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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: CPVCRQDIQ

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PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Tri a 41.0101 A0A0G3F2P1_WHEAT 0.00 7.8988 7.6678 44CPVCRQDIQ52
2Ara h 13.0101 DEF2_ARAHY 6.45 3.4595 4.9494 64SGVCRDDFR72
3Ara h 13.0102 DEF3_ARAHY 6.45 3.4595 4.9494 57SGVCRDDFR65
4Fel d 1 1364212 6.92 3.1318 4.7487 21CPAVKRDVD29
5Fel d 1 P30439 6.92 3.1318 4.7487 21CPAVKRDVD29
6Fel d 1 163825 6.92 3.1318 4.7487 25CPAVKRDVD33
7Fel d 1 1364213 6.92 3.1318 4.7487 25CPAVKRDVD33
8Fel d 1 P30438 6.92 3.1318 4.7487 25CPAVKRDVD33
9Fel d 1 163827 6.92 3.1318 4.7487 21CPAVKRDVD29
10Lin u 1.01 Q8LPD3_LINUS 7.42 2.7870 4.5376 116IGQMRQDIQ124
11Lin u 1 Q8LPD3_LINUS 7.42 2.7870 4.5376 116IGQMRQDIQ124
12Cup s 3.0102 38456228 7.47 2.7533 4.5169 141APACKADIN149
13Jun a 3 P81295 7.47 2.7533 4.5169 141APACKADIN149
14Cup s 3.0101 38456226 7.47 2.7533 4.5169 141APACKADIN149
15Cup a 3 9929163 7.47 2.7533 4.5169 115APACKADIN123
16Gos h 3 P09802 7.59 2.6744 4.4686 70VSVMRQTIE78
17Bra j 1 P80207 7.59 2.6723 4.4674 6FPRCRKEFQ14
18Api m 12.0101 Q868N5 7.67 2.6148 4.4321 1687CTIHRTQVK1695
19Der f 33.0101 AIO08861 7.69 2.6044 4.4258 217YDICRRNLN225
20Blo t 4.0101 33667932 7.74 2.5710 4.4053 160CPTSNLDIQ168
21Der p 33.0101 QAT18644 7.76 2.5550 4.3955 210YDICRRNLD218
22Bra n 1 P80208 7.87 2.4829 4.3514 7IPKCRKEFQ15
23Sin a 1 1009438 7.87 2.4829 4.3514 7IPKCRKEFQ15
24Sin a 1 1009436 7.87 2.4829 4.3514 7IPKCRKEFQ15
25Sin a 1 1009440 7.87 2.4829 4.3514 7IPKCRKEFQ15
26Sin a 1 1009434 7.87 2.4829 4.3514 7IPKCRKEFQ15
27Sin a 1 7545129 7.87 2.4829 4.3514 7IPKCRKEFQ15
28Bra r 1 Q42473 7.87 2.4829 4.3514 44IPKCRKEFQ52
29Sin a 1 P15322 7.87 2.4829 4.3514 7IPKCRKEFQ15
30Sin a 1 1009442 7.87 2.4829 4.3514 7IPKCRKEFQ15
31Sola t 2 P16348 7.91 2.4544 4.3339 150CPFCRDDNF158
32Cand a 1 576627 7.95 2.4231 4.3147 43SGVCHTDLH51
33Cand a 1 P43067 7.95 2.4231 4.3147 43SGVCHTDLH51
34Eur m 14 6492307 8.12 2.3058 4.2429 815TPLVDMDIQ823
35Aln g 1 7430710 8.13 2.2991 4.2388 375QRVCKKDVE383
36Tri a 32.0101 34539782 8.31 2.1797 4.1657 43TPVCTTELA51
37Ric c 1 P01089 8.31 2.1762 4.1636 46SQQCRQEVQ54
38Sch c 1.0101 D8Q9M3 8.33 2.1619 4.1548 177WPVVKADLD185
39Tri a 45.0101 A0A0G3F715_WHEAT 8.34 2.1532 4.1495 49CQICQESFS57
40Cla h 10.0101 P40108 8.41 2.1060 4.1205 154IGVCRSDHS162
41Ves v 2.0201 60203063 8.43 2.0944 4.1135 114RPIFRRNVD122
42Ses i 1 13183175 8.44 2.0866 4.1087 41SQQCRQQLQ49
43Asp n 14 2181180 8.49 2.0522 4.0876 250MNITQQDLS258
44Asp n 14 4235093 8.49 2.0522 4.0876 250MNITQQDLS258
45Bom p 4.0101 Q7M4I3 8.51 2.0403 4.0803 157VPVVRNKVC165
46Pis v 2.0201 110349084 8.54 2.0216 4.0689 79VAVFRHTIQ87
47Pis v 2.0101 110349082 8.54 2.0216 4.0689 79VAVFRHTIQ87
48Tri a 37.0101 4007850 8.59 1.9842 4.0460 53AGVCRCKIS61
49Der f 16.0101 21591547 8.62 1.9661 4.0349 105YPVQHREIE113
50Zan b 2.0101 QYU76045 8.62 1.9616 4.0321 20VAVFRHRIQ28

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 11.472343
Standard deviation: 1.452425
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 2
14 7.0 6
15 7.5 6
16 8.0 18
17 8.5 11
18 9.0 32
19 9.5 57
20 10.0 116
21 10.5 132
22 11.0 180
23 11.5 271
24 12.0 250
25 12.5 211
26 13.0 222
27 13.5 93
28 14.0 42
29 14.5 20
30 15.0 8
31 15.5 8
32 16.0 3
33 16.5 5
34 17.0 1
35 17.5 1
36 18.0 1
37 18.5 0
38 19.0 0
39 19.5 0

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 18.186913
Standard deviation: 2.371855
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 2
14 7.0 6
15 7.5 6
16 8.0 18
17 8.5 11
18 9.0 34
19 9.5 62
20 10.0 138
21 10.5 200
22 11.0 364
23 11.5 647
24 12.0 1202
25 12.5 1879
26 13.0 3242
27 13.5 5070
28 14.0 6362
29 14.5 8136
30 15.0 11086
31 15.5 14632
32 16.0 18139
33 16.5 22203
34 17.0 25811
35 17.5 29525
36 18.0 32252
37 18.5 32835
38 19.0 32936
39 19.5 31918
40 20.0 28828
41 20.5 25412
42 21.0 21198
43 21.5 16676
44 22.0 11454
45 22.5 8039
46 23.0 4669
47 23.5 2778
48 24.0 1391
49 24.5 608
50 25.0 298
51 25.5 102
52 26.0 23
Query sequence: CPVCRQDIQ

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