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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: DYFSSSLKI

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Sal k 2.0101 22726221 0.00 7.0011 6.8901 71DYFSSSLKI79
2Gal d 2 P01012 5.77 3.1517 4.6541 304DVFSSSANL312
3Gal d 2 808974 5.77 3.1517 4.6541 305DVFSSSANL313
4Gal d 2 808969 5.77 3.1517 4.6541 305DVFSSSANL313
5Tri a 3 972513 6.13 2.9132 4.5156 102EVFSTDFKI110
6Tyr p 1.0101 ABM53753 6.15 2.9015 4.5088 49NYFNSLTKI57
7gal d 6.0101 P87498 6.37 2.7512 4.4215 87SSFSRSLKL95
8Gal d 6.0101 VIT1_CHICK 6.37 2.7512 4.4215 87SSFSRSLKL95
9Gly m conglycinin 256427 6.74 2.5032 4.2774 271DIFLSSVDI279
10Sor h 13.0101 A0A077B155_SORHL 6.79 2.4736 4.2603 96DYLTGPLNF104
11Tab y 2.0101 304273371 6.81 2.4563 4.2502 144DYQNLSLKL152
12Act d 6.0101 27544452 6.88 2.4144 4.2259 4SYCSSSLFV12
13Bla g 12.0101 AII81930 6.90 2.3957 4.2150 400DYVVPTLQI408
14Coc n 1.0101 A0A0S3B0K0_COCNU 6.92 2.3840 4.2082 235DYLSSIMQL243
15Tri a glutenin 22090 7.02 2.3206 4.1714 494GYYSSSLQQ502
16Ves v 2.0201 60203063 7.04 2.3028 4.1610 153NRFETSAKI161
17Pla or 1.0101 162949336 7.11 2.2587 4.1354 115DYASANVKM123
18Pla a 1 29839547 7.11 2.2587 4.1354 124DYASANVKM132
19Asc s 13.0101 GST1_ASCSU 7.15 2.2294 4.1184 173DFLSGHLQL181
20Asc l 13.0101w GST1_ASCSU 7.15 2.2294 4.1184 173DFLSGHLQL181
21Api m 11.0101 58585070 7.17 2.2207 4.1134 23RNLTNSLKV31
22Mala f 4 4587985 7.20 2.1975 4.0999 114DLFNSNASI122
23Sch c 1.0101 D8Q9M3 7.20 2.1956 4.0988 102SYVSSQQKL110
24Pan h 2.0101 XP_034156632 7.23 2.1799 4.0897 305TKFTSSVDI313
25Lol p 5 Q40237 7.24 2.1754 4.0870 221NTFNNAIKV229
26Len c 1.0101 29539109 7.29 2.1366 4.0645 258DIFVNSVEI266
27Len c 1.0102 29539111 7.29 2.1366 4.0645 258DIFVNSVEI266
28Der f 21.0101 ALL21_DERFA 7.34 2.1059 4.0467 82NYLRGALKF90
29Gal d vitellogenin 63887 7.35 2.0993 4.0429 87DPFTRSSKI95
30Gal d vitellogenin 212881 7.35 2.0993 4.0429 87DPFTRSSKI95
31Hol l 5.0201 2266623 7.36 2.0939 4.0397 123DKIDASFKI131
32Pis v 2.0201 110349084 7.40 2.0670 4.0241 435DVIQNSFDI443
33Pis s 1.0102 CAF25233 7.42 2.0515 4.0151 258DIFVNSVDI266
34Pis s 1.0101 CAF25232 7.42 2.0515 4.0151 258DIFVNSVDI266
35Per a 3.0101 Q25641 7.42 2.0510 4.0148 209AYFTSDVNL217
36Pon l 7.0101 P05547 7.45 2.0311 4.0032 100EYFDHTAQI108
37Jun v 1.0101 Q9LLT1 7.49 2.0082 3.9899 328AYFVSSGKI336
38Jun o 1 15139849 7.49 2.0082 3.9899 328AYFVSSGKI336
39Jun v 1.0102 8843917 7.49 2.0082 3.9899 328AYFVSSGKI336
40Gly m Bd28K 12697782 7.51 1.9913 3.9801 84QYLDSNLII92
41Mala s 12.0101 78038796 7.52 1.9877 3.9780 496NYFAENLDL504
42Asp f 18.0101 2143219 7.59 1.9366 3.9483 354DIFAPGLNI362
43Pen ch 18 7963902 7.59 1.9366 3.9483 350DIFAPGLNI358
44Cla c 9.0101 148361511 7.59 1.9366 3.9483 226DIFAPGLNI234
45Cla h 9.0101 60116876 7.59 1.9366 3.9483 356DIFAPGLNI364
46Rho m 2.0101 Q32ZM1 7.59 1.9366 3.9483 241DIFAPGLNI249
47Alt a 15.0101 A0A0F6N3V8_ALTAL 7.59 1.9366 3.9483 326DIFAPGLNI334
48Cur l 4.0101 193507493 7.59 1.9366 3.9483 355DIFAPGLNI363
49Fus p 9.0101 A0A0U1Y1N5_GIBIN 7.59 1.9366 3.9483 220DIFAPGLNI228
50Pen o 18 12005497 7.59 1.9366 3.9483 353DIFAPGLNI361

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 10.496491
Standard deviation: 1.499272
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 3
13 6.5 4
14 7.0 6
15 7.5 25
16 8.0 32
17 8.5 95
18 9.0 94
19 9.5 142
20 10.0 183
21 10.5 245
22 11.0 277
23 11.5 188
24 12.0 177
25 12.5 92
26 13.0 57
27 13.5 36
28 14.0 19
29 14.5 11
30 15.0 1
31 15.5 5
32 16.0 2
33 16.5 2
34 17.0 0
35 17.5 0
36 18.0 0

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 17.784136
Standard deviation: 2.581119
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 3
13 6.5 4
14 7.0 6
15 7.5 25
16 8.0 34
17 8.5 109
18 9.0 110
19 9.5 235
20 10.0 349
21 10.5 641
22 11.0 1002
23 11.5 1742
24 12.0 2376
25 12.5 3323
26 13.0 4903
27 13.5 6708
28 14.0 9435
29 14.5 12057
30 15.0 14521
31 15.5 18072
32 16.0 21255
33 16.5 24271
34 17.0 25982
35 17.5 29278
36 18.0 30702
37 18.5 30829
38 19.0 29473
39 19.5 27976
40 20.0 25216
41 20.5 21227
42 21.0 17332
43 21.5 13147
44 22.0 9971
45 22.5 7119
46 23.0 4728
47 23.5 2776
48 24.0 1811
49 24.5 800
50 25.0 368
51 25.5 223
52 26.0 49
53 26.5 8
Query sequence: DYFSSSLKI

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