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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: CEKTSKTWS

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Art c 1.0101 AHF71023 0.00 6.7950 7.8136 6CEKTSKTWS14
2Art ab 1.0101 AHF71021 0.00 6.7950 7.8136 6CEKTSKTWS14
3Art si 1.0101 ANC85015 0.00 6.7950 7.8136 30CEKTSKTWS38
4Art si 1.0102 ANC85016 0.00 6.7950 7.8136 30CEKTSKTWS38
5Art ca 1.0101 ANC85010 0.00 6.7950 7.8136 30CEKTSKTWS38
6Art f 1.0101 AHF71024 0.00 6.7950 7.8136 6CEKTSKTWS14
7Art t 1.0101 AHF71026 0.00 6.7950 7.8136 6CEKTSKTWS14
8Art an 1.0102 ANC85006 0.00 6.7950 7.8136 30CEKTSKTWS38
9Art gm 1.0101 ANC85011 1.15 6.0897 7.3012 30CEKTSKTYS38
10Art la 1.0101 ANC85013 1.15 6.0897 7.3012 30CEKTSKTYS38
11Art ar 1.0101 ANC85008 1.15 6.0897 7.3012 30CEKTSKTYS38
12Art l 1.0101 AHF71025 1.15 6.0897 7.3012 6CEKTSKTYS14
13Art ar 1.0102 ANC85009 1.15 6.0897 7.3012 30CEKTSKTYS38
14Art v 1.0101 27818334 1.15 6.0897 7.3012 30CEKTSKTYS38
15Art la 1.0102 ANC85014 1.15 6.0897 7.3012 30CEKTSKTYS38
16Api g 7.0101 QUJ17885 3.41 4.7006 6.2920 45CEKPSQTWT53
17Par h 1.0101 A0A0X9C7K4_PARHY 4.55 3.9992 5.7823 31CEKPSKTWF39
18Amb a 4.0101 291197394 4.74 3.8820 5.6972 23CEKPSVTWS31
19Aes h 1.0101 DEF1_AESH 5.67 3.3071 5.2795 3NERPSQTWS11
20Aln g 1 7430710 5.76 3.2550 5.2416 65YEKYGKTWG73
21Api m 12.0101 Q868N5 6.73 2.6597 4.8091 302MEKTSKPLP310
22Der f 28.0201 AIO08848 6.90 2.5533 4.7318 271CERAKRTLS279
23Der p 28.0101 QAT18639 6.90 2.5533 4.7318 271CERAKRTLS279
24Pen c 19 Q92260 6.90 2.5533 4.7318 135CERAKRTLS143
25Tyr p 28.0101 AOD75395 6.90 2.5533 4.7318 269CERAKRTLS277
26Der f 28.0101 L7V065_DERFA 6.90 2.5533 4.7318 268CERAKRTLS276
27Cla h 5.0101 P40918 6.90 2.5533 4.7318 265CERAKRTLS273
28Alt a 7 P42058 7.03 2.4725 4.6731 94WDKTGKQWQ102
29gal d 6.0101 P87498 7.18 2.3811 4.6067 1243AKKQSKTTS1251
30Gal d 6.0101 VIT1_CHICK 7.18 2.3811 4.6067 1243AKKQSKTTS1251
31Ves s 1.0101 3989146 7.32 2.2964 4.5452 249QSKSSKSIS257
32Ory s 1 8118423 7.43 2.2275 4.4950 202MEANSQSWT210
33Can f 8.0101 F1PHB6_CANLF 7.49 2.1906 4.4683 28EEKTNETYQ36
34Fel d 3 17939981 7.49 2.1906 4.4683 28EEKTNETYQ36
35Der p 14.0101 20385544 7.54 2.1579 4.4445 422CEKTNDCAT430
36Bos d 8 162935 7.71 2.0564 4.3708 2CEKDERFFS10
37Bos d 8 1228078 7.71 2.0564 4.3708 32CEKDERFFS40
38Bos d 8 162811 7.71 2.0564 4.3708 32CEKDERFFS40
39Bos d 12.0101 CASK_BOVIN 7.71 2.0564 4.3708 32CEKDERFFS40
40Cul q 2.01 Q95V92_CULQU 7.92 1.9241 4.2746 77FDESSKTFK85
41Can f 5.0101 P09582 7.94 1.9111 4.2652 31CLKNSQPWQ39
42Rap v 2.0101 QPB41107 8.08 1.8281 4.2049 10VRKVSRTYN18
43Bomb m 4.0101 NP_001037486 8.14 1.7876 4.1755 137KDKTSKKVS145
44Sal s 6.0101 XP_014059932 8.14 1.7869 4.1749 68CEDTSDCPN76
45Sal s 6.0102 XP_014048044 8.14 1.7869 4.1749 68CEDTSDCPN76
46Mes a 1.0101 MSP_MESAU 8.21 1.7483 4.1469 107VEKADDTMT115
47Eur m 14 6492307 8.35 1.6593 4.0823 428CEKSADCAS436
48Cyn d 15 32344781 8.35 1.6584 4.0816 60MTKSGDSWT68
49Mala s 10 28564467 8.39 1.6351 4.0646 271CERLKKVLS279
50Hev b 3 O82803 8.39 1.6349 4.0645 192TEKITKVFG200

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 11.050425
Standard deviation: 1.626267
1 0.5 8
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 7
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 1
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 2
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 2
13 6.5 0
14 7.0 7
15 7.5 7
16 8.0 7
17 8.5 12
18 9.0 33
19 9.5 62
20 10.0 105
21 10.5 204
22 11.0 270
23 11.5 404
24 12.0 213
25 12.5 170
26 13.0 95
27 13.5 32
28 14.0 28
29 14.5 8
30 15.0 10
31 15.5 5
32 16.0 4
33 16.5 0
34 17.0 1
35 17.5 0
36 18.0 0
37 18.5 0
38 19.0 0
39 19.5 0
40 20.0 0
41 20.5 0

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 17.489227
Standard deviation: 2.238292
1 0.5 8
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 7
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 1
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 2
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 2
13 6.5 0
14 7.0 7
15 7.5 7
16 8.0 7
17 8.5 12
18 9.0 38
19 9.5 80
20 10.0 134
21 10.5 334
22 11.0 615
23 11.5 1207
24 12.0 1723
25 12.5 2934
26 13.0 4894
27 13.5 6448
28 14.0 9077
29 14.5 11887
30 15.0 15656
31 15.5 19679
32 16.0 23656
33 16.5 28957
34 17.0 31632
35 17.5 34121
36 18.0 35015
37 18.5 34929
38 19.0 32376
39 19.5 28973
40 20.0 24243
41 20.5 18851
42 21.0 13308
43 21.5 8721
44 22.0 5425
45 22.5 2975
46 23.0 1405
47 23.5 649
48 24.0 155
49 24.5 41
50 25.0 6
Query sequence: CEKTSKTWS

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