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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
Alphabetical listing of allergens: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: FYKVDVDEQ

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PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Mala s 13.0101 91680611 0.00 7.4316 6.9966 53FYKVDVDEQ61
2Zea m 25.0101 Q4W1F7 4.03 4.6177 5.4350 75FLKVDVDEM83
3Asp f 29.0101 91680608 4.26 4.4622 5.3487 58FYEIDVDEL66
4Tri a 25.0101 Q9LDX4 4.36 4.3908 5.3091 72FLKVDVDEL80
5Plo i 2.0101 308193268 5.25 3.7732 4.9663 55VVKVDVDEC63
6Cor a 14.0101 226437844 5.39 3.6703 4.9092 27ITTVDVDED35
7Phl p 11.0101 23452313 5.56 3.5560 4.8458 59WYKIEIDQD67
8Lol p 11.0101 Q7M1X5 5.56 3.5560 4.8458 59WYKIEIDQD67
9Dic v a 763532 5.56 3.5545 4.8449 1415HYEIDVDEA1423
10Cyn d 15 32344781 6.03 3.2282 4.6639 44ITQVDVREH52
11Mes a 1.0101 MSP_MESAU 6.17 3.1267 4.6075 116FHNVNVDDS124
12Fel d 3 17939981 6.31 3.0316 4.5548 54YIKVQVDDN62
13Cop c 2 Q9UW02 6.36 2.9955 4.5347 54FAKVDVDTA62
14Asp f 28.0101 91680606 6.39 2.9756 4.5236 55FIQVDVDKV63
15Asp f 22.0101 13925873 6.41 2.9596 4.5148 252FYKADVKKY260
16Lep w 1.0101 208608077 6.54 2.8736 4.4671 47FNKIDQDES55
17Pis v 3.0101 133711973 6.58 2.8429 4.4500 226FYIVNTDEN234
18Der p 29.0101 QAT18640 6.80 2.6874 4.3637 89FFDIRVDNQ97
19Api m 12.0101 Q868N5 6.88 2.6363 4.3354 723FTKLDTNRQ731
20Fus c 2 19879659 7.12 2.4658 4.2407 55FAKVNVDHV63
21Cav p 3.0101 325910592 7.19 2.4191 4.2148 113FYNHNTDET121
22Sol g 4.0201 7638030 7.49 2.2066 4.0969 17IYAVDIKEL25
23Sol g 4.0101 Q9NH75 7.49 2.2066 4.0969 17IYAVDIKEL25
24Act d 7.0101 P85076 7.52 2.1873 4.0862 48FEYVDVDKK56
25Alt a 8.0101 P0C0Y4 7.55 2.1688 4.0759 76AYKCQVNEY84
26Cla c 14.0101 301015198 7.55 2.1679 4.0754 285LFRFDFNED293
27Fus p 4.0101 AHY02994 7.55 2.1679 4.0754 285LFRFDFNED293
28Blo t 11 21954740 7.61 2.1220 4.0499 802VYKRQMQEQ810
29Der p 11 37778944 7.61 2.1220 4.0499 802VYKRQMQEQ810
30Aed a 6.0101 Q1HR57_AEDAE 7.61 2.1210 4.0494 25LWKLDVKTK33
31Cuc ma 5.0101 2SS_CUCMA 7.63 2.1110 4.0438 27ITTVEVEEN35
32Ory s 1 8118439 7.66 2.0914 4.0330 196VVKVELKEK204
33Fel d 2 P49064 7.70 2.0585 4.0147 512FSALQVDET520
34Ves v 6.0101 G8IIT0 7.81 1.9850 3.9739 1113FVKPDLQEN1121
35Lyc e 4.0101 2887310 7.85 1.9551 3.9573 158CLRLNIDEK166
36Hom s 1.0101 2723284 7.85 1.9536 3.9565 606WSTVNLDEE614
37Hom s 1 2342526 7.85 1.9536 3.9565 563WSTVNLDEE571
38Api m 11.0201 62910925 7.88 1.9353 3.9463 125VYRIAIDEW133
39Uro m 1.0201 A0A4D6G2J8_9POAL 7.94 1.8929 3.9228 159IVAVDIKEK167
40Der f 11.0101 13785807 7.99 1.8591 3.9040 180SLKVQLDEE188
41Hom s 3 929619 8.04 1.8225 3.8837 100VYQLKVDSS108
42Eur m 3 O97370 8.08 1.7932 3.8675 168MYRVDIDIV176
43Ric c 1 P01089 8.09 1.7918 3.8667 29ITTIEIDES37
44Jun a 3 P81295 8.09 1.7890 3.8652 26VVKFDIKNQ34
45Pac c 3.0101 VA5_BRACH 8.09 1.7872 3.8642 37ILKVHNDER45
46Der p 14.0101 20385544 8.10 1.7827 3.8616 219VTEVDCEER227
47Ory s 1 8118421 8.11 1.7730 3.8563 259VYKSNVQAK267
48Cav p 4.0101 Q6WDN9_CAVPO 8.14 1.7551 3.8463 512FSALHVDET520
49Pen c 22.0101 13991101 8.16 1.7423 3.8392 252FYKTDAKKY260
50Equ c 1 Q95182 8.16 1.7378 3.8367 122LYLVNFDKD130

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 10.656094
Standard deviation: 1.433897
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 3
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 2
12 6.0 3
13 6.5 6
14 7.0 4
15 7.5 4
16 8.0 17
17 8.5 40
18 9.0 58
19 9.5 133
20 10.0 171
21 10.5 338
22 11.0 290
23 11.5 288
24 12.0 126
25 12.5 86
26 13.0 54
27 13.5 22
28 14.0 17
29 14.5 6
30 15.0 7
31 15.5 11
32 16.0 4
33 16.5 3
34 17.0 1
35 17.5 0
36 18.0 1
37 18.5 1
38 19.0 0

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 18.077335
Standard deviation: 2.583730
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 3
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 2
12 6.0 3
13 6.5 6
14 7.0 4
15 7.5 4
16 8.0 17
17 8.5 40
18 9.0 70
19 9.5 166
20 10.0 256
21 10.5 536
22 11.0 861
23 11.5 1248
24 12.0 1862
25 12.5 2633
26 13.0 4044
27 13.5 5987
28 14.0 8165
29 14.5 9708
30 15.0 13064
31 15.5 16059
32 16.0 19199
33 16.5 22549
34 17.0 25558
35 17.5 27634
36 18.0 29831
37 18.5 30521
38 19.0 30079
39 19.5 29616
40 20.0 25994
41 20.5 23560
42 21.0 18923
43 21.5 16045
44 22.0 12831
45 22.5 9054
46 23.0 5612
47 23.5 4123
48 24.0 2130
49 24.5 1171
50 25.0 614
51 25.5 210
52 26.0 143
53 26.5 45
Query sequence: FYKVDVDEQ

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