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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: VKLLATGEH

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Tyr p 2 O02380 0.00 6.4337 7.1863 119VKLLATGEH127
2Asp n 14 2181180 5.89 2.7678 4.7937 223LKLAATAKH231
3Asp n 14 4235093 5.89 2.7678 4.7937 223LKLAATAKH231
4Ves v 6.0101 G8IIT0 5.93 2.7416 4.7766 958VRLLTSTKH966
5Dic v a 763532 6.35 2.4856 4.6095 484VKEVATSEE492
6Asp v 13.0101 294441150 6.52 2.3758 4.5378 322VDIFAPGED330
7Api g 1.0201 P92918 6.57 2.3453 4.5179 54VKLVHLGEA62
8Rub i 1.0101 Q0Z8U9 6.68 2.2802 4.4754 94IKLVASGRG102
9Gal d vitellogenin 63887 6.73 2.2478 4.4543 1652VKLLVDGAE1660
10Gal d vitellogenin 212881 6.73 2.2478 4.4543 1654VKLLVDGAE1662
11Bet v 1.1801 1321718 6.87 2.1612 4.3978 103IKLVATPDG111
12Bet v 1.at42 4006955 6.87 2.1612 4.3978 103IKLVATPDG111
13Bet v 1.at5 4006965 6.87 2.1612 4.3978 103IKLVATPDG111
14Bet v 1.0118 CAA07329.1 6.87 2.1612 4.3978 103IKLVATPDG111
15Bet v 1.0205 Q39427_BETPN 6.87 2.1612 4.3978 103IKLVATPDG111
16Bet v 1.0206 CAA04828.1 6.87 2.1612 4.3978 102IKLVATPDG110
17Pen m 7.0101 G1AP69_PENMO 6.95 2.1084 4.3633 671VKVFNHGEY679
18Pen m 7.0102 AEB77775 6.95 2.1084 4.3633 671VKVFNHGEY679
19Der f 14 1545803 7.03 2.0588 4.3309 4LELLLKGET12
20Asp n 14 2181180 7.09 2.0211 4.3063 786VKVVLEGEE794
21Asp n 14 4235093 7.09 2.0211 4.3063 786VKVVLEGEE794
22Dau c 1.0201 18652047 7.37 1.8477 4.1931 54VRLVHLGEA62
23Pet c PR10 1843451 7.41 1.8261 4.1790 54VKLVTLGDA62
24Tri a glutenin 21743 7.44 1.8029 4.1639 236LQQLAQGQQ244
25Tri a glutenin 170743 7.44 1.8029 4.1639 230LQQLAQGQQ238
26Ara h 18.0101 A0A444XS96_ARAHY 7.46 1.7911 4.1562 36FRALCTGEK44
27Der f 29.0101 A1KXG2_DERFA 7.46 1.7911 4.1562 36FRALCTGEK44
28Mala s 6 4138173 7.46 1.7911 4.1562 34FRALCTGEK42
29Rhi o 2.0101 ALM24136 7.46 1.7911 4.1562 36FRALCTGEK44
30Ole e 15.0101 AVV30163 7.46 1.7911 4.1562 36FRALCTGEK44
31Sola l 5.0101 CYPH_SOLLC 7.46 1.7911 4.1562 36FRALCTGEK44
32Asp f 27.0101 91680604 7.46 1.7911 4.1562 35FRALCTGEK43
33Bet v 7 Q8L5T1 7.46 1.7911 4.1562 37FRALCTGEK45
34Cat r 1.0101 1220142 7.46 1.7911 4.1562 36FRALCTGEK44
35Gos h 3 P09802 7.48 1.7824 4.1505 165INLLDTGNS173
36Mac i 1.0101 AMP23_MACIN 7.49 1.7712 4.1432 470VVVVASGEA478
37Mac i 1.0201 AMP22_MACIN 7.49 1.7712 4.1432 511VVVVASGEA519
38Fag s 1.0101 212291470 7.59 1.7089 4.1026 103IKLVASPDG111
39Pru ar 1 O50001 7.59 1.7089 4.1026 103IKLVASPDG111
40Gly d 2.0101 6179520 7.61 1.6997 4.0965 106VKAQLIGEH114
41Pen ch 13 6684758 7.61 1.6987 4.0959 4LKVLATSLA12
42Pen c 13.0101 4587983 7.61 1.6987 4.0959 4LKVLATSLA12
43Sal k 6.0101 AHL24657 7.67 1.6625 4.0722 357VKPIVTGKQ365
44Sal k 6.0101 ARS33724 7.67 1.6625 4.0722 379VKPIVTGKQ387
45Gly m 2 555616 7.67 1.6617 4.0717 117VKVVITDEC125
46Asp f 13 P28296 7.67 1.6593 4.0702 322VDIFAPGQD330
47Ory s 1 8118425 7.69 1.6468 4.0620 14LSLLAVGHC22
48Ses i 7.0101 Q9AUD2 7.71 1.6336 4.0534 180VALLDTGNA188
49Bet v 1.2301 2414158 7.72 1.6289 4.0504 103IKIVATPDG111
50Bet v 1 P43180 7.72 1.6289 4.0504 102IKIVATPDG110

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 10.340667
Standard deviation: 1.607269
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 3
13 6.5 1
14 7.0 13
15 7.5 17
16 8.0 97
17 8.5 80
18 9.0 116
19 9.5 141
20 10.0 208
21 10.5 261
22 11.0 238
23 11.5 179
24 12.0 138
25 12.5 80
26 13.0 47
27 13.5 22
28 14.0 14
29 14.5 20
30 15.0 6
31 15.5 6
32 16.0 2
33 16.5 4
34 17.0 0
35 17.5 1
36 18.0 1
37 18.5 1
38 19.0 0

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 17.696832
Standard deviation: 2.462573
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 3
13 6.5 1
14 7.0 13
15 7.5 19
16 8.0 103
17 8.5 86
18 9.0 126
19 9.5 185
20 10.0 314
21 10.5 622
22 11.0 933
23 11.5 1407
24 12.0 2316
25 12.5 3223
26 13.0 4719
27 13.5 6825
28 14.0 8633
29 14.5 12005
30 15.0 14499
31 15.5 18492
32 16.0 22308
33 16.5 25299
34 17.0 27975
35 17.5 30342
36 18.0 31468
37 18.5 31714
38 19.0 29682
39 19.5 28429
40 20.0 25714
41 20.5 21728
42 21.0 17411
43 21.5 13110
44 22.0 9319
45 22.5 5536
46 23.0 3030
47 23.5 1679
48 24.0 673
49 24.5 197
50 25.0 51
Query sequence: VKLLATGEH

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