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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: VRCSKAGYQ

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Pru m 7.0101 XP_016648029 0.00 8.1013 7.8370 36VRCSKAGYQ44
2Pru p 7.0101 PMLN_PRUPE 0.00 8.1013 7.8370 11VRCSKAGYQ19
3Pru av 7.01 XP_021820299 0.96 7.4205 7.4197 36VRCSKAGYK44
4Pun g 7.01 PMLN_PUNGR 1.86 6.7779 7.0257 11VRCSKAGVQ19
5Ory s 1 10140765 5.08 4.4802 5.6170 35VRRSKAGFR43
6Blo t 4.0101 33667932 5.80 3.9700 5.3042 105HRCNKAGVR113
7Der f 4.0101 AHX03180 6.10 3.7587 5.1746 108QRCNKAGVR116
8Der p 4 5059162 6.71 3.3244 4.9084 83KRCNKAGVR91
9Eur m 4.0101 5059164 6.71 3.3244 4.9084 108KRCNKAGVR116
10Sola t 4 21413 7.00 3.1118 4.7780 158VKSSQFGYN166
11Sola t 4 P30941 7.00 3.1118 4.7780 162VKSSQFGYN170
12Der p 33.0101 QAT18644 7.17 2.9901 4.7034 7VHVGQAGVQ15
13For t 1.0101 188572341 7.25 2.9341 4.6691 22LRNQKAPYE30
14Cry j 7.0101 CMLN_CRYJA 7.31 2.8966 4.6461 11RRCSKASAH19
15Jun a 7.0101 CMLN_JUNAS 7.31 2.8966 4.6461 11RRCSKASAH19
16Cup s 7.0102 CMLN1_CUPSE 7.31 2.8966 4.6461 11RRCSKASAH19
17Cup s 7.0101 BBP47166 7.31 2.8966 4.6461 61RRCSKASAH69
18Api m 5.0101 B2D0J4 7.56 2.7149 4.5347 267IKYPKAGTT275
19Eur m 14 6492307 7.68 2.6328 4.4843 799VKDQKMGYE807
20Sola t 2 P16348 7.69 2.6213 4.4773 130VKLSNFGYN138
21Act d 7.0101 P85076 7.71 2.6102 4.4705 128YQCSFVGYQ136
22Poly s 5.0101 Q7Z156 7.96 2.4306 4.3604 6IKCSKVAHT14
23Poly p 5.0101 VA52_POLPI 7.96 2.4306 4.3604 6IKCSKVAHT14
24Poly p 5.0102 VA5_POLPI 7.96 2.4306 4.3604 6IKCSKVAHT14
25Der p 14.0101 20385544 8.03 2.3783 4.3283 793VKDHKMGYE801
26Lup an 1.0101 169950562 8.11 2.3236 4.2948 374VRVSKKQIQ382
27Der f 33.0101 AIO08861 8.16 2.2897 4.2740 7LHVGQAGVQ15
28Sol s 2.0101 84380786 8.17 2.2827 4.2697 106TQCSKSNRQ114
29Bla g 11.0101 Q2L7A6_BLAGE 8.28 2.2000 4.2190 197VDCGVAGFR205
30Zea m 8.0101 CHIA_MAIZE 8.33 2.1676 4.1991 34FCCSKFGYC42
31Cari p 2.0101 PAPA2_CARPA 8.40 2.1204 4.1702 188VDCDKHSYG196
32Sola m 1.0101 QEQ43417 8.44 2.0868 4.1496 48DRCSRSGVN56
33Pol d 3.0101 XP_015174445 8.47 2.0652 4.1364 266IKYPKAGTP274
34Jun a 7.0101 CMLN_JUNAS 8.50 2.0483 4.1260 53LKNSKGGHK61
35Cup s 7.0102 CMLN1_CUPSE 8.50 2.0483 4.1260 53LKNSKGGHK61
36Cry j 7.0101 CMLN_CRYJA 8.50 2.0483 4.1260 53LKNSKGGHK61
37Cup s 7.0101 BBP47166 8.50 2.0483 4.1260 103LKNSKGGHK111
38Ara h 1 P43238 8.50 2.0453 4.1242 60SRCTKLEYD68
39Ara h 1 P43237 8.50 2.0453 4.1242 58SRCTKLEYD66
40Per a 11.0101 AKH04310 8.53 2.0230 4.1105 226NRNSDAGYC234
41Cop c 3 5689671 8.53 2.0216 4.1096 160LNVTDASYN168
42Pla a 2 51316214 8.55 2.0137 4.1048 61CKGSKIGFQ69
43Pla or 2.0101 162949338 8.55 2.0137 4.1048 62CKGSKIGFQ70
44Ole e 1 P19963 8.57 1.9946 4.0931 51VTFTEVGYT59
45Lig v 1 O82015 8.57 1.9946 4.0931 51VTFTEVGYT59
46Fra e 1.0102 56122438 8.57 1.9946 4.0931 51VTFTEVGYT59
47Fra e 1.0101 33327133 8.57 1.9946 4.0931 51VTFTEVGYT59
48Ole e 1.0102 473106 8.57 1.9946 4.0931 51VTFTEVGYT59
49Chi t 6.0201 1707911 8.64 1.9456 4.0630 27IRASWAGVK35
50Sal k 6.0101 ARS33724 8.65 1.9389 4.0589 325VKLSKISFK333

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 11.372173
Standard deviation: 1.403744
1 0.5 2
2 1.0 1
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 1
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 1
12 6.0 1
13 6.5 1
14 7.0 2
15 7.5 8
16 8.0 7
17 8.5 9
18 9.0 40
19 9.5 58
20 10.0 60
21 10.5 190
22 11.0 198
23 11.5 301
24 12.0 273
25 12.5 266
26 13.0 145
27 13.5 66
28 14.0 30
29 14.5 17
30 15.0 7
31 15.5 4
32 16.0 4
33 16.5 1
34 17.0 3

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 17.943812
Standard deviation: 2.289614
1 0.5 2
2 1.0 1
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 1
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 1
12 6.0 1
13 6.5 1
14 7.0 2
15 7.5 8
16 8.0 7
17 8.5 13
18 9.0 41
19 9.5 63
20 10.0 85
21 10.5 243
22 11.0 370
23 11.5 766
24 12.0 1239
25 12.5 1938
26 13.0 3036
27 13.5 5131
28 14.0 7163
29 14.5 9445
30 15.0 13025
31 15.5 16413
32 16.0 20169
33 16.5 24331
34 17.0 28880
35 17.5 31778
36 18.0 33000
37 18.5 34471
38 19.0 33348
39 19.5 31229
40 20.0 27592
41 20.5 23164
42 21.0 18676
43 21.5 13371
44 22.0 9611
45 22.5 5819
46 23.0 3294
47 23.5 1553
48 24.0 603
49 24.5 240
50 25.0 59
51 25.5 14
Query sequence: VRCSKAGYQ

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