 6.8746 43VIHRGQKMT51
5Gly d 2.0201 7160811 4.97 3.8193 5.3369 27VIHRGKPLT35
6Gly d 2.0101 6179520 4.97 3.8193 5.3369 27VIHRGKPLT35
7Der f 2 Q00855 5.35 3.5804 5.1833 45IIHRGKPFT53
8Der f 2 217308 5.35 3.5804 5.1833 37IIHRGKPFT45
9Der f 2 217304 5.35 3.5804 5.1833 37IIHRGKPFT45
10Der f 2 13560629 5.35 3.5804 5.1833 69IIHRGKPFT77
11Der f 2.0109 76097511 5.35 3.5804 5.1833 28IIHRGKPFT36
12Blo t 2.0104 A6XEP3 5.63 3.4020 5.0686 43IIHKGKSFT51
13Blo t 2.0102 34495270 5.63 3.4020 5.0686 43IIHKGKSFT51
14Blo t 2.0104 A6XEP4 5.63 3.4020 5.0686 43IIHKGKSFT51
15Blo t 2.0104 A6XEP6 5.63 3.4020 5.0686 43IIHKGKSFT51
16Blo t 2.0104 A6XEP2 5.63 3.4020 5.0686 43IIHKGKSFT51
17Blo t 2.0103 34495268 5.63 3.4020 5.0686 42IIHKGKSFT50
18Blo t 2.0101 34495272 5.63 3.4020 5.0686 45IIHKGKSFT53
19Blo t 2.0104 A6XEP1 5.63 3.4020 5.0686 43IIHKGKSFT51
20Gal d 5 63748 6.35 2.9544 4.7808 451LLETGKKMT459
21Der p 2.0114 99644635 6.53 2.8385 4.7063 45IIHRGKPFQ53
22Der p 2.0109 76097509 6.53 2.8385 4.7063 28IIHRGKPFQ36
23Der p 2.0115 256095984 6.53 2.8385 4.7063 28IIHRGKPFQ36
24Der p 2 P49278 6.53 2.8385 4.7063 45IIHRGKPFQ53
25Pan h 11.0101 XP_026782721 6.55 2.8288 4.7001 393LIHQGTRMV401
26Eur m 2 Q9TZZ2 6.55 2.8255 4.6979 44VIHRGTAFQ52
27Eur m 2.0102 3941386 6.55 2.8255 4.6979 34VIHRGTAFQ42
28Blo t 2.0104 A6XEN8 6.77 2.6884 4.6098 43TIHKGKSFT51
29Blo t 2.0104 A6XEP5 6.77 2.6884 4.6098 43TIHKGKSFT51
30Blo t 2.0104 A6XEN9 6.77 2.6884 4.6098 43TIHKGKSFT51
31Har a 1.0101 17291858 7.00 2.5432 4.5165 11VVENGEELX19
32Blo t 2.0104 A6XEP0 7.13 2.4655 4.4665 43IIRKGKSFT51
33Aed a 1 P50635 7.16 2.4447 4.4532 554IVCKGSKCT562
34Mala s 9 19069920 7.28 2.3722 4.4065 237VIDKGETVR245
35Gal d 7.0101 MLE1_CHICK 7.29 2.3605 4.3990 154LATLGEKMT162
36Gal d 3 757851 7.31 2.3485 4.3913 613VVVRPEKAN621
37Gal d 3 P02789 7.31 2.3485 4.3913 613VVVRPEKAN621
38Zea m 12.0104 O22655 7.32 2.3429 4.3877 81VVIRGKKGT89
39Tri a 12.0103 P49234 7.32 2.3429 4.3877 81VVIRGKKGT89
40Tri a 12.0101 P49232 7.32 2.3429 4.3877 81VVIRGKKGT89
41Zea m 12.0105 Q9FR39 7.32 2.3429 4.3877 81VVIRGKKGT89
42Tri a 12.0104 207366247 7.32 2.3429 4.3877 81VVIRGKKGT89
43Tri a 12.0102 P49233 7.32 2.3429 4.3877 81VVIRGKKGT89
44Hor v 12.0101 P52184 7.32 2.3429 4.3877 81VVIRGKKGT89
45Ana c 1 14161637 7.32 2.3429 4.3877 81VVIRGKKGT89
46Gal d 3 757851 7.44 2.2679 4.3395 116VVKKGTEFT124
47Gal d 3 P02789 7.44 2.2679 4.3395 116VVKKGTEFT124
48Bos d 2.0102 11277083 7.46 2.2597 4.3342 90VIHVSENML98
49Bos d 2.0101 Q28133 7.46 2.2597 4.3342 106VIHVSENML114
50Bos d 2.0103 11277082 7.46 2.2597 4.3342 90VIHVSENML98

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 11.059985
Standard deviation: 1.595197
1 0.5 2
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 2
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 2
11 5.5 5
12 6.0 8
13 6.5 1
14 7.0 10
15 7.5 19
16 8.0 15
17 8.5 10
18 9.0 26
19 9.5 77
20 10.0 154
21 10.5 165
22 11.0 293
23 11.5 293
24 12.0 220
25 12.5 164
26 13.0 96
27 13.5 64
28 14.0 33
29 14.5 12
30 15.0 5
31 15.5 10
32 16.0 4
33 16.5 4
34 17.0 1
35 17.5 2
36 18.0 0
37 18.5 0

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 18.210101
Standard deviation: 2.481361
1 0.5 2
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 2
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 2
11 5.5 5
12 6.0 8
13 6.5 1
14 7.0 10
15 7.5 21
16 8.0 15
17 8.5 11
18 9.0 29
19 9.5 92
20 10.0 179
21 10.5 260
22 11.0 579
23 11.5 932
24 12.0 1442
25 12.5 2300
26 13.0 3496
27 13.5 4759
28 14.0 6895
29 14.5 9026
30 15.0 11924
31 15.5 15060
32 16.0 18405
33 16.5 21745
34 17.0 24320
35 17.5 27820
36 18.0 30107
37 18.5 31630
38 19.0 31774
39 19.5 30749
40 20.0 28265
41 20.5 24897
42 21.0 21037
43 21.5 17435
44 22.0 12844
45 22.5 9356
46 23.0 5927
47 23.5 3601
48 24.0 1769
49 24.5 924
50 25.0 408
51 25.5 111
52 26.0 22
Query sequence: VIHRGEKMT

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